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.LABOR CONTRACT Party A (EmployerAddress: _ Legal Representative:_ Party B (EmployeeName: _ Gender: _ Date of Birth: _ Educational Level: _ Registered Permanent Residence:_Social Security No.: _Employment Registration Certificate No.: _ Contact: _This Contract is concluded on the basis of principles of lawfulness, fairness, equality, free will, negotiated consensus and good faith by and between the foresaid Party A and Party B in accordance withLabor Law of People s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations of China.Article 1 Term of the Contract:1. Fixed term: The Contract enters into force on (Year and terminates on during which there is month(s of probation period, which terminates on(Year.2. Open-ended term: The Contract enters into force onwhich there is month(s of probation period, which terminates on (Month (Day,3. With completion of as the term: The Contract enters into force (Day, and terminates when the said work is completed.Article 2 Place of Work1. The place of work isArticle 3 Job Description2. Party B shall, according to Party As requirement and after negotiation, be engaged in _. Party A may reasonably and legitimately adjust Party Bs position according to its business requirements.3. The job contents and requirements that Party A arranges for Party B shall comply with the state provisions on labor standards and regulations made and publicizedby Party A in accordance with the law. Party B shall fulfill his/her labor obligations according to the job contents and requirements.4.Article 4 Working Hours, Rest and Vacations1. The Parties agree to determine the working hour pursuant to mode1 Standard working hour system.2 Working hour system of comprehensive calculation.3 Flexible working hour system.2. Party A shall strictly abide by legal working time and have control of overtime, so as to ensure Party Bs rest and physical and mental health. In case Party A has to arrange overtime work for Party B due to business requirement, it shall firstly negotiate with and acquire the approval of the labor union and Party B and shall arrange Party B to take compensatory leave afterwards or pay Party B for overtime work according to law.3. Party A shall provide Party B with paid annual leave in accordance with relevant laws.Article 5 Labor Protection and Working Conditions1. Party A shall inform Party B of those jobs that may cause potential occupational diseases and shall provide safety and health education to Party B to avoid industrial accidents and reduce occupational hazards.2. Party A must provide safe and healthy working conditions and necessary labor protection articles which comply with regulations of the state. If Party B is to be engaged in work with occupational hazards, Party A shall provide a regular medical check and arrange Party B to conduct occupational health examination before terminating the Contract.3. Party B shall strictly follow the safe operation rules, and has the right to refuse to obey Party As illegal command or take forced risky works.4. Party A shall provide protection to Party B in accordance with relevant state regulations on special protection for female worker and minors.5. Party A shall implement state provisions on medical treatment period of the employees suffering from illness or non-work-related injuries.Article 6 Labor RemunerationWage shall be paid by Party A to Party B at least once a month in monetary form and shall not be deducted or delayed without reason.1. Party A promises to pay the wage on the day every month.2. The monthly wage of probation period is RMB .3. The Parties agree to determine the payment pursuant to mode1 Party A shall determine Party B s wage according to its wage distribution system formulated in accordance with the law and Party B per month.2 In case of combining basic wage with performance wage, Party B s basic wage is determined to per month. Thereafter Party A may change the wage of Party B from time to time based on the wage distribution system. Party A will provide a performance bond in accordance with Party Bs performance, achievement and actual contribution.3 In case of piecework wages, Party A shall follow a scientific and reasonable way to determine Party B s work load. The determined work load shall be one that can be completed by more than 90 labors at the same position in the unit within the statutory working hours. Party A shall pay wages to Party B according to the piece rate and wage quota agreed upon and Party B s performance.44. Party A may reasonably raise Party B s wage according to the business efficiency, salary increase guidelines released by the local government and guidance wage levels. Party Bs wage growth shall be determined pursuant to _ (collective salary negotiation system, or internal wage increasing mechanism.Article 7 Social Welfare & Benefits1. Both parties hereto shall attend social insurance and pay social insurance charges on time. The part that shall be paid by Party B according to law will be withheld from Party Bs wages and paid by Party A.2. Party A shall make public various social insurance premiums paid for Party B. Party B shall have the right to inquire Party As payment of premiums and Party A shall provide assistance.3. In case of occupational disease or industrial injury suffered by Party B, Party A shall be responsible for timely treatment of Party B or provide assistance, apply to the labor and social security administrative department for industrial injury recognition within specified time period, go through working capability appraisal according to law and perform necessary obligations for Party Bs receiving of industrial injury medical treatment.4. Party B shall receive relevant welfare and benefits as stipulated by the state according to law and Party A shall implement accordingly.Article 8 Terms for NegotiationThe two parties, after full discussion and consultation, agree to the following_ terms.1. Where Party Bs job is related to Party As commercial secrets, Party A may enter into confidentiality agreement or non-competition agreement with Party B.2. Where Party A provides special funding for Party Bs professional technical training, it may conclude an agreement specifying a term of service with Party B. 3. Party A shall, in accordance with state provisions on welfare, provide Party B benefits as follows: _ _ 4. Other terms that shall be agreed upon by both parties: _ _ _ Article 9 Settlement of Labor Disputes 1. The Contract once concluded in accordance with the law shall possess legal binding force. The parties involved must comprehensively fulfill and strictly carry out the obligations of modification, rescission, termination, renewal or economic compensation stipulated in the Contract 2. Any labor dispute arising from or related to the performance of this Contract shall be settled through negotiation. In case both parties are unwilling to settle the dispute through negotiation or no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case may be submitted to the labor dispute mediation committee of the unit; in case the mediation fails, the case may be submitted for arbitration or legal action. The party who applies for arbitration shall submit written application to the labor dispute arbitration committee within sixty days of the day on which the labor dispute happens. 3. Where Party A violates labor laws, regulations and rules impairing Party Bs legitimate rights, Party B shall have the right to report to the administrative department of labor security and relevant department. 6 Article 10 Miscellaneous 1. During the term of the Labor Contract, when Party Bs registered permanent residence, current residential address or contact changes, it shall notify Party A in time. 2. Other issues not mentioned herein shall be subject to relevant laws and regulations of the state. In case therere no relevant regulations, the issue may be settled by both parties through negotiation. 3. This Contract shall not be altered. 4. If the labor contract is written in both Chinese and a foreign language, the Chinese version shall prevail where there are discrepancies between the two. 5. This Contract is in duplicate; each of the two parties shall hold one original copy. 6. The following Appendixes are integral parts of this . Contract: Signature of Legal Representative: or Signature of Entrusted Agent: Signature of Party B: Official Seal of Party A: Date: Date: Official Seal of the Verification Organization: Verifier: 7 欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用致力于合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求Ppt课件制作设计,word文档制作、图文设计制作、发布广告等,秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意!感谢您下载我们文档精选资料

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