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.Construction Contract工 程 合 同 PO No.: XXXXXXXBuyer:. Date of signature: 甲方: 签约日期: Seller: 乙方: This Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller: Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 甲乙双方经友好协商,一致就供应下列产品,达成如下条款:1. Scope of Supply and Price 工作范围及价格明细ItemNo.序号Codes & Standard材料规格型号Qty数量Unit单位Unit Price (RMB)单价(元)Total Price (RMB)总金额(元)1Item, etc. 材料 16530KG2.9047,937.002Item, etc. 材料 5070KG4.8024,336.003Construction cost 邯郸施工费18,000.004Freight 运费6,000.005Export packing cost 出口包装费13,000.006Third party inspection 第三方检测费9,500.00合计人民币金额大写:壹拾壹万捌仟柒佰柒拾叁圆整小写:¥118,773.002. Technical Requirement, Quality Requirement, Standard & Warranty Period:Seller shall carried out the construction in strict accordance with the National Standard and the requirements stipulated in the Technical Agreement No. _which both party signed (see attached documents). The warranty period shall be 1 year after placement of Goods in service.技术要求、质量要求、技术标准和质保期限: 按国家标准和双方签定的技术协议(编号:_见附件)施工,质保期为投产后1年。3. Job Sites: 施工地点: 4. Construction Equipment, Tools & Field Personnel Management: 施工设备工具及现场人员管理:(1) All the construction equipment and tools shall be provided by Seller.所有施工用设备及工具由乙方自带。 (2) Buyer will coordinate and arrange the electricity and water supply on the site.现场施工用水电由甲方协调安排。 (3) Buyer will be responsible for all the lifting work during the construction on site.现场施工过程中的吊装工作由甲方负责。(4) Seller shall be responsible for the management of its field personnel safety; Seller should provide reasonable protection and insurance for its personnels safety. All the personnel injury and property damage caused by Sellers failure of management shall be borne by Seller.现场施工人员管理由乙方负责。乙方应对人员的安全等方面提供合理的保障,由于乙方管理原因造成的人身伤亡及财产损失由乙方承担。5. Construction Time, delay and Postpone 合同工期、工期延误、工期顺延:(1) Buyer shall issue a Notice to Seller about the construction one week prior the date of the construction start.甲方提前一周通知乙方施工时间。(2) Construction period will be 15 days from the date of issuance of the order to commence the construction from Buyer.自甲方发出开工令之日算起,工程工期15天。(3) Construction period may be postponed as Buyer agreed after he certified that the delay not caused by Seller.非乙方原因造成工期延误,须经甲方确认后工期顺延。(4) The start time of the construction shall be subject to the order to commence by Buyer. Seller shall unconditionally follow the overall project schedule of Buyer. Buyer shall be entitled to evaluate and adjust Sellers construction plan. 开工时间以甲方开工令为准。乙方应无条件服从甲方的整体进度计划,甲方有权对乙方制定的工期安排进行审核、调整。(5) Liquidated Damage: If seller fails to complete the construction on time as stipulated in the Contract, Seller agrees to pay a penalty at the rate of 1% of the Total Value per day of delay. No bonus for early completion.合同工期的延期损失赔偿费:工期每延期一天,乙方承担的工期违约罚款为乙方承包范围内的工程结算价款的1%。提前工期不予奖励。6. Standard and method of acceptance inspection: Subject to the requirement in the Attached Technical Agreement.验收标准、方法: 按照技术协议的要求进行验收。7. Payment Term 结算方式和期限: * (1) 50% of the Total Contract Value will be paid by T/T within 10 working days after the first lot of material arrived at the site and accepted by Buyer, Seller shall provide VAT invoice with the total contract value to Buyer. *第一批材料到现场后经甲方验收合格,乙方开具合同全额的17%增值税发票10个工作日内,付合同总金额50%。*(2) 40% of the Total Contract Value will be paid by T/T within 10 working days after the construction completed and accepted by Buyer. *施工完成经甲方验收合格10个工作日内支付合同总金额的40。(3) 10% of the Total Contract Value will be paid by T/T after one year normal operation of the facility and the Warranty Period expired. *剩下的10%作为质保金,设备正常运行1年后付清。(4) In case of the site construction in Iran, Buyer will be responsible for visa, round-trip fares and traveling expense, food and accommodation, and 30 US Dollar daily subsidies for each of Sellers construction personnel on Iran Site. All of the cost will be paid by T/T within 10 working days after the construction completed and Buyer received related bills provided by Seller and accepted these bills.若需乙方前往伊朗项目现场施工,甲方负责乙方施工人员的签证、往返车旅费、食宿,并补助乙方每人30美金/天。以上费用于现场施工完毕后,乙方提交相关票据,甲方收到票据核实无误10个工作日内结算。8. Delay and Penalty 违约责任: (1) If there is any defect or mistake of construction quality, Seller shall repair and replace immediately at its own cost. If Seller fails to solve defect or mistake could not be , Buyer shall have right to return the Goods and claim to Seller for loss there caused.如果乙方施工质量出现问题,乙方需无偿即时修复或更换,如再不能解决,甲方可向乙方退货、索赔。(2) In case Sellers construction can not accomplish as per Buyers project schedule, and failed to keep up with the schedule, thus to seriously influence the whole schedule, or Sellers poor quality of construction resulted Buyers whole project quality could not satisfy Owners quality standard, Seller shall compensate all Buyers loss there caused in addition to the normal delay penalty.如因乙方的原因使该项目的施工不能按照甲方的进度计划完成,并经甲方纠偏无效且实际影响了甲方的整个工程进度,或因该项目的验收质量导致甲方整个工程的质量达不到业主质量标准,除扣除正常的工期延期罚款外,经业主认定后乙方应赔偿由此给甲方造成的损失。9. Contract price and adjustments 合同价款及调整:(1) Contract price: The contract price is FFP (Firm Fixed Price), include tender documents, technical requirement, drawings, site inspection, risk premium, etc. The contract price will not be adjusted at settlement and during the whole project, if Buyer would not change the design and sign site visa. Contract price will not be adjusted and neither party could change it during contract execution. except the factor listed in Sub article 2.合同价款:合同价款采用固定合同总价的方式确定,招标文件、技术要求、图纸、现场考察、风险费等等全部包干,甲方不提出设计变更,现场签证,结算时合同价款不予调整。合同执行过程中其它任何一方不得擅自更改,除下列第2条中规定的调整因素需在结算时进行调整外,合同价款均不予调整。 (2) The adjustment factor of contract price:合同价款的调整因素: a. Change Order issued by Buyer ;甲方发出的变更或指令。b. Change of Material: if Buyer need to change the pourable material that Buyer has stipulated in the tender documents due to technical issue, Buyer and Seller would discuss and determine to the adjustment of the Contract Price after verifying the price of the material in the market.材料变更:对于甲方在招标文件中认定的浇注材料,如因甲方技术原因需要变更,经市场核实材料价格后,甲方与乙方协商对合同总价进行变更和确认。 10. Material Inspection 材料检验: (1) Inspection of Material and Facility: All the material and facility for this project shall be sampled and tested by Seller under supervision and witness of Buyer before putting into use , the sampling and testing shall be in strict compliance to laws and regulations, related standard and codes, and contracts requirement. 材料和设备的检验:本工程一切材料设备在用于本工程之前,均应按照法律、法规和有关标准、规范的规定以及本合同的约定,在甲方的监督、见证下,由乙方负责取样并做试块。(2) Program of Test:The program of test, including test time, place, method of sampling, and test frequency test items shall be prepared by Seller according to laws and regulations, related standard and codes, and contracts requirement, submitted to Buyer for confirmations, and performed after accepted by Buyer.检验内容:材料设备的检验时间和地点、取样办法、检验频次和内容由乙方根据法律、法规和有关标准、规范的规定以及本合同的约定提出,报甲方确认后施行。(3) Normal Check:Buyer will enter the construction site to supervise the construction quality at any reasonable time, and Seller should provide all the convenience assistance when Buyer enters.随时检查:甲方代表在一切合理的时间内均应能进入施工现场对工程质量进行监督,乙方应为他们进入上述场所提供一切便利和协助。11. Settlement of Disputes: 争议解决 All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached, either Party may be referred to institute legal proceedings to the court located at the prosecutors address, or at the place where the Purchase Contract was executed.解决合同纠纷方式如出现质量问题和工期延后问题,按合同执行或双方协商解决。协商不通,可在甲方所在地通过法律手段解决。12. others其他约定事项:(1) This Purchase Contract is in both Chinese and English. 本合同为中英文双语合同,如果双语之间出现任何矛盾,以中文为准。(2) This Purchase Contract shall be made in four originals, one for Seller and three for Buyer. All have the same legal force.本合同一式肆份,甲执三份,乙执一份。(3) This Purchase Contract will come to effective once it was signed by the legal persons or their authorized representatives of the two Parties and chopped with the stamps of the two Parties. Fax copy of the Contract signed by the two parties will have the same legal force.本合同双方代理人签字盖章后生效。(4) Technical Agreement and Technical data and documents will be the Attachment of this contract.技术协议和技术资料文件作为本合同的附件。(5) This Purchase Contract will come to effective on Feb 2nd, 2010 and will be expired on Feb 2nd, 2011.本合同有效期限:2010年2月2日至2011年2月2日.Buyer: Companys name: Address: Postcode: Contact: Fax: Tel: Bank: Accounts: Seller:Companys name: Address: Postcode: Contact: Fax:Tel: Bank: Accounts: 甲 方乙 方单位名称: 单位名称:单位地址: 单位地址:法人代表: 委托代理人: 法人代表: 委托代理人: 传真: 电话: 传真:电话:开户银行:工行惠新支行开户银行:账号: 邮编: 账号: 邮编: 5.


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