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.商务合同条款和翻译的注意事项及范例2006-5-31 18:52 商务合同已经成为职场中人必须掌握的一门知识,虽然具体事项各有不同,而且现在不论大小公司都会有自己的合同制式,但是清楚各项条款还是必须的。常见的书面文本有四种:Contract(合同), Confirmation(确议书), Agreement(协议)和Memorandum(备忘录)。前两者多用与商业中,其条款要详细切正规。而备忘录多用与团体和政府部门。合同要有正本(Original)和副本(Copy)。通常采用的格式是三部分:首部(Head),主体(Body)和尾部(End)。下面我们就列出一份通常采用的比较完整的合同条款:一、首部1. 合同的名称2. 合同的编号3. 签约日期4. 签约地点5. 买卖双方的名称、地址、联系方式6. 序言二、主体1. 货物的名称条款(Commodity and Specifications)2. 货物的品质条款(Quality)3. 数量条款(Quantity)4. 价格条款(Price)5. 装运时间条款(Time of Shipment)6. 保险条款(Insurance)7. 包装条款(Packing)8. 运输标志 /唛头(Shipping Mark)9. 保证条款(Guarantee of Quality)10. 检验索赔条款(Inspection and Claims)11. 支付条款(Terms of Payment)12. 运输方式(Terms of Shipment)13. 不可抗力条款(Force Majeure)14. 延期交货和惩罚条款(Late Delivery and Penalty)15. 仲裁条款(Arbitration)三、尾部(Remarks)1. 有效日期2. 所遵守法律(也可根据国际规定)3. 双方签名4. 合同的备注部分1. 货物的名称货物的名称必须准确、科学、规范,通常要包括品牌、属性和用途三个要素。比如:护彤小儿感冒颗粒,其中护彤是商品的品牌,小儿指属性,而感冒颗粒则说明用途。2. 品质条款货物的品质通常不容易向对方表达,但是我们也可以从下面几个方面来展示:1) 凭样品 (by sample)2) 凭标准 (by standard)3) 凭品牌 (by brand)4) 凭产地 (by origin)5) 凭规格 (by specification)6) 凭文字说明 (by description)我们来看一个例子:Chinese Groundnut, F.A.Q. Moisture (max 13%), Admixture (max 5%), Oil Content (min 44%)。 其中F.A.Q.是一个专业术语,是Fair Average Quality的缩写,意思就是“良好平均品质”。3. 数量条款数量条款包括计量单位,计量方法和具体数量三部分。下面我们来介绍一些国际常用的计量单位:1) 重量:用于一般的天然产品(羊毛,棉花,谷物,矿产品及部分工业制品)。常用单位:克(gramme - g);公斤(kg);盎司(ounce - oz);磅(pound - Lb);公吨(metric ton - M/T);长吨(long ton);短吨(short ton);等2) 个数:杂货及工业成品,如:成衣、文具、纸张、玩具等。常用单位:件(piece - pc);套(set);打(dozen);罗(gross - gr);令(ream - rm);卷(roll coil);等3) 面积:木板、玻璃、地毯、铁丝网等。常用单位:平方米(sq.m.);平方英尺(sq.ft.);平方码(sq.yd.)4) 长度:布匹,塑料布,电线电缆,绳索等。常用单位:米(m);英尺(ft);码(yd)5) 容积:部分谷物,小麦,玉米等,及流体物质和气体物品。常用单位:升(liter - L);加仑(gallon - gal);蒲式耳(bushel - bul)6) 体积:木材,钢材等,要用立方Cubic来表示。常用单位:立方米(cu.m.);立方英尺(cu.ft.);立方码(cu.yd.)我们在计算重量的时候,通常还有净重,毛重和皮重等方法这些用英语怎么表达呢?我们来看一下:净重net weight;毛重gross weight;皮重tare.在一些商品的包装上,我们经常看到gross for net这样的说明,其实这个意思是说“以毛作净”,也就是用毛重当作净重看待。 4. 价格条款价格条款中要包括计价单位,货币名称,单位价格金额和价格术语。比如:100. CIF. London each . dozen 这段描述的意思是到伦敦港的到岸价是每打100英镑。其中,CIF是贸易术语,是指“到岸价格”,是Cost Insurance and Freight的缩写。(贸易术语通常用来解释贸易运输风险转移或者卖方费用问题,共有13种,一般都要加上装运港或者目的港等的名称。)5. Time of Shipment = 装运时间装运时间通常要注明1)限定装船时间;2)限定最后日期;3)限定日(在收到信用证一段时间内,买方在银行为卖方开具证明,当买方付不到钱时由银行付款,但开证费用大。)6. Insurance = 保险条款保险条款 = 由谁办理(the insured) + 向谁办理 (the insurer) + 投保险别 (coverage) + 投保金额 (insurance amount) +(责任条款)保险包括基本险(general risk)和附加险(additional risks)。基本险用来保证船只安全,是必选的,附加险是用来保证货物安全,是双方协商选的。必选的基本险按重要性排列为F.P.A. (平安险With Free from Particular Average)、W.P.A. (水渍险With Free from Water Average)和 A.R. (一切险All Risks)。常见的附加险也分为一般附加险(general additional risk)和特殊附加险(Special additional risk)。一般附加险包括以下几种:1) Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivering Risk (T.P.N.D.) 偷窃提货不着险2) Fresh Water and Rain Damage Risk 淡水雨淋险3) Shortage Risk 短量险4) Intermixture and Contamination Risk 混杂玷污险5) Leakage Risk 渗漏险6) Clash and Breakage Risk 碰损破碎险7) Taint of Odor Risk 串味险8) Sweat and Heating Risk 受潮受热险9) Hook Damage Risk 钩损险10)Breakage of Packing Risk 包装破损险11)Rust Risk 锈损险特殊附加险包括以下几种:1) War Risk 战争险2) Strike Risk 罢工险3) On Deck Risk 舱面险4) Import Duty Risk 进口关税险5) Failure to Deliver Risk 交货不到险6) Rejection Risk 拒收险7) Aflataxion Risk 黄曲霉素险 (指花生、大豆等发霉。)通常保险条款要写成:Sb. insure the goods with 承保人 against 险种 for / on % of the invoice value.比如:买方委托卖方按发票全额的120%投保水渍险和偷窃提货不到险,保险费由买方承担。The Buyer hereby / will entrust the Seller to insure the good against W.P.A. and T.P.N.D. for 120% of the invoice value. The insurance premium should be borne by the Buyer. 7. Packing (包装条款)包装条款要包括包装材料,具体要求以及其他要求。一般采用笼统表示和具体规定两种方式。通常只有在双方达到共识时才使用笼统表示方法。比如以下描述:customary packing; seaworthy packing; packing suitable for long distance; 等等。具体规定的描述如:1) 木箱装,每箱装30匹,每匹40码。To be packed in wooden cases, 30pieces per case of 40 yd each.2) 铁桶装,每桶净重25公斤。In iron drum of 25kg net each.3) 用聚丙烯编制包装袋,每包重50公斤,以毛重作净重,包装袋质量良好,适于海运,包装袋上用英语写上品名、重量、原产国别和包装日期。To be packed in polypropylene woven bags, 50kg each, gross for net. The bags, should be fairy good in quality and suitable for ocean transportation, on which the name of the goods, weight, country of origin and package date should be written / marked in English.8. Shipping Mark (运输标志 / 唛头)运输标志通常要包括以下内容:1) 一些指示性(indicative marks)和警告性(warning marks)的图画和语言。比如:上指的双箭头的表示This side up; 雨伞表示Keep dry; 玻璃杯表示Breakable或者Handle with care; 等等。还有一些语言,比如:poisons有毒;explosives易爆;inflammable易燃;等等2) 运输标志:a. 目的港名称 b. 件号 c. 买卖双方代号3) 出口地:比如Made in China.9. Guarantee of Quality (保证条款)保证条款需要注明保证内容和保证时间,即保证的起至日期。比如:承包商同意对不符合图纸规格的工程部分进行返工,并保证工程进行,同意完工一年后对有证据证明因瑕疵材料或工艺造成的缺陷进行补救。The contractor agree to redo the part of the project which are not conformed to the drawings specification with the other projects performed / done meanwhile, remedy defects caused by / result from / arise from faulty materials and workmanship which are proved by evidence in one year after the completion of the project. 10. Inspection and Claims (检验索赔条款)1)检验条款 = 检验权的规定(检验机构)+ 检验的内容(检验证书)+ 检验时间通常检验证书有以下写法:Inspection Certificate of Quality / Quantity / Weight / Value / Health / Disinfection Inspection Certificate 消毒检验证书Sanitary Inspection Certificate 卫生检验证书来看以下两句合同内容和其翻译:例1:双方同意以装运港中国进出口商品检验局签发的品质及数量检验证书为最后依据对双方具有约束力。It is mutually agreed that the goods are subject to the Inspection Certificate of Quality and Inspection Certificate of Quantity issued by China Import and Export at the port of shipment. The Certificate shall be binding on both parties.例2:在交货前制造商应就订货的质量、规格、数量、性能作出准确全面的检验,并出具货物与本合同相符的检验证书。该证书为议付货款时向银行提交单据的一部分,但不得做为货物质量、规格、数量、性能的最后依据,制造商应将记载检验细节的书面报告附在品质检验书内。Before delivery the manufacturer should make a precise and overall inspection of the goods regarding quality, quantity, specification and performance and issue the certificate indicating the goods in conformity with the stipulation of the contract. The certificates are one part of the documents presented to the bank for negotiation of the payment and should not be considered as final regarding quality, quantity, specification and performance. The manufacturer should include the inspection written report in the Inspection Certificate of Quality, stating the inspection particulars.2)索赔条款 = 索赔权的规定 + 索赔时间 + 索赔依据 +赔付方法例1:买方对于装运货物的任何异议必须与装运货物的船只到达目的港后30天内提出,并须提供经卖方同意的公正机关出具的检验报告,如果货物已经加工,买方即丧失索赔权利。属于保险公司或轮船公司责任范围的索赔,卖方不予受理。Any discrepancy on the shipped goods should be put forward within 30 days after the arrival of the vessel carrying the goods at the port of destination and the Buyer should present the Survey Report issued by the Surveyor agreed by the Seller. If the goods have been processed the Buyer will loss the right to claim. The Seller shall not settle the claim within the responsibility of the Insurance Company or Ship Company.例2:品质异议须于货物到达目的港30天内提出,数量异议须于货物到达目的港15天提出,但均须提供相关检验机构的证明,如属卖方责任,卖方应予以收到异议20天内答复,并提出处理意见。Any discrepancy about quality should be presented within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination; any discrepancy about quantity should be presented within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, both of which cases should be on the strength of the certificates issued by the related surveyor. If the Seller is liable he should send the reply together with the proposal for settlement within 20 days after receiving the said discrepancy.11. Terms of Payment (支付条款)支付条款 = 支付方式 + 支付时间。支付方法有很多,来看一些常见的:信用证letter of credit (L / C);现金in cash; 支票by check; 信用卡credit card; 汇票draft / bill of exchange; 其他相关词汇:信汇mail transfer; 电汇telegraphic transfer; 开证行opening bank; 通知行negotiating bank; 托收银行collecting bank; 代收银行remitting bank例1:买方应不迟于12月15日,将100%的货款用电汇预付至卖方。The Buyer should pay 100% of the sale amount to the Seller in advance by telegraphic transfer not later than Dec. 15th.例2:买方应凭卖方开具的即期汇票于见票时立即付款。The Buyer should make immediate payment against the presentation of the draft issued by the Seller.例3:买方对卖方开具的见票后20天付款的跟单汇票于提示时应予以承兑,并应于汇票到期日付款。The Buyer should accept the documentary draft at 20 days sight upon the presentation and make payment on the maturity.例4:买方通过卖方可接受的银行在装运前一个月开立以卖方为抬头的保兑的不可撤销的信用证,有效期至装运后15天。The Buyer shall open a confirmation irrevocable L / C in favor of the Seller with / through the bank acceptable to the Seller, one month before the shipment12. Terms of shipment (运输条款)运输条款中要说明运输方式和价格条件,比如:In case of FOB Terms. 其中有一些贸易术语需要大家注意,例如:FOB (Free on Board)装运港船上交货,指货物在指定的装运港越过船舷,卖方即完成交货。这意味着买方必须从该点起承当货物灭失或损坏的一切风险。FOB术语要求卖方办理货物出口清关手续。CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)成本加保险费、运费,按此术语成交,货价的构成因素中包括从装运港至约定目的的港的通常运费和约定的保险费,故卖方除具有与CFR术语的相同的义务外,还就为买方办理货运保险,交支付保险费。等等。13. Force Majeure 不可抗力条款不可抗力条款 = 不可抗力时间 + (当事方)采取的行动在运输中,或许会遇到一些非人为因素的影响或者破坏,这个时候我们需要事先协商好如何解决以免发生不必要的争执。例1:如果遭遇无法控制的时间或情况应视为不可抗力,但不限于火灾、风灾、水灾、地震、爆炸、叛乱、传染、检疫、隔离。如要是不可抗力一方不能履行合同规定下义务,另一方应将履行合同的时间延长,所延长的时间应于不可抗力事件的时间相等。Any event or circumstance beyond control shall be regarded as Force Majeure but not restricted to fire, wind, flood, earthquake, explosion, rebellion, epidemic, quarantine and segregation. In case either party that encounters Force Majeure fails to fulfill the obligation under the contract, the other party should extend the performance time by period equal to the time that Fore Majeure will last.例2:如果不可抗力持续6个月以上,合同双方应尽快通过友好协商的方式调整继续履行合同事宜。如果双方不能达成协议,则根据合同中第12条款通过仲裁决定。If the Force Majeure last over 6 months, the two parties of the contract should settle the case of continuing the contract by friendly negotiation as soon as possible. Should the two parties fail to reach an agreement will be settled by arbitration according to Clause 12 of the contract thereof.14. Late Delivery and Penalty 延期交货和惩罚条款合同中,如果有一方未能完全履行合同,或者按照合同规定交货,应该受到惩罚。例1:如果乙方因自身原因而未准时完工,乙方应付违约罚款,每天按总价的千分之一计算,即一千二百六十美元整。If party B fails to finish the work on schedule due to its own reason, he shall pay to the other party the penalty at 1 of the total value of the work per day, that is USD one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars.例2:如果合资一方未能按本合同第5条规定按期付款,违约方应在逾期后一个月付给另一方10%的利息。如果违约方逾期3个月仍未如资,合同另一方根据本合同第53条规定有权终止合同并向违约方索赔损失。Should either joint-venturer fails to pay the contribution on schedule according to Clause 5, the default party should pay the other 10% of the interest one month after the dead line. The other party shall hold right to terminate the contract or to claim the damage against / to him according to Clause 53 thereof, if the default party has not done so three months after the deadline.15. Arbitration 仲裁条款如果合同双方产生争议,往往有以下几种解决方法:1) Negotiation 协商,这也是最好的解决方式。2) Consultation / Mediation 调解,这个时候会有第三方的介入。3) Arbitration 仲裁,这是组织或者机构的介入。4) Litigation 起诉大家来看看一份英文合同中的这段仲裁条款吧:All disputes in connection with the Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly negotiations. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the case should then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. The arbitration shall take place in Shanghai and the decision rendered by the said Commission shall be final and binding upon both parties; neither party shall seek resource to the law court or other authorities for revising the decision. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing part.欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用致力于合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求Ppt课件制作设计,word文档制作、图文设计制作、发布广告等,秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意!感谢您下载我们文档精选资料

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