陕西省四年级英语下册Unit4 At the farm单元测试卷

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陕西省四年级下册Unit4 At the farm单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Im _, A sandwich, please.AhungryBthirstyChappy2 . I like _ and _.Atomatoes;potatoesBtomatos;potatosCtomatos;potatoes选出每组单词中不同类的单词。3 . AtheseBtomatoCpotato4 . AlongBbigCgreen beans5 . AyumBcarrotsConion6 . AyellowBappleCgreen7 . AcarrotBtomatoCpotatoes8 . What animals did they see? ( )AThey saw many bones.BThey saw many postcards.CThey saw many castles.DThey saw many hippos.9 . -Can I go outside now? -_AYes, you cant.BYes, you can.CNo, you can.10 . How are _ today? ( )AyouBdo11 . _ the weather like today? ( )AWheresBHowsCWhats12 . How many _ do you have?AhorseBcowsCsheeps为下列问句选择相应的答语, 将其序号填入括号里。13 . Where is the library? ( )AThere are many books.BThe library is so big.CIts on the first floor.14 . How many hens are there on the farm? ( )AThere are 10 hens.BThey are fat.CThey are black.15 . Do you have umbrellas? ( )AYes, its on the bed.BThey are expensive.CYes, I do.16 . Can I have some soup? ( )AYes, I am.BYes, you can.CNo, I cant.17 . Are you writing a letter? ( )_AYes, I do.BNo, Im not.CNo, I dont.选出毎组单词中不同类的一项。18 . AgoatBhorseCcarrot19 . AduckBhowChen20 . ApigBsheepCfarm21 . AgardenBtomatoClibrary22 . AtryBeatCanimal二、任务型阅读23 . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hi, Im Mr Green. Welcome to my farm. Is it big? Yes! You can see animals on the farm. Theyre cows, sheep, ducks and hens. Look! This is my vegetable garden. These are carrots and green beans. Those are potatoes. My children like to play with these animals. I love my farm.( ) 1. Mr Green has a big farm.( ) 2. You can see some sheep on the farm.( ) 3. Mr Green has two horses.( ) 4. There are onions and tomatoes in the vegetable garden.( ) 5. Mr Green likes to play with the animals.读对话,填空或回答问题。(In the vegetable garden)Mike: Oh, what are these?Chen Jie: They are carrots.Amy: Wow! They are big.John: Are these oranges?Chen Jie: No, they are tomatoes.Wu Yifan: Oh, they are yellow tomatoes. I like them.Sarah: Look at these. Are they green beans?Chen Jie: Yes. They are long and green.24 . _ are big.25 . Wu Yifan likes the yellow _.26 . _ are long and green.27 . Do they see oranges?_三、判断题28 . 小朋友,请读一读,然后判断下列每组单词划线部分的读音是否一致,相同的在题前括号内打“”,不同的打“”。(_)1. fork bornworldword(_)2. littletableapplepeople(_)3. computerdinnerteacherworker(_)4. scarfcardfarmpark(_)5. homeboxcoldlove四、看图题29 . He is _.五、连词成句连词成句。30 . his is what name_31 . black it and white is_32 . is schoolbag what in your_33 . go see and lets_34 . a is there window the in classroom_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、任务型阅读1、2、三、判断题1、四、看图题1、五、连词成句1、

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