陕西省2019-2020年度五年级下册第二次月考(Unit 5-6)英语试卷A(II)卷

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陕西省2019-2020年度五年级下册第二次月考(Unit 5-6)英语试卷A(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . It _ twelve oclock. ( )AamBareCis2 . Su Hai lives _ Sunshine Town. ( )AinBonCat3 . She is _ her pen now. ( )Alooking forBlooks forClooking at4 . _are the pants?( )They are 50 yuan.AHow manyBWhatCHow muchDHow5 . What is he doing? Hes .Aplayinga toy train.Btaking pictures.6 . Little Leo likes _. He can _. ( )Adraw; drawBdrawing; drawing.Cdrawing; draw7 . She _ the piano. ( )Ais playingBare playingCplaying8 . Jean is happy _ others. ( )AhelpBhelpingCto help9 . you like a cake? ( )No, thank you.ADoBWouldCAre10 . _ the monster have two heads? ( )AdoesBDoesCDid二、阅读选择阅读理解Tom likes playing near the rivers. One day, his family move to a new house. “Is there a river near our house?”Tom asks his mother. “No, there isnt. But there is a nice park, and theres a pool(池塘) in it.”After lunch, Tom and his mother go to the park. They walk beside the pool and see a sign(标志)in front of it.“Look. This pool is dangerous(危险的). Forty-eight people fell into(掉进)it,”says Toms mother.Tom looks into the pool. “Where are they? I cant see them.”阅读短文,选择正确的答案。11 . What does Tom like? ( )AHe likes his new house.BHe likes rivers.CHe likes playing near rivers.12 . Is there a river near his new house? ( )ANo, there isnt.BYes, there is.CWe dont know.13 . What is near his new house? ( )AThere is a nice park.BThere is a small river.CThere is a nice pool.14 . Who goes to the park after lunch? ( )ATom.BTom and his father.CTom and his mother.15 . Where is the sign? ( )AIt is in front of the park.BIt is in front of the pool.CIt is in front of the river.三、完形填空完形填空。You say youll have a two-week summer holiday and decide to travel a lot and visit as many new places as possible. I _ its a good idea. Ill tell you a story about my friend Mr. Bell. Last July he _ in Europe. Europe is very beautiful, _ his holiday wasnt very nice. He visited four countries, and was in _ of the countries only three days. He visited quite a lot of museums and famous places, and was always _.Bell was on the train or bus almost every day. When he returned _ Europe, he was very tired.So I think that you _ better spend your holiday in a different way. It is _ to travel with a friend to one country, and visit only one city. Choose a city _ and you will be able to have a good _ on the seaside.16 . Aam sureBbelieveCdont thinkDdont hope17 . AwasBstudiesCworkedDlived18 . AwithBandCsoDbut19 . AeveryoneBeitherCeachDall20 . AunhappyBin a worryCexcitedDinterested21 . AtoBinCfromDfor22 . AwouldBshouldCcouldDhad23 . AbetterBhappierCquickerDmore interested24 . Ain the countrysideBby the seaCwith museumsDaway from Europe25 . AholidayBswimmingCdayDplace四、填空题选出合适的单词填入横线上。have make mouth friend birthday26 . Close your _.27 . Can I _ some water?28 . Hi, John. Happy _ to you.29 . Lets _ a puppet.30 . This is my good _, Oliver.31 . 根据图片、句意或括号中的英文提示,在每个空格处填写一个适当的单词1. Look! The light is y _. We need (需要) to wait.2. Whats in your hand?Its a toy _.3. Im going to _in the sea.4. _ Liu Tao _ (finish) his homework yesterday?5. We can buy some _ (postcard)in the post office.32 . Mike _ (go) to school at 7 oclock every morning.33 . 填一填,译一译,读一读。Alots ofBHowCHow muchDwent1. _(怎样)was your summer holiday?2. I took _ (许多) pictures.3. _(多少钱)is this?4. I _ (去) swimming last Sunday.读一读,选出正确的一项,写在横线上。34 . Do you have _ ( some/any ) water?35 . _( This/These ) children will have a game.36 . _ ( A/An ) apple a day keeps the doctor away.37 . Every _ ( cookie/cookies ) has a special picture.38 . He is _ ( got/getting ) ready to go to Beijing.五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,如符合,在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。I live in a big house with a large garden. There are four big trees and some flowers in the garden. The house has six bedrooms, two studies, a kitchen, two bathrooms and a living room. I usually(通常) do my homework in my study. My father is a policeman. And he does his work in his study. I have a cat. It always(总是) sits beside my chair. My mother usually sits on the sofa and watches TV in the living room.39 . There is a small garden beside the house. (_)40 . There are 4 big trees in the garden. (_)41 . The house has 6 bedrooms, 2 studies, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room. (_)42 . The cat usually sits under the desk. (_)43 . My mother is a policewoman. (_)六、英汉混合英汉短语互译。44 . faraway_45 . 太多_46 . ChildrensPark_47 . 来自_48 . cookthemeal_49 . 乘公共汽车_50 . playcomputergames_51 . 一双鞋子_52 . cleanthewindows_53 . 整理床铺_七、改错选出错误的一项,并在横线上改正。54 . Whatis you doing, Daming?(_)_A BC55 . Im sendinga email to my friend. (_)_A B C56 . Lets go and to playbasketball. (_)_A BC57 . There are some meat and milk on the desk. (_)_ABC第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、3、4、5、五、任务型阅读1、六、英汉混合1、七、改错1、

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