长春市2019版英语三年级下册Unit 6 How many_ 单元测试卷C卷

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长春市2019版英语三年级下册Unit 6 How many_ 单元测试卷C卷_第1页
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长春市2019版英语三年级下册Unit 6 How many_ 单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题请你选出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。1 . AwaterBwatchCwhatDwash2 . AgreatBheadacheCelbowDdress3 . AhearBpearCnearDdear4 . AjeepsBpensCbooksDjumps5 . AtodayBdayCTuesdayDway6 . A thanksBthereCsouthDthree7 . AworkedBwantedCshoppedDwashed8 . -Where is Mum? ( )-She is in the_. She _ lunch for us.Akitchen; is cookingBbedroom; makesCkitchen; cook二、情景交际9 . 老师让你指向这只红色小鸟,她应该说:_( )APoint to this red bird.BPoint to this yellow bird.10 . 刘涛在图书馆里大喊大叫,我们应该这样提醒他:( )ADont talk.BDont shout.11 . 当你想问他会不会游泳时,你可以说:_( )ACan you swim?BCan you skate?12 . 打开看看,你说:( )AClose it and see.BOpen it and see.13 . 这个玩具小汽车坏了。AThe toy car is badBThe toy car is broken三、单词拼写14 . 填写下列单词所缺的字母。四、任务型阅读15 . 阅读对话,完成判断。(T/ F)Lily: Look! I have some new pencils and new crayons.Mike: Oh, how many new pencils do you have?Lily: I have fifteen new pencils and twenty new crayons.Mike: But I can see twelve new crayons only.Lily: The others are in my bag, under the chair.Mike: Oh, I see. Can I use your new crayons, please?Lily: Sure, here you are.【小题1】Lily has twelve new crayons. (_)【小题2】Lilys twelve new crayons are under the chair. (_)【小题3】Lily has fifteen new pencils. (_)【小题4】Mike can see twenty new crayons. (_)【小题5】Mike wants to use the new crayons. (_)五、匹配题16 . 选择正确答案,将序号填在括号内。AfiveBtwoCfourDtenEoneFeight1. three+two=(_) 2. six-four=(_) 3. nine+one=(_)4. seven-three=(_) 5. four+four=(_) 6. ten-nine=(_)17 . 选择正确的问句。AWhats your name?BLets go home. OK?CWhat is in your hand?DWhos that woman?EWhos this?FWhat time is it?(_) (1) Its two oclock.(_) (2) Some new notebooks.(_) (3) That is my aunt.(_) (4) OK. Lets go.(_) (5) This is my father.(_) (6) My name is Ann.六、连线题18 . Look and match.看一看,连一连,和小伙伴一起来用英语算算数学题吧!1.10+5Aseventeen2.20-3Bfifteen3 6+6Cthirteen4.18-5Dtwelve5.17-6Eeleven第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、三、单词拼写1、四、任务型阅读1、五、匹配题1、2、六、连线题1、

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