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闽教版五年级上册期中测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 找出不同类的单词(_)1.A.springB.seasonC.winterD.autumn(_)2.A. worker B. doctor C. nurse D. mother2 . You can see bald eagles in _. ( )ABCD3 . 选出不同的一项(_) 1. A. todayB. SundayC. Monday(_) 2. A. watchB. seeC. find(_) 3. A. afraidB. lovelyC. happy(_) 4. A. cloudyB. rainyC. sun(_) 5. A. eggB. tigerC. pig4 . What lessons do you have _ the afternoon? ( )We have Chinese and Art.AinBonC/5 . Lets _a picnic in the park this afternoon. ( )Ago and havingBgo and haveCgo having6 . _ did Kim have breakfast? ( ) At 7:00.AWhenBWhatCHow二、情景交际7 . 想知道新来的英语老师是什么样的,你应说: ( )AWhatsthenewEnglishteacherlike?BWhatdoesthenewEnglishteacherlike?CWhatsthenewEnglishteacher?8 . 根据自己的实际情况,回答问题:How old are you? _9 . 当别人赞美你时,你应说:( )AOK.BThank you.10 . 你去参加朋友的生日宴会,你对他说什么:( )AHow are you?BHappy New Year!CHappy birthday!11 . 有一天,你在街上遇见一位很久没有见面的同学,你应该如何问候?( )AHow are you?BFish can swim.CBirds can fly.三、填空题根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。12 . The_ (自然)park is so quiet.13 . There are many tall_ (建筑物) in the city.14 . There are_ (鸭子)and_ (兔子).15 . This is a_ (桥).16 . Are there any_(湖泊) on the _ (山)?17 . There is a lake near the_ (村庄).18 . My home is_ (在的前面) the river.19 . Lets_ (照相) of the koalas first.四、任务型阅读20 . 阅读短文判断正(T)误(F)。My name is Zhang Peng. I am eleven years old. Im short and fat. Chicken is my favourite food. I like all kinds of meat. But I dont like vegetables and fruit. So I am very fat. I have mutton(羊肉)and pork(猪肉)today. I want to keep fit. What should I do ? 1. Zhang Peng is 12 years old.2. Zhang Peng is short and heavy.3. Zhang Pengs favourite food is chicken.4. Zhang Peng should eat more meat.5. Zhang Peng has mutton and pork today.五、匹配题给图片选择正确的对话。A.What colour is it? Its black and white.B. Would you like an egg? Yes, please.C.Look at my new cap. Its great.D.Good morning. Are you Wang Bing? No, Im Liu Tao.21 . (_)22 . (_)23 . (_)24 . (_)将标志图的序号填入警示语前的括号里。ABCDE25 . Turn left, please. (_)26 . You can cross the street. (_)27 . Dont turn right, please. (_)28 . Dont go there by bike, please. (_)29 . Go straight, please. (_)六、连线题30 . 读一读,连一连。(1) 碰上Aice cream(2) 冰激凌Bwait(3) 完成Cemail(4) 等待Dmeet(5) 电子邮件Efinish(6) 地面Fground(7) 发送Grun(8) 和在一起 H. with(9) 买 I. send(10) 跑 J. buy第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、三、填空题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、匹配题1、2、六、连线题1、

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