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重庆市2020年(春秋版)六年级下册小升初模测试英语试卷(八)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AgreenBtreeCred2 . -Are there _tomatoes in the fridge?- Yes, there are.Aa littleBa fewCsome3 . There_ a book .AareBisCwas4 . How _ Sally feel today? ( )AdoesBdoCis5 . When is World Environment Day? ( )AOn 22nd April.BOn 5th June.COn 4th July.选出与下列句子中画线单词或词组同类的一项。6 . The big tree is behind the house. ( )AswimBbesideCyoung7 . Im hungry. Id like a sandwich. ( )Ahard-workingBcookCcake8 . I like English. I can speak English. ( )AChineseBCanadaCwash my clothes9 . -Can you do any kung fu? ( )-Yes. I can.AclockBoldCplay the pipa10 . I have cooking class with your grandma. ( )Aice-creamBmotherCanimal选出每组中不同类的单词。11 . AfingerBfootCbag12 . AbodyBheadCear13 . AchickenBfishCyellow14 . ApurpleBorangeCbook15 . AplaneBballoonCcar16 . Can I eat some bread? ( )_AYes, you can.BYes, I can.CYes, I do.17 . 选出下面每组中不属于同一类的词(_)1.A. rode B. hadC.washes(_)2.A. salty B. sweetC.pepper(_)3.A. jeans B. socksC.pack(_)4.A. sunny B. cheeseC.cloudy(_)5.A. strong B. smallC.swim18 . Would you like _?( )Yes, its healthy.Aany milkBsome milkCa milk19 . There_ four squares. ( )AisBare20 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AtheirBthereCwhereDhere21 . We often go to the park _.( )Aby footBby feetCon foot22 . In autumn, he _ under the tree.Ago swimmingBgoes fishingCgo fishing23 . Mum, Im going to school. ( )Look out when you _ the bus.Aget offBget upCget over二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案填在题前括号内。It was Saturday yesterday. It was sunny. I got up at 7:30. After breakfast, I went to the beach with Alice. There were many people on the beach. We ran, jumped and played volleyball on the sands, We swam in the sea. Some men fished on a boat. We had a good time. We were tired but happy.根据短文内容,找出正确选项:24 . It istoday. ( )ASundayBSaturdayCThursdayDFriday25 . The weather was. ( )AcloudyBwindyCsunnyDsnowy26 . I got up at. ( )A7:00B7:30C8:00D8:3027 . I went to the beach with. ( )APeterBAnnCBettyDAlice28 . Where did the men fish? ( )AOn the beach.BOn the boat.COn the sand,DIn the boat.阅读理解Wang Yan likes English very much. She reads English every morning. She likes speaking English. She often learns English over the radio. She seldom watches TV on weekdays. She only watches TV on Saturday evening. Wang Yan has some other hobbies. She likes painting and singing. She collects some candy paper. On Sundays, she also helps her parents do some housework. She is a nice girl and her parents and her friends like her very much.29 . Wang Yan usually reads English( )Ain the eveningBin the afternoonCin the morningDin class30 . She likes listening to the radio to learn( )AmusicBEnglishCpaintingDChinese31 . Wang Yan watches TV( )Aat weekendsBon Saturday eveningCevery dayDon weekdays32 . Whats Wang Yans hobby? ( )ACollecting candy paperBSinging and paintingCBoth A and BDListening to the radio三、完形填空完形填空。Its interesting to visit another country, but sometimes there are problems when we dont know the _ very well. It may be _ to talk with the people there. We may not know how to buy the _ we need. In _ country we may not know where to eat or what to order(点菜)in a _. It is not easy to decide how _ to tip(给小费)waiters or drivers. When we need help, we may not know how to ask for help. It is not pleasant to have an experience(经历)_ that. _ a short time, however, we learn what to do and what to _. We learn to enjoy life in another country, and then we may be _ to live there.33 . AwayBpeopleClanguageDwords34 . AtiredBhappyCeasyDhard35 . AthingsBanythingCnothingDsomething36 . AbigBsmallCbusyDstrange(陌生的)37 . ArestaurantBshopChospitalDpark38 . AmanyBmuchCoftenDsoon39 . AunlikeBlooks likeCasDlike40 . ADuringBBeforeCToDFor41 . AtalkBsayCtellDspeak42 . AworriedBafraidCgladDsorry四、填空题43 . 选词填空AeveryBeatCtoDteethElittle1. He should brush his _ every morning.2. Jack likes to _ a lot of meat.3. Now he is a _ fat.4. He should go to bed early _ day.5. He should go _ bed before 9:30.五、排序题44 . 读一读,排列句子,使其组成一段对话。AGood morning, I am Amy.BClass, we have a new friend today.CGood morning, boys and girls.DWhere are you from?E. Good morning, Mr Black.F. Im from America.45 . 排序,使其成为完整的对话。( 3) Its near the bookstore.( 1) Where is the museum shop? (_) I dont know.(_) Thanks. Where is the post office? (_) I want to send it today. (_) I want to buy a postcard.六、选内容补全对话46 . 选句子补全对话。(有一项是多余的)A. Can you row a boat?B. Did you go there by bus?C. Were you happy?D. What did you do last weekend?E. Did you see any geese on the lake?F. How did you go there?G. Did you row a boat there?A. Can you row a boat?B. Did you go there by bus?C. Were you happy?D. What did you do last weekend?E. Did you see any geese on the lake?F. How did you go there?G. Did you row a boat there?A: Hello, Lu Cui. 1. _B: I went to the Peoples Park. A: 2. _B: No, I went by bike. A: 3. _B: Yes, I did. It was interesting. 4. _A: No, I cant. 5. _B: Yes, theyre white. Theyre cute. I like them. A: 6. _B: Yes, I was.七、匹配题47 . 英汉互译A.来这里 B.口渴的 C.当然D.别着急 E.干净的水 F.这种方法A.来这里 B.口渴的 C.当然D.别着急 E.干净的水 F.这种方法(_) 1. this way(_) 2. come here(_) 3. be thirsty(_) 4. of course(_) 5. dont worry(_) 6. clean water48 . 选择合适的单词填空。duck egg swan(1)_(2)_(3)_八、书面表达49 . Henry是你的朋友,请你根据提供的信息,写一段不少于5句话的短文,介绍 Henry。你可以使用以下句型:His/Her name is. He/She is. years old. He/She is from. He/She likes. His/ Her favourite .is.I have a good friend._第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、阅读选择1、2、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、排序题1、2、六、选内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、2、八、书面表达1、

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