贵阳市2019版英语四年级上册Unit 2 My Schoolbag 单元测试卷B卷

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贵阳市2019版英语四年级上册Unit 2 My Schoolbag 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 找出下列各组单词标线部分发音不相同的一项。(_)1. A. like B. kite C. live(_)2. A. five B. light C. big(_)3. A. milk B. rice C. nine(_)4. A. fish B. time C. pig (_)5. A. drink B. drive C. give2 . _ is your ruler? ( ) Its blue.AWhatBWhoCWhat colour3 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1.A.youB.heC.see(_)2. A.rabbitB.pandaC.pen(_)3.A.rulerB.keyC.pencil(_)4.A.deskB.chairC.candy(_)5. A.riceB.noodleC.five4 . A: _ ?B: Come in, please.AMay I come inBMay I comingCI am come in5 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AeightBwindowCdoor6 . _took this photo? ( )My grandpa took it.AWhatBWhyCWho7 . Lets clean the blackboard.( )_AOK.BThank you.CWe have a new classroom.选出每组中不同类的单词。8 . AcakeBsixCegg9 . AtoyBboyCgirl10 . AstorybookBmathsbookCnotebook11 . AnewBfatCold12 . AcandyBcrayonCpencil13 . There _ four cats under the tree.AareBamCis14 . My crayons are in the study.A我的蜡笔在客厅里。B我的蜡笔在书房里。二、阅读选择阅读下列短文,选择合适的答案,并将其字母编号填在括号里。Hello, my name is Tom. Im a boy, and I am nine. I have a new classroom. There is a teachers desk and a fan. The teachers desk is brown and gray. The fan is blue. The wall is white. Look! A picture on the wall. Its beautiful. I like my classroom very much.15 . I am a _. ( )AgirlBboyC/16 . Tom has a new _. ( )AhandbagBbedroomCclassroom17 . Tom is _. ( )AeightBnineCten18 . The teachers desk is _. ( )Ayellow and blueBbrown and orangeCbrown and gray19 . In the classroom, you can see a _ in it. ( )AdesksBchairsCpicture三、任务型阅读任务型阅读。John: Hi, Mike!I have a new schoolbag.Mike: Really? What colour is it?John: Look! Its orange and blue.Mike: Oh, its beautiful! Whats in it?John: Ten storybooks, eight notebooks, an English map and some toys.Mike: Your schoolbag is heavy.John: Yes. I like it. It is my birthday gift from my dad.Mike: You have a nice gift.John: Thank you.20 . 根据对话内容,选出正确的图片。( )AB21 . Mike has a new schoolbag. (_)22 . The schoolbag is orange and blue. (_)23 . There are ten storybooks, eight notebooks, an English map and some toys in the schoolbag. (_)24 . The schoolbag is Johns birthday gift from his father. (_)四、判断题判断划线部分的发音是否一致,一致的写T, 不一致的写F。25 . teacherworkersinger_26 . girlnursebird_27 . forkworksports_28 . bikecinemakite_29 . bottletableuncle_五、选内容补全对话30 . 根据图片选择正确的单词补全对话。Eggs key scandies storybook pensA: I have a new schoolbag. B:Really?Whats in it?A:I have four,a , two , four and some . 看图,选择相应的单词补全短文。keys, notebook, chairs, desk, English book, pencilMy name is Mike. Welcome to my classroom. This is my 31 . Look! I have four 32 . , an 33 . , a 34 . and a 35 . on it.六、连词成句36 . 连词成句。1.you , I, miss (.)_2.there , how ,are, many , letters (?)_3.What , she, then, does, write(?)_4.the , it , nearly , is ,end(.)_5.the , luck , good , for , future(.)_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、任务型阅读1、四、判断题1、五、选内容补全对话1、2、六、连词成句1、

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