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贵州省2019年英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:完形填空B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、完形填空完形填空。Hello, this is a photo _my family. Its _the wall. This is my grandma and this is my grandpa. They are farmers. This man and this woman are my _. My father is a teacher. Hes tall _strong. My mother is a nurse. Shes short. This is my sister. Who is the boy? Yes, Its _1 . AofBtoCin2 . AatBonCto3 . AfatherBparentCparents4 . AbutBorCand5 . AmeBICmyRead and choose.完形填空。Its Monday, September 14th. Im very busy today_I have classes all day. At 8:30a.m. I have_. I think science is interesting and I like it very much. Then at 9: 20 I have math. Its difficult but_. Next at 10:30, I have history. Its boring. At 11:20 I have music. Thats my favorite_! I have lunch at 12 oclock. And after that I have a rest._begin at 1:30 p.m. I have Chinese, and my Chinese_ , Mrs. Lin, is really fun. We all like her classes. All my classes_at 3:30 p.m. After school, my friends and I practice playing basketball at our school basketball club_one hour. Thats my all day at school.6 . AbutBbecauseCsoDafter7 . AscienceBmusicChistoryDmath8 . AinterestingBeasyCboringDsame9 . AbookBsportCteacherDsubject10 . ASportsBClassesCPicturesDQuestions11 . AteacherBsisterCclassmateDmother12 . AbeginBwatchCfinishDcome13 . AatBofCwithDforChoose the best words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)_years ago, people in London got water from a river. But later the river became very_because many factories were built near the river. People threw many things_the river. By the year 1830, the city was polluted. No fish could live in the water. And nobody could_the water. People tried their best_it. In 1960 the river became clean_, and in 1990, 78 different kinds of fishes were found in it.14 . AHundredBHundreds ofCHundred ofDTwo hundreds of15 . AcleanBdirtyCbeautifulDwide16 . AonBatCoverDinto17 . AdrinkBeatCpolluteDmake18 . AchangeBchangedCto changeDchanging19 . AtooBagainCsoDlate完形填空。Li Yanhui and Wang Fang are in _same school. They are in the same _, too, They are_. After class, they _games. _friends play _. Some play basketball, some play football, some fly _and some ride _. They _jump, swim and sing, too. They _all good students. They love their school.20 . AaBanCtheD/21 . AroomBgradeCschoolDdesk22 . Agood studentBgoods studentCgoods studentsDgood students23 . AplayBgetCwantDput24 . ATheyBTheirCThemDTheirs25 . Adifferent gameBdifferent gamesCsame gameDsame games26 . AkitesBbikesCplanesDbirds27 . AplanesBbirdsCkitesDbikes28 . AlikesBareCarentDcan29 . AisBareChaveDlike完形填空。_! My name_ Alice. Im fourteen_. I like playing Volleyball_ going to the cinema. My favourite _is Christmas.This is my friend Joe. Hes fifteen. He _like playing sport. He can _ English and he likes Maths. He wants _everything about it.This is my cousin. She is thirteen. _ favourite sport is skating and she can skate very_. She likes music. She says its exciting.30 . AHiBSorryCThanksDBye31 . AamBisCareDbe32 . AyearsByear oldCyears oldDyear olds33 . AbutBandCorDso34 . AsubjectBsportCfestivalDclothes35 . AdoesntBam notCdontDarent36 . AtellBtalkCsayDspeak37 . Ato learnBlearnClearnsDlearning38 . ASheBHerCShesDHers39 . AgoodBniceCwellDhappy完形填空。Class is over. The students are very happy. Look, the girl with _ hair is _ a nice picture in the classroom. And the girl with short hair is reading a book. In the playground you can see some _ playing yo-yo. And there is a _boy skipping a rope _ the tree. He wants to lose weight(减肥).40 . AlongBthinCbig41 . AwritingBplayingCdrawing42 . AboysBmanCboy43 . AthinBlongCfat44 . AonBunderCin完形填空。The traffic light are the same in every country. There are _lights. Theyre red, _and green. Red means “_”. You _cross the road now. Yellow mean “Wait”. You must wait for the _light. And green means “_”. In China and the USA, the drivers drive on the _side of the road. In the UK and Australia, the driver drive _the left side of the road. If you go by car, _bike or on foot, you must know the _.45 . AthreeBtwoCfive46 . AyellowBblueCblack47 . AGoBStopCRun48 . AcanBmustCmustnt49 . AredBblueCgreen50 . AStopBGoCRun51 . ArightBleftCtwo52 . AinBbehindCon53 . ArideBonCby54 . AtrafficBtraffic rulesCsafety完形填空This is our classroom. It is not big. But it is nice. The walls are _ and the desks and chairs are new. On the wall is a _ and we can find Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou on it. There are some _ on the teachers desk. they are for our _, Miss Gao. Miss Gao is a very good teacher and we all like her. I am on _ today. I come to school early. I hope my teacher _ her books, maps, and pictures on her _. I tell my teacher everyone is here. But I am _. Liu Mei is not at _. I dont know _ she is. But I think she is at home.55 . AoldBdirtyCwhite56 . AmapBclockCkite57 . AgamesBflowersClights58 . AfriendBmotherCteacher59 . AdutyBturnCtime60 . AgiveBputCfind61 . AdeskBchairCfloor62 . AgoodBrightCwrong63 . AhomeBschoolCtable64 . AwhereBwhichCwhat65 . 完形填空。Yesterday Linda 1. _ back from her trip. She went to London 2._ plane. It was 3. _ first trip by plane. She 4. _ London Bridge, Hyde Park, and the British Museum. She took 5. _ photos. She showed 6. _to her friends. She 7. _ back some gifts for her friends. 8._ were some beautiful scarves. Linda 9._ she enjoyed this trip. Next year she 10._ to London again. ( )1.A. comes B. come C. came( )2.A. in B. by C. take( )3.A. her B. she C. hers( )4. A. visit B. visited C. visits( )5.A. a B. much C. a lot of( )6.A. them B. they C. their( )7.A. brought B. brings C. bring( )8.A.It B. Its C. They( )9.A.said B. say C. says( )10.A. goes B. went C. will go完形填空Its Friday afternoon. School is_. The students are talking_their weekends. Paul likes_on the Internet. Because it is very interesting. He can learn a_from it. Sometimes he_basketball. Liu Tao likes playing basketball, too. He often listens to music. Lisa likes growing flowers at home. Sometimes she does housework_weekends. Nancy and Helen often_to the park. They like playing on the swings. _do you spend your weekends?66 . AoverBbeginCbegins67 . AwithBaboutCto68 . AsurfingBsurfCsurfs69 . Alot ofBlotsClot70 . AplayingBplaysCplay71 . AatBofCin72 . AgoBgoesCwent73 . AWhatBHow aboutCHow完形填空。My name is Mary. I went to Beijing _ my parents last summer holiday. Beijing is in the _ of China. It has lots of places of interest(名胜). I _ the Great Wall and took many _ of it. I _ went to Tiananmen Square. It is very beautiful. We stayed there _ one week. We had a lovely time there.74 . AandBwithCbut75 . AsouthBwestCnorth76 . AvisitedBvisitCvisiting77 . AmapsBphotosCcards78 . AtooBtoCalso79 . AforBatCin完型填空。“Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambri-dge(剑桥)ask. But no one can give them a _ answer, for there is no wall to be found _ the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, _, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and_ of the thirty-one colleges(学院).Cambridge was already a_ town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once _ the Cam. A _ was built over the river as early as 875, so the town got its name Cambridge.In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much _ in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845.Cambridge became a _in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000. Many young students in other countries_to study at Cambridge. 80 . AtrueBclearCrightDwrong81 . AaroundBinCnearDabout82 . AcinemasBlibrariesCzoosDparks83 . AparentsBfarmersCteachersDdoctors84 . AinterestingBoldCnewDusual85 . AsaidBcalledCspokenDtalked86 . AbridgeBbuildingCstationDhouse87 . AsmallerBslowerCslowlyDfaster88 . AcityBcollegeCcountryDvillage89 . AstopBhateChopeDdislike90 . 完型填空。Tom: I like my village. There 1many trees and bridges 2the village. The water is 3. The 4is fresh. What about you, Joe?Joe: I like my village, _5_. There are many mountains near my village. I like it. Its so beautiful.( )1. A. is B. are C. have( )2. A. at B. in C. on( )3. A. yellow B. black C. clean( )4. A. air B. cloud C. river( )5. A. to B. too C. also完形填空A fox is _ food. He is very hungry. Now he _near a wall. The wall is very _.The fox is looking up. He sees _ fine grapes _ the wall. He smiles and says, “_nice they are!I want to eat them.” The fox is jumping. He jumps and jumps, _ the wall is too high. He _ get the grapes. The fox says, “I must go now. I dont like those grapes. _ are greem. They must be _”91 . AseeingBfinding outClooking forDfinding92 . AgetsBcomesCgoesDstands93 . AmuchBsmallCstrongDhigh94 . Aa littleBfewCmuchDa lot of95 . AinBonCatDfor96 . AWhatBHowCwhat aDHow a97 . AandBorCbutDwhere98 . AcantBcanChasntDisnt99 . AThemBItCTheirDThey100 . AsweetBsourCcheapDdelicious完形填空The worlds first underground railwayLondon Underground was_ in 1985, but_history dates back to 1863 _ the _first underground railway opened in London. Today, London Underground is_major business _three million passenger journeys made a_, serving over 408 km ( 253 miles ) _railway.In 2004-2005, London Underground trains ran a _of 69.4 _kilometers in passenger service.101 . AfromBformedCformingDforms102 . AitsBitCitsDits103 . AwhatBwhereCwhenDwho104 . AworldBworldsCworldsDworlds105 . AtheBthatCaDan106 . AwithBOfCbyDin107 . AweekBdayCmonthDseason108 . AofBbyCwithDin109 . AsumBgroupCtotalDteam110 . AmillionsBthousandCmillionDThousands111 . 完形填空。A boy and a girl catch a bird and _ it in a birdcage (鸟笼).They like it _ and _ it every day. A cat sees the bird and wants _ her supper. _ the bird is in the cage. She cant catch it. So she is very _.One day, she opens the door of the cage_ wants to catch it. But the bird flies away. The cat _, and she has _. The two children _ andsee the bird isnt in. They are very angry and put the cat into the cage.( )A.take B.put C.carry D.bring( )A.well B.very C.much D.very much( )A.see B.look C.have a look D.have a look at( )A.have it for B. has is for C.to have it for D.to has it for( )But B.And C.So D.Then( )A.angry B.happy C.glad D.tired( )A.but B.and C.so D. or( )A.can to fly B.can fly C.cant to fly D.cant fly( )A.no ways B.some ways C.any way D.not way( )A.come back to home B.come back home C.come to home D.back home完形填空Every Sunday Mr and Mrs Hu spend their day in the countryside. Mr Hu enjoys taking pictures_trees and flowers. Mrs Hu_walking along the riverside. Last Sunday, it was wet and windy. They_go out.They watched two DVDs at home. Next Sunday they are going to_to Tokyo. They are going to shop there. They_very excited about the trip.112 . AofBfromCon113 . AlovesBloveCloved114 . AdontBdidntCarent115 . AtravellingBtravelledCtravel116 . AwereBbeCare完形填空。Today _Friday, November 9. Jenny and Li Ming are _ready for school. It is_this morning. Jenny and Li Ming _ on the winter jackets. Li Ming puts on his scarf, hat and gloves, _.117 . AareBisCbe118 . AgetBgetsCgetting119 . AhotBcoolCcold120 . AputBputsCputting121 . AtoBtwoCtoo122 . Tony and his father are at the zoo. They are looking at the monkeys. (1)monkey do you like, Tony? I like the yellow (2)Look! Its (3)and(4)than the brown one. I like the little monkey. Its (5). Its about 40 cm (6). And its tail is about 30 cm(7). The monkeys are very (8) . When the weather becomes(9), they stay in the trees. Its(10) _.(1)A.WhereB.WhatC.Which(2) A.oneB.onesC.monkeys(3)A.tallerB.highC.long(4)A.strongB.strongerC.strongger(5)A.funnyB.funnyerC.funnier(6)A.shortB.tallC.old(7)A.longB.longerC.shorter(8)A.smartB.youngC.busy(9)A.windyB.hotterC.rainy(10)A.hotterB.tallerC.cooler123 . 完形填空。This is a picture of my family. My name _1_ Jack. My mother is a nice teacher. She is beautiful. My father is a doctor. He is _2_. He sings _3_. They love me very much. Ive got a little brother,Tom. He is _4_. We like pop music. So we like to go _5_ the school concert. ( ) 1. A. are B. is C. am( ) 2. A. long B. tall C. small( ) 3. A. good B. beautiful C. beautifully( ) 4. A. old B. cute C. sad( ) 5. A. to B. at C. on完型填空。Last Sunday, it was sunny and hot. I went to a new park with my friends. We _ our bikes to the park. We saw many beautiful flowers. So we took many _. There _ a big lake in it. We _ on the lake. That was fun. Then we _ a picnic. We ate hamburgers and fruit. We drank juice and milk. We had a good time.124 . ArodeBridingCare riding125 . ApictureBpicturesCphoto126 . AwasBwereCare127 . Aflew a kiteBwent boatingCwent iceskating128 . Aare havingBis going to haveChad完形填空。I have a sister. Her _ is Kate. She is in No. 8 Middle School. What classis she in? She is in Class Four. She _playing tennis(网球). She thinks it is _for her. After school, she always plays tennis with her _, Helen. They are in the same class. And she likes to _tennis games on TV in the evening. She likes Peng Shuai and Zheng Jie. She has some nice photos of _ in her room. She _play ping-pong, too. She has four tennis balls, but she _has one ping-pong ball.One day, she meets a girl on her way to school. They girl is crying(哭).“Hi! Can I help you?” Kate asks.“I lost my _,” the girl says.“Well, _me help you find it.”At last (最后) , Kate helps the girl find _pen. The girl is very happy. “Thank you for your help,” the girl says.Because of this thing, Kate is _for school. But she is happy. She says, “I like to help others(别人). I think it is greatfor me.”129 . AnumberBnameCcardDphoto130 . AlikesBknowsCthinksDsounds131 . AsameBbadCgoodDeasy132 . AuncleBauntCgirlDclassmate133 . AmeetBwatchCseeDsay134 . AmeByouCusDthem135 . AmustBcanCdoDdoes136 . AnotBnextConlyDoften137 . ApenBwatchCbookDmoney138 . AcallBaskCthankDlet139 . AmyBherChisDyour140 . AeasyBlateCinterestingDfun完形填空。Jim is a middle school student. Hes a good boy. Uncle John lives_him. Uncle John has_ children and he_see anything. He works in the factory near Jims school. He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and_home at 4:30 in the afternoon. Jim goes to school at 8:00 and comes home at 4:30_. On weekdays Jim gets up early and takes Uncle John_the factory. After school he_Uncle John home._Sundays Jim helps Uncle John_the housework. Uncle John thanks Jim very much. He says: Jim is a good boy. He_my son. 141 . AnearBnextCbesides142 . AnotBnot oneCno143 . AdoesntBcantCcan144 . AcomeBgoesCgoes to145 . AalsoBtooCto146 . AforBwithCto147 . AtakesBsendsCgives148 . AOnBAtCIn149 . AdoingBwithCdoes150 . AlooksBlook likeCis like完形填空。My name is Jim. My father, Mr Read, works _a farm and my mother is in a factory. My father and my mother work five _a week and I also go to school _Monday to Friday. _ Saturday we all stay _ home. We often go to the rivers or lakes on Sundays. My father likes _. I like swimming. My mother sits there and watch _. My father is good _ fishing. He often catches _fish. We take them _ supper.151 . AinBonCat152 . AdayBdaysCmonth153 . AonBfromCin154 . AinBonCat155 . AinBatC/156 . AfishBfishingCfished157 . AweBthemCus158 . AatBinCto159 . Alot ofBa lotCa lot of160 . AforBtoChave完型填空。Jim is a junior high school student. He gets up_ 6:30 every morning. His home is near his school. He _ home after breakfast. He goes to school

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