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英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:图片匹配姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . meatball ( )A球B肉丸子2 . 选择不同类的单词,将其序号填入括号里(_) 1. A. active B. black C. red (_) 2. A. teacher B. kind C. nurse(_) 3. A. friendly B. friend C. sister(_) 4. A. teacher B. yellow C. red(_) 5. A. what B. clever C. where二、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。3 . Mike likes _(chat) with his e-friends on the Internet at weekends.4 . Miss Wang _(teach) us Chinese last year.5 . The dish _(smell) nice. I want to eat it now.6 . The sign means “No _”. Please dont _(smoke) in the library.7 . _(keep) the air clean, we can walk to school.8 . The fish in the river _(be) dead.9 . There _(be) a birthday party this evening.10 . Leo _(not do) his homework last night.三、判断题11 . 判断下列图片与短语是(T)否(F)相符。(_) 1. turn right(_) 2. draw a picture(_) 3. write a story(_) 4. put on my clothes(_) 5. traffic lights(_) 6. go straight(_) 7. go shopping(_) 8. a nice skirt12 . Think and write(T)or(F): went to the Great Wall (_)四、匹配题读一读, 选一选A. 去睡觉 B. 许多的 C. 吃药 D. 计算机游戏13 . a lot of(_)14 . go to bed(_)15 . computer game(_)16 . take medicine(_)17 . 选词填空,把名字填在相应的人物下面。Joe Alice Kitty Peter1._2._3._4._18 . 根据句子选择正确的图片。ABCDE1. Stand up!(_)2. Open the door!(_)3. Point to the desk!(_)4. Point to the door!(_)5. Open the window!(_)19 . 选择正确的答语。(_)1. Did your sister read last night?AYes, We do.(_)2. Do you usually work late ?BNo, she didnt.(_) 3. You shouldnt go to school late.CYes, I did.(_) 4. Did you do your homework last night?DIm sorry.(_) 5. Where is your bike?EIts here.五、连线题20 . 把下列图片和对应的句子连线。1. ABeijing is a great city. 2. BTime to go back to school. 3. CDont forget to take some pictures. 4. DIm putting on my new coat.5. E. What a fun trip!21 . 读一读,连一连1. her coatA一条短裤2. our shoesB他的篮球3. your socksC她的外套4. his basketballD一只大鸟5. a big birdE你的袜子6. a pair of shortsF我们的鞋子22 . 为下列问句选择正确的答语并连线。(1) Where is Lin Tao from?AYes, there is.(2) How much are the shorts?BHes my grandpa.(3) Is there a shop near here?CHes tall and strong.(4) Whats he like?DHes from China.(5) Who is the old man?E. They are thirty yuan.23 . 看图读单词,将图片与相应的单词用直线相连_ Afan_ Blight_ Cpicture_ Ddoor_ Ewindow_ Fteachers desk_ Gfloor_ Hblackboard_ Icomputer_ Jwall24 . 看图连线。eleventhirteentwelve25 . 看图连线。1. a. Australian football2. b. Australia3. c. Sydney4. d. a koala5. e. a kangaroo六、其他26 . 补全单词,并与汉语连线。1. n_tion_la.滚动2. r_l b.国家的3. ch_c_l_te c.圣诞节4. Chr_stm_s d.巧克力读一读,把相应的图片圈起来。27 . -Whats this? - Its a ruler.28 . -How many pencils do you have? -I have four pencils. 29 . -What colour is it? -Its red. 30 . -How do you feel? -I feel tired.31 . -Whats the matter? -My hand hurts. 第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、二、填空题1、三、判断题1、2、四、匹配题1、2、3、4、五、连线题1、2、3、4、5、6、六、其他1、2、

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