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英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:理解判断姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读回答问题1 . 阅读判断,对的写T,错的写F。This is my good friend. Her name is Lily. She is tall and thin. She is quiet. She has big eyes and long hair. She is ten years old. She likes white and blue. She likes Chinese very much. She is very friendly too.( )1. Lily is short.( )2. Lily has short hair.( )3. Lily is ten years old.( )4. She likes English.( )5. Lily is a quiet girl.阅读短文,判断句子是否正确。正确T,错误F。Its 4:00 p.m. Its time for PE class. We go to the playground. Its sunny and hot today. So many children take off their clothes. The black jacket is Jimmys. The yellow coat is Lindas. The red sweater is mine. Look at that blue umbrella. Its nice. Whose is it? Oh, its Billys.2 . Its 4:00 p.m. Its time for art class. (_)3 . Its sunny and hot today. (_)4 . The yellow coat is Jimmys. (_)5 . The red jacket is mine. (_)6 . That blue umbrella is Billys. (_)二、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Look at my room (房间). My bag is on the desk. My pencil box is in my bag. My ruler is under the chair. My ball(球) is under the desk. Uh-oh ! Where is my book? Oh, silly me! Its in my hand.7 . A desk is in my room. (_)8 . My bag is on the chair. (_)9 . My ball is under the desk. (_)10 . My pencil box is under the bag. (_)11 . My book is on the chair. (_)阅读对话,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Helen:Hello,Emma.Howwasyourweekend?Emma:Itwasabusyone.Helen:Whatdidyoudo?Emma:Ididmyhomework,cleanedmyroomandwashedmyclothesonSaturday.Helen:WhataboutSunday?Emma: Ivisitedmygrandparents.Helen: Dotheylivefarfromyourhouse?Emma:No,Icanwalkthere for twentyminutes.Helen:Theymustbeveryhappytoseeyou.Emma:Yes, theywerehappy. Iwashappy, too.12 . Helenhadabusyweekend. (_)13 . EmmacleanedherroomonSaturday. (_)14 . EmmavisitedherparentsonSunday. (_)15 . Emmaliveswithhergrandparents. (_)16 . Emmawashappytoseehergrandparent. (_)阅读短文, 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。Here is a picture of a park. It isnt black and it isnt white. Its green, blue, red and yellow. The lake is small. The trees are big. They are so beautiful. And we can see some people. What are they doing? Some are rowing a boat on the lake. Some are walking in the park.17 . The picture is black and white. (_)18 . The lake isnt big. (_)19 . The trees are big. (_)20 . Some people are swimming in the lake. (_)21 . Some people are walking in the park. (_)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Dear Mike,My name is John. I am 11 years old. I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning. I eat breakfast at home. My mum cooks delicious food for me. Then I go to school by bus. I often read books in the library(图书馆). I usually play football with my friends after school. Sometimes I go for a walk with my family after dinner, and then we go shopping. What do you usually do every day? Would you like to tell me?Yours,John22 . Here is a letter from Mike. (_)23 . John usually gets up at 6:30a.m. (_)24 . John goes to school by bus. (_)25 . John often eats lunch in the library. (_)26 . John sometimes goes for a walk with his friends after dinner. (_)阅读短文,判断对错My name is Helen. I have a big family. My dad and mum are teachers. My dad is a maths teacher. His name is Jack. He is tall and strong. He has black glasses. My mum is a Chinese teacher. Her name is Alice. She is tall and thin. She has long brown hair. My sister,Linda is a student. She has big blue eyes. She is very friendly. She can help her friends and me l love them very much.27 . Helen has a big family.(_)28 . Jack has blue glasses.(_)29 . Alice is all English teacher. (_)30 . Alice has long brown hair. (_)31 . Linda is very friendly.(_)32 . 阅读理解,判断对错Simon is a good boy. Today is Sunday and it is fine, so Simons father takes him to visit the Great Wall. The Great Wall is far away from his home. So they are going there by bus. The Great Wall is about six thousand seven hundred kilometres. Its very long and great. Simon is very happy and his father is happy, too.( ) 1. Simon is a good girl.( ) 2. Simons father takes him to visit the zoo.( ) 3. The Great Wall is far away from his home.( ) 4. Today is Saturday.( ) 5. Simon is very happy, but his father is not happy.阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Spring comes in March(三月). The birds are singing outside. Its time to wear my shirt. I fly a kite with my friends.Summer comes in June(六月). The sun is shining outside. Its time to wear my T-shirt. I swim in the pool with my friends.Fall comes in September(九月). The wind is blowing outside. Its time to wear my jacket. I go hiking(徒步旅行)with my friends.Winter comes in December(十二月). The snow is falling outside. Its time to wear my sweater. I make a snowman with my friends.33 . In spring, I wear my T-shirt. (_)34 . I can swim in the pool in June. (_)35 . The snow is falling. Lets fly kites. (_)36 . It is windy in autumn. (_)37 . 读一读,完成表格。Look, this is my poster. I get up at 7. I go to school at 8. I play ping-pong at 10. I have lunch at 12. I play basketball at 4. ABCDEAt 7At 8At 10At 12At 4_阅读材料Uncle Li is fifty years old. He is a happy man. He has two daughters, Li Sha and Li Man. They are twins. They are twenty-two. Li Sha likes making things. She makes many different things. Today she is making a kite. She wants to fly a kite on the playground. Li Man doesnt like making things at all. She likes reading storybooks and watching TV on Saturday and Sunday.They both like dancing a lot. Uncle Li likes his two daughters very much. They love each other. 能力测试根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”38 . Uncle Li is fifty years old. (_)39 . Uncle Li has one daugter.(_)40 . Li Sha likes making things. She makes many different things.(_)41 . Li Man likes making things too.(_)42 . They both like dancing a lot.(_)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。I like winter. There is ice and snow. I can skate and ski(滑雪). I can make snowmen, too. I put on my hat, scarf and winter jacket. Because it is cold outside. I dont like summer, because it is too hot. I like spring, too. Because I like the rain. But I dont like to get wet. I always have my rain boots and umbrella on a rainy day.43 . I can skate and eat ice cream in winter. (_)44 . The weather is warm in winter. (_)45 . I dont like to get wet in spring. (_)46 . I always have my rain boots and umbrella on a sunny day. (_)根据短文内容,判断所给句子与短文是否相符,相符的写“T”, 不相符的写 “F”。It is Sunday. After lunch, Mum and Dad take (带) our dog Floppy to the park, but Floppy goes in the mud (泥沼). Mum and Dad are angry. So they take it back home. But Floppy comes to my room with his dirty feet. He also takes my shoes to the kitchen. What a bad dog!At night, Floppy barks “Woof! Woof!” Dad cant sleep. So he gets up and sees that the mat is on fire (火). Floppy saves us.What a good dog! We love Floppy very much!47 . Floppy is in the park on Sunday morning.(_)48 . Mum is happy to see Floppy play in the mud. (_)49 . Floppy takes my shoes to the park. (_)50 . The word “save” means (意思是)“救”. (_)51 . Floppy is a good dog. We all like him. (_)阅读对话,判断句子的对错,对的打“”,错的打“”。Mike and John: Happy birthday! Two cakes and many bears.Sarah: Thank you!Mike and John: How old are you?Sarah: Im eight. How many bears?Mike and John: Ten.Sarah: Lets eat cakes.Mike and John: Gteat!52 . Mike is ten years old. (_)53 . Sarah is ten years old. (_)54 . Sarah has(有)four cakes. (_)55 . Sarah has(有)three bears. (_)56 . Sarah, Mike and John eat the cakes together(一起). (_)阅读短文,判断正误Jane White is an American gir. She is a student. She is fifteen. Her father is Mr. White. Her mother is Mrs. White. Bob is her brother. He is a student, too. He is in a black jacket. Jane is in a red jacket. She is a nice girl.57 . Jane White is English. (_)58 . She is a student. (_)59 . Mr. White is her mother.(_)60 . Jane is fourteen.(_)阅读短文,判断句子正误。Rose: Bob! Come here! Whose shoes are these? They look like yours.Bob: Let me see. These shoes arent mine.Rose: Whose shoes are they then?Bob: Theyre Bills, I think.Rose: Come here, Bill. Are these shoes yours?Bill: Which shoes?Rose: Those under the tree.Bill: Let me see. Yes, theyre mine! Theyre my shoes.Rose: Put them on, Bill. You must look after your shoes!Bill: OK. Thank you, Rose.Rose: Youre welcome.61 . The shoes look like Bobs. (_)62 . The shoes arent Bobs. (_)63 . Bob thinks the shoes are Bills. (_)64 . Bill thinks the shoes are Bobs. (_)65 . The shoes are under the tree. (_)判断对错,对的写(T),错的写(F)。Peter: Hey, Zhang Peng, what are your hobbies?Zhang Peng: I like reading stories. I also like singing and kungfu.Peter: Really? I like kungfu, too. Do you like singing and dancing?Zhang Peng: No, I dont.66 . Peter likes reading stories. (_)67 . Zhang Peng likes reading stories(_)68 . Zhang Peng and Peter like kungfu. (_)69 . They are good friends. (_)70 . Both Zhang Peng and Peter like singing and dancing. (_)阅读短文,判断正确还是错误。AnOldManOnedayanoldmanistakingatraintohishometown.Oneofhisshoesfallsontotheground,butthetrainstarts. Hecannotpickitup.Thenhetakesofftheotherandthrowsitnearthefallen shoe. Aboybesidehisaskshim ,“whydoyoudothat?”Hesays,“Ifamanpicksthemup,hemayaswellgetapairofshoes.”71 . Anoldmanistakingatraintohishometown. (_)72 . oneofthemansshoesfallsontotheground. (_)73 . Theoldmanpickshisshoesup. (_)74 . Theoldmantakesofftheotherandthrowsitnearthefallenshoe. (_)75 . Theoldmanisverykind. (_)76 . 阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。(4分)Mr Smith cant go to work today because he is ill. Now he feels terrible. He has a bad headache and a serious cough. He has a running nose,too. He thinks he has a cold. He has to take some medicine and stay in bed for three days. So he has to ask for three days leave from school.( )(1)Now Mr Smith feels tired.( )(2)He has a cold.( )(3)He has to stay in bed for a week.( )(4)Mr Smith has a running nose.阅读短文,判断正误。My father has nice sunglasses. Theyre five yuan. Theyre very cheap. My mother has a pretty scarf. I have an umbrella. Its 50 yuan. Its very expensive.77 . The sunglasses are very cheap.(_)78 . The scarf is my mothers.(_)79 . The umbrella is mine.(_)80 . The scarf is too expensive.(_)根据课文,判断下列表述与原文是(T)否(F)相符。81 . On Sundays, Daming usually plays basketball in the park. (_)82 . Daming didnt ride his bike yesterday. (_)83 . Daming played with his friends in the park. (_)84 . It was raining. (_)85 . Daming stayed at home and cleaned all the rooms. (_)86 . What a good day! (_)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hi! My name is Mary. I am from the village. Our village is in the big mountain. My house is between the small houses. And there is a river. The bridge is over the river. The road is beside the river. We can swim in the river. You can see many flowers near the road. Its a beautiful village.87 . There are many high buildings in Marys village.(_)88 . Mary lives(住)in the big mountain. (_)89 . There is a bridge over the river. (_)90 . Mary cant swim in the river. (_)阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)Henry is a dog. He likes taking a walk in the morning. One morning, he sees a black shape behind him. Whats that? Is it a big black dog? He says to himself. Henry is afraid. He runs. The black shape runs too. He runs faster and faster. The black shape runs faster and faster too. Henry stops. The black shape stops too. Oh, youre my shadow. Lets play together. He likes his new friend.91 . Henry likes taking a walk in the morning.(_)92 . There is a big black dog behind Henry.(_)93 . The black shape runs after Henry.(_)94 . Henry stops. The black shape runs.(_)95 . Henry likes his shadow.(_)96 . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)Look! This is my room(间). The toy car is on the desk. The toy boat is under the chair. My cat is under the chair. Its yellow. It has two big eyes. I like it very much. Wheresmy new bag? Is it in the desk? No, it isnt. Its on the desk .The books are in the bag.( )1. The toy car is on the chair.( ) 2. The toy boat is on the desk, too.( ) 3. My cat is yellow.( ) 4. My bag is on the chair.( ) 5. My books are under the chair.97 . 读短文,并判断正误。Summer Holidays(暑假) in EnglandWith July coming, the summer holidays begin. Boys and girls will have 60 days to rest. The weather is good. Parents will take their children to the seaside(海边) for the holidays. The children like the sand(沙子), the sun, the cool wind and the water. Certainly there are lots of things to see, good things to eat, and exciting things to do. They can play ball games. They can go on field trips, too. They study real things on the field trips. What good holidays!(1)The summer holidays begin in July.(2)The weather is often rainy and windy in summer holidays.(3)The children will go to the seaside with their father and mother in summer holidays.(4)The children feel very hot in summer holidays.(5)The children cant go on field trips in summer holidays.(6)Summer holidays are very interesting for English children.阅读短文,判断正误。One day Mr. and Mrs. White went shopping by car. They stopped their car near a shop. They bought(买) a lot of things and wanted to put the things into the car. But Mr. White couldnt open the door of the car, so they asked a policeman to help them. The policeman was very friendly. He started to open the car for them. Just then a man came up and shouted(喊) ,What are you doing with my car? Mr. and Mrs. White had a look at the cars number and they were frozen(惊呆了) there. It wasnt their car.98 . Mr. and Mrs. White drove for shopping.(_)99 . They stopped their car at the gate of a snack bar.(_)100 . They wanted to give their things to a policeman.(_)101 . The policeman would like to help Mr. White.(_)102 . From the passage(短文), we know Mr. and Mrs. White made a mistake(搞错了).(_)103 . 阅读短文,判断对()错()。There is a frog.He lives in a well(井)and he never goes out of it.He thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well.One day a crow comes to the well.The frog asks him, “Where are you from?” “I fly from the sky”, the crow says.The frog says surprisingly, “The sky is only as big as the mouth of the well.How do you fly from the sky?”The crow says, “The sky is very big.You always stay in the well, so you dont know the world is big.”( )(1)The sky is small.( )(2)The sky is as big as the mouth of the well.( )(3)The crow tells a lie(谎言)( )(4)The frog never goes out of the well.( )(5)The crow can fly.104 . 阅读短文,给图片排序。Mark is a student. He gets up at 6:20. He runs in the park for an hour. Then he has breakfast at 7:35. Before breakfast, he brushes his teeth and then washes his face. After breakfast, he goes to school at 7:50. Next, he has a math class at 8:00. After class, he often plays sports with his friends. He often does his homework after dinner. In the evening, he reads books and sleeps at 9:00._三、判断题105 . 阅读短文判断,相符的写T ,不相符的写F。Mrs White is my aunt. Shes sixty years old. One day, a thief wanted to steal something from her house. He opened the door and went in. Mrs White was sleeping. The thief saw a watch on the table and put it in his pocket (口袋). Just then Mrs White woke up (醒来) and saw the thief. She got up and said, Im old and ill. I have some money under my bed. You can take them away. Then please dont come to my home again. When the thief was looking for the money under her bed, she called the police, and the policeman came and caught (抓住) the thief. ( )(1) Mrs White is my Maths teacher.( )(2) Mrs White is sixty years old.( )(3) Mrs White was watching TV when the thief went in her room.( )(4) The thief saw a wallet on the table.( )(5) The policeman caught the thief at last. 106 . 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。When I was a child, I liked people with blue eyes. I had a few dolls, and I always made their eyes blue. Time went quickly. Soon I was not a child any more. I finished my studies and I was 20. I liked to drive my fathers old car. Once I went to a town nearby. I was busy that day and parked my car near the office. In a few minutes I came back and a young policeman was waiting for me near my car. I was not happy to see him because I knew I did something wrong. I gave him a few pounds for the fine(罚款)and just then I saw his beautiful blue eyes. I said to him, “Your eyes are so nice.” He smiled and said goodbye to me.In the evening he telephoned me and we went to the cinema. And now we are married and we now live together happily.1. The writer made her dollseyes blue because she was a child.2. “I was not a child any more.” means she grew up.3. A young policeman was waiting for her for dinner.4. The policeman telephoned her because he wanted to use her car.5. The writers story had a happy ending.第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、阅读回答问题1、2、二、任务型阅读1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、三、判断题1、2、

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