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英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:短文填空姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、填空题1 . 根据短文内容,将所给的词的恰当形式填入填在横线上。Og is an octopus (章鱼). He (1) _ (live) in the sea. He (2) _ (like) to swim. He doesnt (3) _ (have) many friends. One day, he (4) _ (find) a ball. He thought that the ball could be his friend. He put his arms around the ball. He (5) _ (give) him a strong hug. Og was very happy.2 . Read and classify. 读一读,照样子为单词分类。AfatBChinaCmother (mum)Dthe UK E. brotherF. grandfather (grandpa) G. thin H. Canada I. small J. the USAK. big L. father (dad) M. Australia N. short O. sister1. Country (国家名称):B _ M2. Family (家庭成员):C _3. Adjectives (形容动物的):A _ N二、填内容补全对话3 . 阅读短文,完成以下练习1.根据首字母填空My n_ is Tom. Im 15 years old. Im an English boy and Im a s_ at Brookly School. I have two sisters. They are students, too. My h_ are music and football. We are from Scotland but we l_ in England now. My mother is an English teacher and my f_ is an engineer. Id like a penfriend from China or France. Im learning Chinese and French now and I can s_ a little. Mr Wang is my Chinese teacher. Hes very nice to me. I like speaking Chinese and Im good at Chinese, too.Please write to 25 Park Street, Brookly CL36 JR, E_.Or send me an e-_: Tom99yahoo.com.cn2.根据短文内容,完成下面表格Name: Tom Age:_From:_ School:_Hobbies:_ Chinese teacher:_Address:_ E-mail address :_4 . 看图用提供首字母写出单词完成对话。A: Look at the boy in the picture on your right.B: Oh, he is Wang Bing, Wang Yings 1.b_.A: He looks so 2.h_. Why?B: His birthday is coming. A: 3.H_ birthday? How old is he?B: He is 4.n _. A: Then can his parents have a party 5.f_ him?B: Yes, his mother can make a big 6.c_ for him.A: Can some of his friends come to his party?B: Yes, and they can give him some nice 7.p_, too.5 . (新型题) 根据图片提示补全句子,组成一篇小短文。Tomorrow, Xiaoyong is going to _ at seven _ in the morning. He is going to _ the zoo. He is going to _ football at 12 oclock. He is going to _ at 4 oclock in the afternoon.6 . 看图,补全对话。1. -Whats this? -Its a _.2. - Is this a skirt? -_, it _.3. -Are these shorts? -_, they _.根据课文内容补全对话并大声朗读2遍。John: Mum, I have a new 7 . .Mum: Really? A 8 . friend? John: Yes, hes very 9 . .Mum: Whats 10 . ?John: 11 . Zhang Peng.John: Look! Hes 12 . .Mum: Yes, 13 . .14 . Fill with the proper forms. 选用括号内所给词的适当形式填空Many people know the name of Confucius. He 1._ (is, was) the great teacher in Chinese history.Confucius 2._(teach,taught)his students in wise ways.He 3._(tell, told) them to learn and think at the same time. His students often 4._(have, had) lessons under an old tree, and 5._(talk, talked) actively.He let his students ask questions and he 6._(answer, answered) them wisely. His students 7._(make, made) notes from his talks. These talks became a great book 8._(call, called)Lunyu. It 9._(tell, tells) us how to know, how to do, how to live together and how to be. From Confucius, we know learning 10._(is, was ) a happy thing.根据图片或中文提示完成下面的语段。On Labour Day holiday, John went to Xinjiang with his family. Xinjiang is a beautiful place, John 15 . (看见) lots of grapes and he 16 . (吃)delicious mutton kebabs there. He went to a supermarket with his mother, they 17 . for friends. Johns family also went to a big forest park. The weather was warm there. They 18 . and 19 . . They were so happy. The last day, John20 . with his father, it was so funny!根据图片和中文提示,将短文补充完整。There is a nice photo. Lets21 . a look(看一看)!There22 . a cat in the tree. And there 23 . two monkeys in the tree too. There 24 . two pupils 25 . the tree(在树下). They are laughing(大笑). There 26 . three pupils on the grass. They are playing hide-and-seek, the boy cant 27 . (看到)anything. And there 28 . a dog near them. It is 29 . (看)them. There 30 . a policeman over there.根据提示写出正确的英文单词。Look, this is my city. There are many bikes and buses on the streets. Lets count. There are 31 . bikes and 32 . buses. Look here, there are also 33 . taxis and 34 . cars. My city is big and beautiful!三、选内容补全对话看图片,选择合适的单词或短语填空。teacher singer by car Englishplaying writing Pilot on footHello, Im Tom, Im from the USA. My father teaches 35 . . He is a 36 . . Every day he goes to work 37 . 38 . . He likes 39 . . He is also a writer. My mother likes singing. She is a 40 . She goes to work41 . 42 . . And I like43 . football, but I dont want to be a football player. I m going to be a44 . . 45 . 选择正确的句子,补全对话。May: What are these, Mrs Zhang?Mrs Zhang: Theyre bears.May: 1. _Mrs Zhang: No, theyre big.May: 2. _Mrs Zhang: Theyre pandas.May: 3. _Mrs Zhang: Yes, they are.May: Do you like pandas?Mrs Zhang: 4. _ Whats your favourite animal?May: The cats. 5. _AWhat are those?BYes, I do.CAre they small?DTheyre very cute.EAre they fat?46 . 根据短文内容,选择适当的单词填空。staywithtookSaturdaydidntToday is 1._. Jane is going to the cinema 2._ her friends this afternoon. But this morning, she 3._ feel well. She got a high fever(发烧). Her mother 4._ her to the hospital. The doctor said she must 5._ at home and have a rest. So she cant go to the cinema. She is so sad.选择正确的单词补全短文。bring,give,grandma,then,grandpaThe MidAutumn Festival is coming. I like it. I am very happy. My 47 . and 48 . are going to come to my house. They are going to 49 . gifts for me. And Im going to 50 . them gifts. 51 . we will eat moon cakes together. We will be happy.选择合适的句子补全对话。A. What are you doing now?B. What did you do yesterday?C. How are you?D. What happened?E. Did you have fun?A: Hello. 52 . B: Hi! Im fine. Thank you.A: 53 . B: I went to a park.A: 54 . B: No. I hurt my leg.A: 55 . B: I wanted to fly a kite, but I fell down and hurt my leg.A: I am sorry to hear that. 56 . B: I am staying in my bed.选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话。A. Which metro shall I take?B. Your metro stop is next to it.C. How do I get to the cinema?D. Can you see a hospital there?E. Is it the metro stop over there?A: Excuse me. 57 . B: You can take a metro.A:58 . B: No.3.A:59 . B: No, that isnt your metro stop.60 . A: Yes, I can.B:61 . A: I see. Thank you very much.B: Thats all right.62 . 选择,填空。Dear Laura, Thank you for your _. Im happy to be your _. I havent got a book about the US. But I have got some photos of New York. Sam sent them to _ . Miss Lin, my Art teacher, helped me make a poster of New York with those _. My school _ at eight oclock. It finishes at half past three. What time does your school start and finish?Your friend,AmyApen friendB letterC photosDstartsEme从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。A. I read a storybook with my sister.B. Yes, I cleaned my room and watched TV.C. How was your weekend? D. Im OK now. E. I had a cold.Tom: Hi! Yuxin. 63 . Yuxin: It was great!Tom: What did you do?Yuxin: 64 . Tom: Thats nice. Did you do anything else?Yuxin: 65 . What about you, Tom?Tom: It was too bad. 66 . Yuxin: Oh, Im sorry. Are you all right now? Tom: Yes. 67 . .68 . 请选择恰当的句子,将对话补充完整。ANo, I dont.BThanks.CWhat about watermelon juice?1. _ 2. _ 3. _第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、填空题1、2、二、填内容补全对话1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、三、选内容补全对话1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、

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