英语六年级下册Module7 单元测试卷

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英语六年级下册Module7 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What do you want_?( )Ato eatBeatCfor eat2 . You work for _. ( )AyouByourCyourself请选出各小题中不属于一类的词。3 . AmonthBweekCdayDtail4 . AtomorrowBmagazineCdictionaryDnewspaper5 . AsubwayBbusCvapourDtrain6 . AvisitBsunCreadDbuy7 . AlambBtigerClionDsprout8 . The old people often _ stories about Chinese. ( )AtalkBtellCsay9 . - I have _ balls. ( )- Can I have_ look?Aany, aBsome, anCmany, a10 . 选出与句子相符的图片。(_)1. She can dance.A(_)2. She can skip.B(_)3. He can hop.C(_)4. The girl can ride a bike.D(_)5. She can swim.E. 11 . All of these postcards are _ England. ( )AfromBforCof选择与画线单词同类的单词或短语,将其序号填在括号12 . Id like some beef. ( )AfloorBforkCchicken13 . The ball is on the desk. ( )AschoolBunderCnurse14 . Amys uncle is a teacher. ( )Abasketball playerBbedroomCfather15 . Miss White is in the kitchen. ( )AphoneBstudyCnurse16 . Its near the window. ( )AtoyBhairCblackboard17 . Where are you from? ( )Im from _.AnewBthe USACChinese18 . -When was she born? ( ) -AShe was born in 1992.BShe lived to 92.二、阅读选择根据短文内容,选择正确答案。We have many toys. I have a bear. Its white. My brother has a panda. Its white and black. My sister has a cat. It has big eyes and small ears. Tom has a monkey. Its brown. Toms sister has a doll. It cant dance, but it can sing. Toms brother has two tigers. They can jump and run. We all like our toys.19 . The bear is . ( )Awhite and blackBwhiteCbrown20 . The cat has . ( )Abig eyes and small earsBsmall eyes and small earsCbig eyes and big ears21 . The doll can . ( )AsingBjump and runCdance22 . likes tigers very much. ( )ATomBToms sisterCToms brother23 . We have toys. ( )AsevenBeightCsix三、情景交际24 . 当你的同学要去旅行,度过美好的暑假,你去送行,你会说什么呢?( )AHave a good trip.BGoodbye!CSee you next month.25 . 询问对方的爱好,我们可以问( )A、Whats your hobby?B、Have you got any Chinese stamps?26 . 你想告诉对方蜡笔不在铅笔盒里时,你应说:( )AThe crayon is in the pencil case.BThe crayon isnt in the pencil case.27 . 情景对话。1.当别人问姓名时,你不是那个人,你会说:_2.当你想知道对方是不是杨林是,你会说:_3.早上刘涛到学校是遇到刘老师,他会说:_4.晚上睡觉前,你的父母会说:_5.下午陆华见到不认识的人,你会介绍自己是会说:_28 . 你想知道那个男孩是谁,你应该这样问:AWhos this boy?BWhos that boy?CWhos that girl?四、英译汉29 . 将下列句子翻译成中文。1、This is Liu Tao._2、Goodbye, Mike. _3、Are you my friend? _4、Good morning. _5、This is my sister. _6、Good evening. _7、Hes my brother. _8、Hes Mike. _英译汉。30 . over there _31 . a lot of _32 . hurry up _33 . all right _34 . ice-cream_35 . Thats OK._36 . lost the list _37 . bought_38 . yesterday_39 . matter _40 . 翻译句子: Did the monster eat the children?_五、汉译英根据中文提示写出相应的英文41 . 玩电脑游戏_42 . 在游泳池里_43 . 集邮_44 . 在周末_45 . 养宠物_46 . 寻找他_47 . 做轮船模型_48 . 参加锻炼_49 . 演奏音乐_50 . 醒来_51 . 彩色的铅笔_52 . 娱乐_53 . 跳得远_54 . 根据中文提示完成句子。1. 有时会下大雨。_.2. 他们有一些跟父母去旅行。Some of them _ with their parents.3. 他们都很享受暑假。They all _.55 . 它是一本关于太空旅行的书。It was a book _.56 . Read and fill in the blanks.你喜欢这个公园吗?_ you _ the park?57 . 根据中文意思完成句子,每空一词。1. 我们必须遵守规则。We _ the rules.2. 你的梦想是什么?我想成为一名科学家。Whats your _? I want to be a _.3. 澳大利亚人欢迎游客。People in Australia _.4. 刘涛经常在晚饭前完成作业。Liu Tao often _ his homework _ dinner.5. 狮子昨天大声嘲笑了小老鼠。The lion laughed at the little mouse _.六、英汉混合将下列内容译成英文或中文。58 . 看这只猴子_59 . 十二只菠萝_60 . 看一看_61 . 打篮球_62 . 很好 _63 . how many dogs _64 . make a fruit salad_65 . in that box_66 . five funny boys_67 . Can you jump?_英汉互译。68 . 在前面_69 . 一张柔软的床_70 . 在门的旁边_71 . 吃一些蛋糕_72 . between the desks _73 . just right _74 . a bowl of soup _75 . a beautiful house _七、匹配题选择配伍。A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, it is.C. Four seasons.D. We make snowmen.E. Me too.76 . How many seasons are there in a year?(_)77 . Do you like summer?(_)78 . Is it hot in summer? (_)79 . I like autumn. (_)80 . What do you do in winter? (_)八、连词成句连词成句。81 . go Lets see and (.)_82 . friend a I have new (.)_83 . her Whats name (?)_84 . brown has shoes She (.)_85 . window Its the near (.)_86 . 连一连,连词成句。1. my a is father farmer. 2. this your aunt is? 3. and come meet my family. 4. has seven my family members. 5. are my parents me they and . 87 . 连词成句。1. can for I what you do (?)_2. hand use with your the chopsticks right (.)_3. food I love very Chinese much (.)_4. dont too computer play many games (.)_5. time you watch TV what do (?)_88 . 连词成句(1)a tree There is the house behind(.)(2)front in Its of dog the(.)(3)is Mr Johns water bottle Where (?)(4)so There pictures are many here (.)(5)is a nice There photo too (, .)89 . 连词成句: going high do the jump Im to_ .第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、四、英译汉1、2、3、五、汉译英1、2、3、4、5、六、英汉混合1、2、七、匹配题1、八、连词成句1、2、3、4、5、

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