英语五年级下册Unit 4 When is the art show_ 单元测试卷

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英语五年级下册Unit 4 When is the art show_ 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I will take my cat. ( )A我将会带上我的风筝。B我将会带上我的猫。2 . -What are they doing? ( )-They are _basketball.AplayBplayingCplays3 . The friend of _ lives in the town. ( )Amy brotherBmy brothersCmy brothersDmy brothers4 . Look atpicture .AoneBthe oneCfirstDthe first5 . Today is my _ birthday. ( )AsisterBsistersCbrother6 . When is_birthday? ( )_Birthday is on July 7th.Amy; MikesBMike; MikesCyour; My7 . 根据句意选词,选出正确的一项。Howyou, Sam?( )AamBare8 . There isntimportant this week. ( )AsomethingBnothingCanything9 . 选出不同类的一个词,把序号写在括号中(_)1. A. high jump B. long jump C. angry(_)2. A. worker B. chess C. farmer(_)3. A. stamp B. sun C. earth(_)4. A. tenth B.sixth C. elephant(_)5. A. happy B. singer C. sad10 . 读一读,并找出与其他两个不同类的单词。【小题1】AspaceBspaceshipCdog【小题2】AwinterBsummerCSunday【小题3】AMayBMondayCMarch【小题4】AshortBlongCsing【小题5】AfourBfourthCsecond【小题6】AheavierBthinnerCfat11 . Lily your good friend? ( )Yes. And she is friendly to me.ABeBIsCAre二、完形填空完形填空。Bill _ in a big city. Today he _ very happy. Its _ first day of school. Bill wants to go _ school. He wants to see _ friends. He is _ to meet his new teachers. Bill _ up early in the morning. He washes and _ on his new clothes. Look! He is _ breakfast _ his parents. Now hes _ for school. He goes to school _ bike. He meets his friends outside the school gate. _ are talking about something. Everyone runs _ his or _ classroom.12 . AliveBlivesCliving13 . AamBisCare14 . AtheBaC/15 . Abacks toBbackCback to16 . AhisBlivesCliving17 . AgoesBgoingCgo18 . AgetBgettingCgets19 . AputsBputC/20 . AhasBhavingChave21 . AwithBforCand22 . AgoodBbadCready23 . AtakeBbyCtakes24 . ATheyBTheirCThem25 . AtoBgo toC/26 . AsheBherCme三、填空题按要求写词。27 . first(基数词)_28 . two(序数词)_29 . is not(缩略形式)_30 . lets(完整形式)_31 . third(基数词)_32 . old(反义词)_33 . library(复数)_34 . they(宾格)_四、单词拼写用英文写出下列数字。35 . 11 _36 . 12 _37 . 13 _38 . 15 _39 . 18 _40 . 20 _41 . 30 _42 . 40 _43 . 50 _44 . 32 _45 . 43 _46 . 85 _47 . February is the _ (two) month of the year.写出下列数字的序数词。48 . 第十一_49 . 第十二_50 . 第二十_51 . 第二十一_52 . 第三十_53 . 第三十一_54 . 第四十_55 . 第四十一_56 . 第五十_57 . 第五十一_五、任务型阅读根据短文内容判断对错Hi, I am Mike. There are five people in my family. My grandma, my father, my mother, me and my little puppy. There are three birthdays in February and two birthdays in September. My grandmas birthday is in February. My birthday is on September 10th. It is also Teachers Day. My mother is a teacher. On September 10th, my mum usually buys me a big birthday cake. I often help her cook dinner. She usually cooks noodles for me. I feel happy. I love my mother very much.58 . There are four people in Mikes family.(_)59 . There are three birthdays in September. (_)60 . Mikes mum is a cook. (_)61 . Mikes grandmas birthday is in February. (_)六、英汉混合62 . 英汉互译1. 植树节_ 2. 空气_3. place _ 4. cut down _5. look after _ 6. keep cool _七、句型转换63 . 按要求完成句子。1. I/ you/ can/ help (?) (连词成句)_2. the/ are/ forty/ shoes/ yuan (.)(连词成句)_3. How much is the umbrella? (翻译成汉语)_4. 这条短裙50元。 (翻译成英语) _第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、答案:略7、8、9、10、11、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、四、单词拼写1、2、3、五、任务型阅读1、六、英汉混合1、七、句型转换1、

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