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英语五年级下册期末专项训练:词汇姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Wearegoingtofinish _thisbook. ( )AreadBreadingCtoread2 . Ms Wang _ our new Chinese teacher.Awill isBwill beCwill do3 . Beijing is the capital ChinaAofBtoCfor4 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AteaBchickenCfish5 . We can _ good friends. ( )AisBamCbe6 . Look and judge. 看图,选出正确的句子(_)1.A. I have a brown hamster. B. I have a white hamster(_)2. A. I have a brown cat. B. I have a white cat.(_)3. A. I have a white rabbit. B. I have a pink rabbit.(_)4. A. I have a blue dog. B. I have a brown dog.7 . 选择与所给单词同类的一项。(_) 1. singA. oldB. dayC. dance(_) 2. pigA. cowB. byeC. stone(_) 3. headA. cupB. veryC. ear(_) 4. blackA. yellowB. greatC. farm(_) 5. milkA. candyB. colourC. juice8 . We dont have _ lessons on Sunday. ( )AanyBsomeC/9 . Look!Theyare_(在后面)thedoor. ( )AinBonCbehind10 . How do you _ a kite? ( )AmakingBmakeCmakes11 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AtwoBelevenCoclock12 . Sarah and Tom often _ TV in the evening. ( )AwatchesBseeCwatch13 . - _your art teacher? ( )- Mr. Wang.AWhatsBWhosCWheres14 . We use water our hands.( )Ato washBwashCwashes15 . Hunan is a province _ the south of China. ( )AtoBinCatRead and choose.读一读,找出每组中一个不同类的单词。16 . AredBblackCmouthDwhite17 . AdogBheadCmonkeyDtiger18 . AsevenBtenCfourDfish19 . ArulerBbookCbirdDbag20 . AeyeBearCfaceDeraser21 . AcrayonBredCblueDbrown22 . -Do you go to school by bus every day? ( )-Yes, I _ take a bus.AusuallyBmayCsometimesDcan23 . Oh no! My umbrella is _. ( )AbrokenBcleverCslow二、填空题24 . _(你吃的什么)for breakfast yesterday?25 . 选词填空。in on take Where When atin on take Where When at1. I often _ a dancing class on the weekend.2. _ do you go to school?I go to school at 8 oclock.3. _ is your photo? Its on the wall.4. We will have an English party _ February.5. What do you do _ Tuesday?6. Lets have lunch_ 12:00.根据提示或语义填入适当的词。26 . My b_ and I often play football after school.27 . Where is my b_ u_?28 . G_ and g_ like g_ very much.29 . The plants g_ up every day.30 . 选词填空of with on in again(1)They live _the tenth floor.(2)The children become happy_.(3)Jim invites some _his friends.(4)The woman is going to have a baby _some days.(5)She said _a smile.31 . 按要求给下列单词分类并写到横线上。rainybusTuesdaydog eggsunnyspring Mondayelephant catbike pigwindy noodles plane summer winterSunday ship Friday snowy monkey cake autumnrainybusTuesdaydog eggsunnyspring Mondayelephant catbike pigwindy noodles plane summer winterSunday ship Friday snowy monkey cake autumn1.天气:_ 4.季节:_2.星期:_ 5.食物:_3.交通工具:_ 6.动物:_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、

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