英语五年级下册Unit 2 How do you come to school 单元测试卷A

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英语五年级下册Unit 2 How do you come to school 单元测试卷A姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 单词辨音,选出下列每组单词划线部分字母发音与其余三个不同的选项。(_) 1. A. match B. haveC. animal D. after(_) 2. A. trousers B. travel C. through D. try(_) 3. A. driver B. cityC. beside D. behind(_) 4. A. under B. summer C. usually D. mushroom(_) 5. A. danceB. cakeC. picnic D. coat2 . New York is _ of America. ( )Ain the eastBin the westCon the north3 . _ does his father go to Shanghai? ( )AHowBWhatCWho4 . are the boys in your class? ( )AWhereBWhyCHow5 . Yang Ling likes_ school every day. ( )Awalk toBwalksCwalking to6 . I like playing in Disneyland(迪斯尼), but it is _ home. ( )Afar awayBfar fromCfar off7 . I like _ football very much. ( )AplaysBplayCplaying8 . How _lessons do you have?AmuchBmany9 . We can clean the desks and chairs our classroom clean. ( )Ato keepingBkeepCkeepingDto keep10 . Lucy _ on the T-shirt but it _ fit. ( )Atry, doesntBtrys, dontCtries, doesnt二、阅读选择11 . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Amy:Where are you going this summer holiday?John:Im going to Guilin.Amy:Oh, I went there with my mom last summer holiday. 、John:Really? How did you get there?Amy:I went to Guilin by train. It was crowded on the train.John:Im going there by plane.Amy;Good idea. Who are you going with?John:Im going with my parents.Amy:Guilin is very beautiful. We were very happy on our trip. You will have a good time. John:Thank you.John is going to Guilin with his father and mother this summer holiday.Amy went there with her parents last year.It was not comfortable to go there by train.John is going there by plane.Guilin is in north of China.三、完形填空完形填空。Helen is a student. She lives far from _ school, so she usually takes the bus to school. She _ to school at about six thirty _ the morning. She _ want to be late. The first class _ at eight oclock. There are four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. She doesnt go home _ lunch. She has it at school. Helen learns Chinese, math, English, PE and some other _. She works very hard, and she _ math very much _she thinks its very interesting.In the evening, Helen usually does her homework and sometimes she watches TV. She goes to _ at ten oclock.12 . AherBhisCshesDhes13 . AgoBcomeCgoesDget14 . AinBonCatDof15 . AisntBdoesntCdontDarent16 . AstartBhasChaveDstarts17 . AatBofCforDwith18 . AsubjectsBsportsCshowsDclasses19 . AlikesBlikeCisntDdoesnt like20 . AsoBbutCbecauseDor21 . AschoolBworkCbedDclass四、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。22 . Do you like _(draw)?23 . What _ Mike and Helen_(do) now?24 . _ you _(see) the sign yesterday?25 . Where _ your uncle _(go) this morning?26 . You should _(go) home.27 . No _(park).28 . We went _(fish) with my friends this morning.29 . We_(watch) a film every Sunday.30 . The girl _(want) to talk to his brother. But his brother didnt want to_(listen) to her.31 . I _(not go) to the party last weekend.根据中英文提示,每空填一词。32 . My little brother is good at _(跑步), too.33 . Su Hai and Su Yang are going to be _ (钢琴家) when they grow up.34 . Mrs Green is a teacher. She teaches _ (they) Science.35 . We use plastic to make bags, bottles and many _(其他) things.36 . Mary is reading a book in the _(图书馆).37 . Liu Tao usually finishes his homework before _(晚餐).38 . How about _(watch) the swimming race?39 . My mother wants _ (clean) the windows.五、阅读回答问题阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。My friend Tom lives on Sun Street. It is near his school. He usually goes to school on foot. But sometimes he goes to school by bike. His father is a doctor. He goes to work by car. His mother is a teacher. She teaches English. She goes to work by metro. Today is Sunday. Tom doesnt have any lessons. He wants to go to Nanjing by train.40 . Today is Saturday. (_)41 . Tom lives near his school. (_)42 . Tom often goes to school by bike. Sometimes he goes to school on foot. (_)43 . Toms father and mother go to work by metro. (_)44 . Tom wants to go to Nanjing by train. (_)六、英汉混合45 . 英汉互译。1. at Christmas_2. 一顿丰盛的家庭聚餐_3. at the Spring festival_4. 制作卡片_七、句型转换46 . 按要求写句子。1. Mike likes his new bike. (否定句)Mike _ his new bike?2. There arent any toy planes in the box. (改为肯定句)_ toy planes in the box.3. Its far from my school. (一般疑问句)_ far from_ school.八、匹配题47 . 在B栏中找出能够回答A栏的答案,并把编号填在相应的括号里A B(_)1. What do you need?AYes, he does.(_)2. Whats he doing?BHes cooking dinner.(_)3. Who is the man?CShes a doctor.(_)4. What does she do?DHes my brother.(_)5. Does your father have any paper?EI need some paper clips.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、五、阅读回答问题1、六、英汉混合1、七、句型转换1、八、匹配题1、

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