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英语五年级上册Module6单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Snow is _ and white. ( )AcoldBhotCwarm2 . Wherearethechairs? ( )A桌子在哪里?B椅子在哪里?C床在哪里?3 . sea ( )AB选出每组词中不同类的一项。4 . AmakeBwantCrobot5 . Aa carBa robotCare6 . AwhatBhappyClovely7 . AeightBagainCsix8 . AlateBoneCnine9 . He is a_. ( )ApuppyBdoctorCclassroom二、情景交际10 . 当你想表达“十一个男孩”时,你可以说:_( )ATwelve boys.BEleven boys.CTen boys.11 . 假如你是一个售货员,有顾客进来,你会说:_ACan I help youBWhat do you like?12 . 你想告诉对方广州很暖和,你应说:( )AIts hot in Guangzhou.BIts warm in Guangzhou.13 . 如果你想说“你认识她吗?”应该说:_ADo you like her?BDo you know him?CDo you know her?14 . 当你想表达“昨天我很高兴”时,应说:_( )AYesterday I was very happy.BYesterday I am very happy.三、填空题按要求写单词。15 . foot (复数)_16 . chid (复数)_17 . run (现在分词)_18 . write (现在分词)_19 . we (形容词性物主代词)_20 . dancing (原形)_21 . old (反义词)_22 . sit (对应词)_23 . ask (对应词)_24 . Mrs (对应词)_25 . We can _ (swim/swimming) in the pool.用所给词的适当形式填空。26 . I usually _ (go) to school by bike, but he _ (come) to school by taxi.27 . He _(try) on his best to _(open) the car, but he cant open it.28 . My grandmother _ (carry) some grapes for me.29 . Nancy is so busy, she _(sweep) the floor and _(clean) the table.30 . Liu Tao _(live) with his parents.31 . He plays basketball _(good).32 . Sam likes _(ride).33 . I often help _(she).34 . Mike sometimes _(show) his new shoes to the twins.35 . They want _(fly) kites at weekends.36 . 按要求完成下列单词。1. use(形容词)_2. sad(反义词)_3. here(同音词)_4. box(复数)_5. firefighter(复数)_37 . 找不同。大明的妈妈给大明看了一些家人的照片。细心的大明做了整理,观察家人们这些年的变化。现在请你帮大明写一写备注。1. My sister _ then, but she _ now. 2. My mothers hair _ then, but it _ now. 3. My grandma _ then, but she _now.四、改错38 . 找出下面各句中的错误,并改正。1. Tom is going study French. _2. The children are playing the football in the park. _3. He was born on China. _4. Yang Liwei went in a spaceship but made a video. _5. The ducks saw the picnic and eat it. _根据图片判断正(T)误(F),如果错误请更正。39 . Itsblueandwhite. _40 . Thisisapen._41 . Ihavesomecandyandacute toy panda._42 . Ihavetwobooks._43 . Putyourerasernearyourpencilbox. _44 . Thepencilboxisonthechair. _45 . Themathsbookisontheboyshead. _46 . 找出错误项并改正。(_)1. whereismy shirt?A B C_(_)2. Where are you go, my little cat?A B C_(_)3. Is this youjacket. Yangyang?A B C_(_)4. Icant find their.A B C_(_)5. Whereismy trousers?A B C_47 . 改错题:Did you saw him just now?_48 . Read and circle the wrong one: Beijing is a small city._五、匹配题看图选词A.scientistB.reporterC.actorD.police officer49 . _50 . _51 . _52 . _六、连词成句53 . 连词成句。1.going,you,where,are(?)2.a,you,have,dictionary,do(?)3.comic,Im,book,going,buy,to,a(.)4.buy,you,to,are,what,going(?)54 . 组词成句1.woman, Who, is, that, (?)_2.one I can have?_3.love my mother I_4.you, did, go, to, Turpan(?)_55 . 连词成句:big Shengzhen Was a city now ( ?)_56 . 连词成句:is, moon, the, shining(.)_57 . 连词成句。1. plant, in, can, we, March, more, trees (.)_2. I, to, metro, take, usually, the, school (.)_3. help, they, keep, air, the, clean (.)_4. move, our, city, away, some, we, factories, can, from (.)_5. can, we, what, keep , to, do, city, our, clean (?)_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、三、填空题1、2、3、4、5、四、改错1、2、3、4、5、五、匹配题1、六、连词成句1、2、3、4、5、

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