英语五年级上册 Module 4 Unit 2 What's the matter with Daming练习卷

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英语五年级上册 Module 4 Unit 2 Whats the matter with Daming练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . This _ my mouth. ( )AisBareCam2 . -What time does it begin? ( )-_.AIn the eveningBOn MondayCAt 4:003 . 当你需要别人帮忙时,你应该说:ACan I help you?BCan you help me?CDo you help me?选择出不同类的单词。4 . AshortsBT-shirtCshoes5 . AfootballBbasketballCpiano6 . Aping-pongBT-shirtCdress7 . AteachBlearnCsport8 . AyouBmeCmy二、填空题9 . 用所给动词的适当形式填空(1)Doing sports is much better than _(play)computer games(2)Would you like _(come)to my birthday party?(3)Tom is _(take)an ice-cream out of the refrigerator now(4)My mother is _(cook)in the kitchen,but my father is watching TV in the living room(5)You must _(finish)your homework before you play(6)He _(shake)his head and went away(7)Listen! Someone _(sing)in the next room(8)What _you _(see)at the zoo last Saturday?(9)Frank _(put)the bananas in his basket just now(10)They _(go)to see a film in Renmin Cinema last night三、单词拼写10 . 根据句意及首字母填写单词。She a_the question on the bus.四、排序题11 . 将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话。(_) Where did you lose them?( 1 ) I lost my sports shoes.(_) Theyre red.(_) On the school bus.(_) And what colour are they?(_) Yes. Thank you.(_) Are these your sports shoes?五、判断题判断下列发音是否相同。12 . kite white like(_)13 . book foot school (_)14 . ruler duck blue (_)15 . blue duck truck(_)16 . nose Coke no(_)17 . pink finger six(_)18 . bearear pear(_)19 . planeAcake make (_)20 . Read and judge.判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同。相同的打,不同打。(_) 1. heme(_) 2. cakeskate(_) 3. mothernight(_) 4. readthree(_) 5. cutfat(_) 6. noodlegood21 . 判断每组单词画线字母发音是否相同,用“T”表示相同,用“F”表示不同(_)1.cakeplate(_)2.tablemap(_)3.chairlunch(_)4.wherewhat(_)5.gladgrape(_)6.birdsfriends判断每组单词画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。22 . whenwhere (_)23 . cleanclever (_)24 . learned walked(_)25 . knock clock(_)26 . drinkdrive (_)六、选内容补全对话27 . 选择合适的句子补全对话。Lucy:1. _Tom: I lost my pencilbox. Lucy: Where did you lose it?Tom: 2. _Lucy: 3. _Tom: My new pens. Lucy: 4. _Tom: Its blue. Lucy: Look!I found a pencilbox. 5. _Tom: Hey, thats my pencilbox. Thank you. Lucy: Thats OK. AWhat colour is it?BOn the school bus. CIs this yours?DWhat was in it?E. Whats the matter with you, Tom?七、匹配题28 . 选一选,读一读。(_)1. Can I help you?AThank you.(_)2. Is it 2 yuan?BYes, it is.(_)3. What do you want to buy?CYes, I do.(_)4. Do you want to buy a pencil?DI want to buy a pencil.(_)5. Here you are.EYes, please.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、二、填空题1、三、单词拼写1、四、排序题1、五、判断题1、2、3、4、六、选内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、

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