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济南市2020年六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(九)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -Winnie, can you dance? ( )-Yes, _Ashe canBleanCI can2 . Spring is _. ( )AgreenBblue选出画线部分发音不同的一项。3 . AsomeBcomeCdo4 . AcowBflowerCwindow5 . AcleanBplateCclever6 . AcakeBcatCoffice7 . AthingBthatCthis8 . 找出与其他单词画线部分发音不同的单词。(1)A.glove B.short C.brother(2)A.sweater B.please C.jeans(3)A.bikeB.jacket C.whose(4)A.pair B.car C.scarf(5)A.where B.what C.whose9 . 读一读,选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(_) 1. A. whatB. whenC. whose(_) 2. A. threeB. thatC. this(_) 3. A. lunchB. teacherC. Christmas(_) 4. A. fishB. sheepC. school(_) 5. A. cowB. windowC. flower10 . 请选出不同类的一项。(_)1. A. Hello B. Hi C. you(_)2. A. Mr. B. I C. Miss11 . There _ no library in my school ten years ago. ( )AisBwasCwere12 . How much _ the ball?( )AisBare13 . 选出划线部分读音不同的选项( )1. A. baby B. takeC. makeD apple( )2. A. where B. thereC. here( )3. A. door B. poor C. floor( )4. A. chair B. hairC. sureD. fair( )5. A. house B. south C. mouthD. know14 . My name is _. ( )AbirdBJack15 . My legs are 76 cm _.( )AtallBlongClonger16 . There_ so many people on the road. ( )AisBwasCare17 . The girl wants_ a film star.Ato beBbeCto18 . I _ my house at home yesterday. ( )AcleanBcleaningCcleaned19 . _ Mr Green live in Canberra? ( )AIsBDoesCDo20 . Letsto Chinatown now. ( )AgoingBgoCgoes二、阅读选择21 . 阅读下文,选择正确答案。Hello, my name is Linda. Look, this is a picture of my family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and l. My father is a teacher. Hes tall and strong. He can run very fast. This is my mother. Shes a teacher, too. She can sing and dance very well. But she cant dive. This is my brother, Danny. Hes a student. His student number is 16. He can swim, play football, play basketball and so on.(1)This is a picture _ of family.A.EddiesB.LindasC.Marys(2)I have _.A.a brotherB.a sisterC.two brothers(3)My father is _.A.workerB.tallC.fat(4)My mother can _.A.singB.danceC.both A and B(5)Danny can _.A.16B.swimC.a boy三、完形填空完形填空。Today _Friday, November 9. Jenny and Li Ming are _ready for school. It is_this morning. Jenny and Li Ming _ on the winter jackets. Li Ming puts on his scarf, hat and gloves, _.22 . AareBisCbe23 . AgetBgetsCgetting24 . AhotBcoolCcold25 . AputBputsCputting26 . AtoBtwoCtoo四、情景交际27 . 高伟在校园里碰到新同学彼得, 主动走过去并做自我介绍说:( )AHello, Peter!BHello! Im Gao Wei!五、填空题根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。28 . We can see a lot of traffic l_ in the street.29 . He often _ /pents/ pictures in the park.30 . I have lots of books in my new s_31 . Its 7:00. Its time for d_.32 . Mrs Li is a _ (teach). She _ (teach) us Chinese.33 . He _ (put) them on this shelf yesterday.34 . I have more than 20 _ (stamp).六、排序题35 . 读一读,给下列句子排出正确的顾序。(_)Iwentboating.Howaboutyou?(_)Yes,Idid.(_)Ivisitedmygrandparents.(_)Whatdidyoudolastweekend?(_)Didyouhelpthemcleantheirroom?36 . 将下列句子排列成一段对话。1. Yes, it is.2. Is this your watch? 3. Whats that on the desk?4. How pretty!5. Thank you. 6. Excuse me.7. Its a watch._七、任务型阅读阅读理解。阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。I had a dream last night. In my dream, I went to my fathers old school. The school was very old and small. There was only one small building on the hill. There was no library in it. There werent any computer rooms at all. There was no gym,either. I saw a picture of my father. He wasnt very big then. Maybe he didnt like playing sports. Suddenly the clock went off. Then I woke up. What a dream!37 . I dreamed about my mothers old school. (_)38 . The school was big and nice. (_)39 . My father wasnt very big then. (_)40 . Maybe my father didnt like playing sports then. (_)41 . I saw a picture of my father. (_)八、选内容补全对话从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。A. How can I get there?B. Thanks a lot.C. Is there a bookstore near here?D. Where is it?E. Can you help me, please?Sarah: Excuse me, sir. 42 . Alex: Sure.Sarah: 43 . Alex: Yes, there is.Sarah: 44 . Alex: Its near the park.Sarah: 45 . Alex: You can go there on foot. Its not far. Go straight. Turn left at the crossing. You will see it.Sarah: 46 . Alex: Youre welcome.九、匹配题根据句子找出答语,并将其选项写在括号内A. Here you are.B. She likes dancing.C. Good idea.D. She is dancing.E. Thank you.47 . Whats your mothers hobby?(_)48 . What is your mother doing?(_)49 . Happy birthday to you!(_)50 . Lets go swimming together.(_)51 . Can I have a cup of tea?(_)选择相应的答语。A. No, you cant. You are too young.B.I live in Sunshine Town.C. Turn right at the traffic lights.D. Lets get there by taxi.E. Yes, there is.F. No. They are bad for us.G.OK.H. Because I get a new dress.I. Yes, they do.J. Yes, I do.52 . Where do you live? (_)53 . How do I get to the zoo? (_)54 . The bus is full, Tina. (_)55 . Can I go to school by bike? (_)56 . Why are you so happy? (_)57 . Would you like these mushrooms? (_)58 . Lets take the metro. (_)59 . Do you take a bus? (_)60 . Do they get to the cinema by bus? (_)61 . Is there a park near your house? (_)十、书面表达62 . 书面表达。继成功举办 2008 夏季奥运会后,北京携手张家口又成功申办了 2022 冬季奥运会对北京不知道你了解有多少呢?请根据以下信息,用不少于 60 词简单介绍下北京,并谈谈你对北京的看法1. 北京是中国的首都,历史悠久;2.北京是座美丽的现代化城市,成功举办了 2008 夏季奥运会;3. 北京有很多著名景点,如鸟巢、长城、故宫、颐和园等;4. 北京也是美食之城,如北京烤鸭、庆丰包子等参考词汇:故宫 the Imperial Palace_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、情景交际1、五、填空题1、六、排序题1、2、七、任务型阅读1、八、选内容补全对话1、九、匹配题1、2、十、书面表达1、

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