海口市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册Unit 1 My school Part B 第二课时 练习卷A卷

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海口市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册Unit 1 My school Part B 第二课时 练习卷A卷_第1页
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海口市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册Unit 1 My school Part B 第二课时 练习卷A卷_第2页
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海口市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册Unit 1 My school Part B 第二课时 练习卷A卷_第3页
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海口市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册Unit 1 My school Part B 第二课时 练习卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ you like swimming?( )AAreBDoCDoes2 . 选出画线部分的汉语意思。【小题1】Next week, Ill go to Shanghai.( )A下个月B下周C下学期【小题2】I have a holiday. ( )A一个假期B一个星期C一个聚会【小题3】I will visit my grandma tomorrow. ( )A看望我的爷爷B去找奶奶C看望我的奶奶【小题4】Ill help my mother. ( )A打扰我的妈妈B帮助我的妈妈C喜爱我的妈妈【小题5】On Saturday and Sunday, we can play. ( )A在周末B在周日C在周六3 . 选出不同类的单词。(_)1. A.orange B.white C. blue(_)2. A. in B.on C. box(_)3. A. desk B.chair C.zoo(_)4. A. pencil B.ruler C. cap(_)5. A. bike B.map C. boat4 . You may take the bus _ to the hotel.AoffBthirdCNo.216二、填空题5 . 根据句意及中文提示,在横线上填入适当的短语。1. There are _ (一些风筝) in the sky.2. We must _ (当心,留心) the cars on the roads.3. Our teachers often asks us to develop some _ (好习惯).4. My grandparents _(收集旧报纸) many years ago.5. My mother has a _ (健康的饮食).6. Lisa, what can you do to keep your room _ (干净又整洁)?7. We have a party on _ (儿童节).8. The lion in the zoo is _ (又大又强壮).三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断对错。Look, this is my school. This is the library. That is the playground. The music room is on the first floor. My classroom is on the second floor. There are forty students in my class. Wheres the art room? Its on the second floor, too.6 . The music room is on the second floor. (_)7 . We have a library. (_)8 . There are 40 students in the class. (_)9 . The art room is on the first floor. (_)第 3 页 共 3 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、

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