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昆明市2020版四年级下册第一次月考英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -Would you like a knife and fork? ( ) -_AGreat!BSure. Here you are.CNo, thanks. I can use chopsticks.2 . I want _ in your team. ( )AbeBtoCto be3 . _ do you have on Tuesdays? ( )AWhereBWhoCWhat4 . you go to the cinema? Yes, I did.ADidBDoCWas5 . Whose books _? ( )Ais thisBare theseCthese are6 . 选出与所给单词画线部分发音不同的一项:fifteen( )AnineteenBgiveCsixteen二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案Zhang Lei likes walking. He goes for a walk after his father comes back from work. Zhang Lei likes water very much. He often throws his toys into water. He plays with the water and some times he is wet over. His mother says, “You are from fish, I think.”“Yes, I like fish very much because fish can swim.” Zhang Lei says and feels very glad.One Sunday morning, Zhang Lei goes to a park with his father. There are many trees and flowers in the park. There are lots of people in the park. Some of them are sitting under the trees. Some of them are sitting at the tables and having tea or drinks. There is a big swimming pool in the middle (在中间) of the park.“Will you please take me to the pool?” Zhang Lei asks his father.“Why do you want to go there?” asks his father.“I want to learn swimming.” answers Zhang Lei. “And you can teach me how to swim there, I think.”“Im sorry I cant swim,” says the father. “And you are too young.”“You cant swim? Li Taos father swims very well. Why cant you swim? ”“His father likes eating fish. So he swims very well. ” says the father.“Oh, I see.” says Zhang Lei. “Then what do you like to eat?”“I like eating chicken very much,” answers the father.“Can you lay eggs (下蛋)?” asks Zhang Lei with a smile.7 . Zhang Lei often walks with _.( )Ahis motherBhis fatherChis friendDLi Tao8 . Zhang Leis father doesnt want him to learn swimming because he thinks Zhang Lei is _( )Aso tallBso oldCso youngDso short9 . Zhang Leis father doesnt _ on Sundays. ( )Ago homeBgo shoppingCgo to workDgo swimming10 . Zhang Lei asks _ to teach him to swim in the swimming pool. ( )Ahis fatherBLi TaoCLi Taos fatherDhis mother11 . From the passage we know _.( )AZhang Leis father likes fishBLi Tao likes eating fishCZhang Lei likes chicken very muchDLi Taos father likes fish very much三、填空题根据图片补全单词。12 . The _ is hers. 13 . Im going to buy a _ tomorrow. 14 . There are many beautiful beaches on the _. 15 . I usually _ in the sea in summer. 16 . He is going to _ in the park tomorrow.四、单词拼写补全单词17 . h_d(手)18 . in_ct(昆虫)19 . go_(山羊)20 . ele_ant(大象)21 . f_e(火)五、匹配题句子配对。(选答语)AForty-five.BIts on the first floor.CYes, we do.DNo, its our art room.EYes, it is.22 . Where is the gym? (_)23 . Do you have a music room? (_)24 . How many students are there in your class? (_)25 . Is this the second floor? (_)26 . Is that your classroom? (_)六、连词成句27 . Read and put in the correct order: Lucy / New York / in / lives (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、四、单词拼写1、五、匹配题1、六、连词成句1、

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