昆明市2020版英语四年级上册Unit 6 Meet my family 单元测试卷D卷

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昆明市2020版英语四年级上册Unit 6 Meet my family 单元测试卷D卷_第1页
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昆明市2020版英语四年级上册Unit 6 Meet my family 单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 祖母( )AgrandpaBgrandma2 . Did you take any photos?AYes, he did.BNo, he didnt.CNo, I didnt.3 . _ the lion _ the monkey yesterday? ( )ADoes; hurtBDid; hurtsCDo; hurtDDid; hurt4 . 找出画线字母发音不同的选项(_)1.A.bagB.cakeC.face(_)2.A.bookB.schoolC.food(_)3.A.funB.upC.excuse(_)4.A.stayB.boyC.play5 . boy _(对应词)AgirlBmother6 . My trousers _ dirty, so I washed them. ( )AwereBwasCare7 . 选出不同类的一项,并将字母标号填入题前括号内。(_) 1. A. which B. watch C. wash(_) 2. A. house B. mouse C. horse(_) 3. A. beside B. behind C. bridge(_) 4. A. here B. there C. her(_) 5. A. photo B. potato C. tomato二、任务型阅读8 . 阅读对话,选择正确答案。Nancy: How many people are there in your family?Sue: Five. My grandparents, my parents and me. How about your family?Nancy: My family has five people, too.Sue: Oh? Who are they?Nancy: My parents, my brother and me. Oh! And my little puppy.(_)(_)ANancys familyBSues family三、选内容补全对话选句子补全对话。A:Hey. This is a photo of my family. B: 9 . A:Four. My parents, my sister and me. B:10 . A:Yes. He is a driver. B:Whats your mothers job?A:11 . B:Whos the young woman?A:12 . B:Is this your baby sister?A:No. 13 . AIs this your father?BHow many members(成员)are there?CIts me. DShes my sister.E. Shes a nurse.四、匹配题给下列短语选择合适的图片。A. B. C. D. E. 14 . post office (_)15 . art gallery (_)16 . public library (_)17 . downtown (_)18 . sports stadium (_)五、看图题根据图片提示,选择合适的内容,补全句子或对话。studied grandparents watching she dancer clothes19 . A: Who are they? B: They are my _. 20 . Yesterday he _. Now he is _ TV. 21 . She was a _ ten years ago. 22 . _ is a good pupil. 23 . Why are they wearing these _? 第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、任务型阅读1、三、选内容补全对话1、四、匹配题1、五、看图题1、

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