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呼和浩特市2019-2020学年四年级下册期中测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出不同类的单词。1 . AsadBfeelChappy2 . AafraidBworriedCill3 . ApoliceBfishermanCmice4 . AbusBplaneCfoot5 . AwearBwhereCwhat6 . ( )AIm a wolf.BIm a boy.7 . Id like a hamburger. _?( )Id like a Coke.AWhat about youBYouCAnd you8 . How you? ( )AareBam9 . 选出下列每组单词中画线部分发音与众不同的一项。(_)1. A. right B. Chinese C. ill(_)2. A. dog B. boat C. orange(_)3. A. school B. room C. book(_)4. A. class B. glass C. at(_)5. A. chick B. tiger C. nice10 . We should eat _ vegetables and fruit every day. They are good _ our health. ( )Aa lot of; forBmuch; forCfew; inDa few; on11 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AinBunderCthe12 . I need a credit card_ buy things. ( )AofBforCto13 . Mike can _. He likes _. ( )Adance; dancingBdancing; danceCdance; dance给下列问句找答句。14 . How many boys are there in your class? ( )AThey are boys. BYes, there are.CThere are 30.15 . Whos that woman in a red dress? ( )AYes, she is.BShes my English teacher. CNo, he isnt.16 . Whats your grandfathers job? ( )AHes a worker.BShes a cook.CWere writers.17 . How much is the shirt? ( )AIts blue.BIts 128 yuan. CThey are 128 yuan.18 . Are there any flowers in the bedroom? ( )ANo, they arent.BYes, there are.CYes, you are.19 . We are going to _.( )AreadingBreadCreads20 . What do you do _ the weekend? ( )AonBinCat21 . I sent you some pictures of Guilin. Did you see _?( )AitBtheyCthem二、阅读选择阅读理解。Sam lives in China. He goes to school by bike. He always pays attention to the traffic lights. He rides on the right side. He always first looks left and then right before crossing the road. Sam usually goes to the bookstore on Saturdays. He gets there by bus. On Sundays, Sam often goes to the supermarket with his dad and mum. They often get there by taxi.22 . Sam lives in . ( )AChinaBEnglandCAustralia23 . Sam always pays attention to the when he goes to school by bike. ( )AroadBpeopleCtraffic lights24 . Sam goes on the _side. ( )ArightBleftCright and then left25 . Sam usually goes to the bookstore on . ( )ASaturdaysBSundaysCMondays26 . Sam often goes to the supermarket by . ( )AbikeBtaxiCcar三、完形填空完形填空。Hello! Look here! Theres _apple tree behind Dicks house. Dick is near the tree. There are some apples _the tree. Dick is looking _the apples. They are big and red. Dick is hungry. He wants to _an apple. Dick isnt tall. He is short. He cant reach(够到)the apples. He puts a _under the tree. Can he reach the apples on the box now? _, he cant. He is too _. Here comes Paul. He is Dicks brother. “Hello, Dick, _do you want to do?” “Please help _, Paul. I cant _the apples.”“Here you are, Dick. One is for you, and one is for me!”“Thank you, Paul.”27 . AaBtheCsomeDan28 . AinBonCoverDunder29 . AforBafterCatDup30 . AseeBbuyCgetDhelp31 . AballBboxCboyDbag32 . AYesBOKCNoDNot33 . AlongBshortCbigDheavy34 . AwhatBwhenCwhereDwhy35 . AIBmeCmyDyou36 . AreachBseeCfindDlost四、填空题37 . Will you help _ (I/me)?五、单词拼写根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。38 . An apple is s_ than a watermelon.39 . I am 1.6 metres. Amy is 1.62 metres. Amy is t_ than me.40 . Jone stayed at home and w_ TV last Sunday.41 . Did you d_ your homework yesterday?42 . John h_ a cold last week.六、任务型阅读任务型阅读。按要求完成下列任务。Welcome to our school. Look! There is a big playground in our school. There are many classrooms in our school. We have a library and an art room. They are on the first floor. On the second floor, we have a computer room, a music room and the teachers office. My classroom is on the second floor, too. I love my school. What about you?43 . 根据短文内容,在正确的学校教学楼平面图下打“”。A( )B( )44 . 根据短文内容,补全下列句子。1. There is a big in our school.2. There are many in our school.3. The art room and theare on the first floor.4. The teachers office is on the floor.七、英汉混合词组互译。45 . 一本英语书_46 . teachers desk_47 . long hair _48 . 一本数学书_49 . 擦黑板_八、句型转换按要求完成下列句子。50 . I am playing basketball. (改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)_ you _ basketball?No, _.51 . She is collecting stones there. (对画线部分提问)_ collecting stones there?52 . Lily is watching a film. (改成一般疑问句)_ Lily _ a film?53 . They are singing. They are dancing. (合并为一句话)They are _54 . Whats Tom doing? (用“write a report”回答)Tom_ .55 . They are over there. (对画线部分提问)_they?56 . She is watching TV. (改为否定句)She _ watching TV.57 . Xiao Ming is running there. (对画线部分提问)_ is running there?58 . They are reading books. (对画线部分提问)_ they_?59 . I have a mini-TV. (变换人称为Liu Gang)_ a mini-TV.九、填内容补全对话60 . 根据课文内容,补全句子。1. This is a beautiful_.2. We _come here. 3. Simon is_, and Daming is_.4. Simons mum didnt bring any_. 5. This water is very_.6. Its _to drink this way.十、匹配题选择合适的句子序号放在横线上,注意有两项是多余的。A. Do you like it?B. Is it a new school?C. What about your teachers and classmates?D. When do you have lunch?E. Who are your new friends?F. Do you have new friends there?G. What time is your first class in the morning?A: Hi, Frank. Hows your school life(生活)in Yingxue Primary School?B: Its great, I think.A: 61 . B: No, its not new but its very big. I really like it.A: 62 . B: I like my teachers and classmates too, because(因为) they are very good to me.A: 63 . B: At 8:00 a.m., and school finishes(结束) at 5:00 p.m.A: 64 . B: At 11:50 a.m. After lunch, we have an hour to take a nap(小睡).A: Sounds good. 65 . B: Sure. I make many new friends.A: Its cool.为下面的句子或对话选择合适的图片。A.B. C. D. 66 . Whattimeisit? (_)Itssixtwenty. Itstimeto getup.67 . Whattimeisit? (_)Itsseventhirty. Itstimeto gotoschool.68 . Breakfastisready. Letseat breakfast. (_)69 . Itseightoclock. LetshaveanEnglishclass. (_)第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、单词拼写1、六、任务型阅读1、七、英汉混合1、八、句型转换1、九、填内容补全对话1、十、匹配题1、2、

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