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人教版(PEP)六年级下册期中课外阅读调查分析与反馈英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、阅读回答问题1 . 阅读故事The Elves and the Shoemaker,判断正(T)误(F)。There was once a shoemaker. He was poor. He had nothing but just enough leather to make one pair of shoes. That night he put the leather on the worktable and went to sleep. The next morning, the shoemaker was very surprised to see a pair of shoes. Soon after, a customer came, and bought the shoes at a very high price. Then the shoemaker had enough money to buy leather to make more shoes. He cut out the leather at night, and wanted to make shoes the next morning . When he got up, the shoes were already finished. This went on for some time. The shoemaker quickly became rich. Whenever the old man saw his neighbours or the poor people in need, he would help them. One night not long before Christmas, the shoemaker and his wife decided to stay awake to see who helped them. At midnight, they saw some naked elves start to make shoes. And when the sun rose, they quickly hid themselves. The shoemaker and his wife wanted to show their thanks. They made the elves some clothes. The elves were very happy.( ) 1. A long time ago, there lived a very rich shoemaker.( ) 2. The customer liked the shoes very much, but he did not buy them.( ) 3. The shoemaker and his wife decided to stay up and see who helped them make shoes. ( ) 4. After the shoemaker became rich, he never helped his neighbours.( ) 5. The shoemaker and his wife made some beautiful clothes for the elves.( ) 6. The elves were not very happy.2 . 根据故事The Frog Prince将下列句子排序。( ) At last, the ugly frog became a handsome prince, and they lived happily together.( ) One day, her favourite gold ball fell into the pool.( ) The king asked the princess to keep her word, so she let the frog sleep on her bed.( ) There lived a pretty princess, and she only liked beautiful things.( ) An ugly frog helped her get the ball back, and he wanted to live with the princess.( ) The princess did not like the ugly frog, but the frog kept following her.3 . 阅读短文并判断正(T)误(F)。People like to drink tea. There is black tea, green tea, white tea and yellow tea. People drink a lot of tea in China. Some Chinese people drink it because it is good for their health. Many people drink it because it tastes very good. People drink a lot of green tea in Japan. People drink lots of green tea in South Korea(韩国),too. In Vietnam(越南),people like to drink coffee first. Then they drink tea. People drink lots of tea in England. Every afternoon, people drink tea. Its the afternoon tea. English people like to drink their tea with milk in it. Many people drink black tea in the USAIn the South, people like to drink sweet tea. Sweet tea is cold black tea with sugar(糖)in it. Most tea comes from China. Some tea comes from India(印度),Sri Lanka(斯里兰卡),Kenya (肯尼亚),Japan and Indonesia(印度尼西亚)。( ) 1. People like to drink coffee before tea in South Korea.( ) 2. Most tea comes from China.( ) 3.In England, people like to drink tea with sugar in it.( ) 4. In the South of the USA, people like to drink sweet tea.( ) 5. “Black tea” means “红茶”.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hi, my name is Nancy. Im eleven years old. Im a student. I go to school from (从) Monday to (到) Friday. I live far from my school. I go to school by car. There are twenty girls and eighteen boys in my class. I have lunch at school. I go home by taxi after school. I like to read books. On Saturdays and Sundays, I go to Xinhua Library by bus. Because its far from my home.4 . I go to school by car. (_)5 . I have lunch at home. (_)6 . I go home by bus. (_)7 . There are thirty students in my class. (_)8 . My home is not near Xinhua Library. (_)9 . 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Its dark(黑暗的). A man cant(不能)see the road. He needs(需要) a lantern(灯笼). There comes a man. He has a lantern. But he is so slow.Man: Why are you walking so slowly with a lantern?Blind: Because Im blind(盲的), Sir.Man: Ha! Ha! Ha! Youre blind? Then why do you carry(提着)a lantern?Blind: Im blind. I dont need the lantern. But you need it. I carry this lantern to help others in the dark.Man: Youre so kind. Im very sorry. Let me carry your lantern. Be careful. We go together.Blind: Thank you.( )1.It is in the morning.( )2.The man with a lantern is blind.( )3.The blind man carries a lantern for others.( )4.The blind man is kind.( )5.The blind man needs a lantern.二、任务型阅读10 . 阅读短文Family Chores,判断正(T)误(F)。Mariahasabrotherandasister. Afterschooltheyoftensharethechores.Onedaytheysawthisnoteonthetable:Maria, pleasesweepthefloorandweedthe garden. Matilde, pleasewashthedishesandfeedthedog.Daniel,pleasemowthelawnandmakeyourbed.Allofyou,DOYOURHOMEWORK! Weareatthegrocerystore.-MotherandFather.“Iwanttoplaythepiano!” Mariasaid. “Iwanttoplayfootball!” Danielsaid. “Canyoumowthelawnforme, Matilde?”Matildesaid. “Iwanttoreadmy storybook. Youspendallyourfreetimeplayinggames.AndIalwayshaveallthehardchores!”“Ioftencleanthetableandwashthedishes,”saidDaniel.“Butyoualwaysbreakadish,”saidMatilde. “Ihelpcook supper.” “Andyoualwaysburnthesoup!” saidMaria. Theytalkedandtalked. Noonedidanychores.“Did youfinish yourchores?” askedMother.Wearegoing tothebeach whenyoudo!”Thethreechildrenlookedateachother.Then,theyallrantodotheirchores!( ) 1. Maria wants to play the violin.( ) 2. Daniel wants to play football.( ) 3. Daniel often cleans the table and washes the dishes. ( ) 4. Matilde always breaks dishes.( ) 5. Matildeshould mowthelawnandmakeherbed( ) 6. They do their chores at last.11 . 阅读故事The Story About Ping, 判断正(T)误(F)。Once upon a time there was a beautiful young duck named Ping. Ping lived with his mother and father, eleven aunts and seven uncles, three brothers and two sisters and forty-two cousins.There home was a boat with two wise eyes on the Yangtze River. All day Ping and his family would hunt for little fishes and other pleasant things to eat. One night, Ping didnt go back home. As the sun rose higher in the sky, boats came. But nowhere Ping could see the wise-eyed boat. Suddenly Ping saw his mother and father and aunts, all marching one by one, up over the little bridge.As Ping reached the shore, the last of Pings forty-two cousins marched over the bridge and Ping was the last again. But he marched and there came the spank on Pings back. He was very happy to come back home. ( ) 1. Pings home was a boat with three wise eyes on the Yangtze River.( ) 2. All day Ping and his family would hunt for little fishes and other pleasant things to eat.( ) 3. Ping has forty-three cousins. ( ) 4. As the sun rose higher in the sky, boats came. Ping could see the wise-eyed boat which was his home.( ) 5. Ping was very happy to see his mother and father, his aunts and uncles, his brothers and sisters.( ) 6. Ping was a beautiful young duck.三、填内容补全对话12 . 阅读短文The Rabbit and the Turtle,用所给词的正确形式填空。Once there was a rabbit. He was proud of his long ears and long feet. And he was very proud of how fast he ran. “No one can catch me,” Rabbit said 【小题1】(proud).“He is terrible,” said Mouse. “But what can we do?”“I know what to do,” said Turtle 【小题2】(slow).“Would you like to have a race?” Turtle asked Rabbit. “Lets race to Big Rock.”“Do I want to race? With you?” laughed Rabbit 【小题3】(loud).“You are a slow turtle.”They began to race. Rabbit ran fast. He left Turtle far behind. Then he saw a restaurant. “Im hungry. And Turtle runs slower than me. I have time for dinner,” he thought 【小题4】(happy). When Rabbit ate a delicious meal, Turtle went past the restaurant. He did not stop. But Rabbit caught up with him 【小题5】(quick)and left him behind again.Rabbit felt a little tired then. He found a stump. He slept against the stump. Suddenly Rabbit opened his eyes. He ran faster than before, but it was too late. Turtle won the race.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、阅读回答问题1、2、3、4、5、二、任务型阅读1、2、三、填内容补全对话1、

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