人教版(PEP)五年级英语下册Unit 7 Chinese Festivals 第1课时 Story time 练习卷

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人教版(PEP)五年级英语下册Unit 7 Chinese Festivals 第1课时 Story time 练习卷_第1页
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人教版(PEP)五年级英语下册Unit 7 Chinese Festivals 第1课时 Story time 练习卷_第3页
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人教版(PEP)五年级下册Unit 7 Chinese Festivals 第1课时 Story time 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 读一读,选出不同类的单词,将其序号写在题前的括号里。(_)1. A. Tuesday B. week C. Friday (_)2. A. play B.tree C. read (_)3. A. dance B. young C. sing (_)4. A. wonderful B. plant C. clock (_)5. A. Salad B. hot C. fresh2 . Amy likes _ fast food. ( )AChineseBChinaCEngland3 . The Dragon Boat Festival is _ May or June. ( )AatBinCand4 . Teachers Day in China is on the tenth of _.( )ANovemberBOctoberCSeptember5 . We playthe snow. ( )AinBat6 . The girl is 160 _ tall. ( )AkgBcmCm二、填空题Read and classify.(给单词分类,只填序号)。1. father 2. twenty 3. pear 4. UK 5. dog6. orange 7. USA 8. eleven 9. mother 10. grape11. duck 12. brother 13. three 14. banana 15. fifteen16. Canada 17. tiger 18. sister 19. China 20. pig7 . 家庭成员:_8 . 数字:_9 . 水果:_10 . 国家:_11 . 动物:_12 . 看图填空。1.Spring is in _ _ and _.In spring, its _.We can see many beautiful _ and _ _ in spring.We can _ _ in spring.2.Summer is in _ _ and _.In summer, its _.We can _ _.We can _ _ _.3.Autumn is in _ _ and _.In autumn, its _.We can _ _.We can _ _ _.4.Winter is in _ _ and _.In winter, its _.We can _ _.We can _ _.三、排序题13 . In the jungle, there is a giraffe and two monkeys. The giraffe is drinking the water near the pond. One monkey is swimming in the pond and the other is diving. They are very happy. Suddenly the crocodile is swimming towards them. It has no breakfast. Its hungry. It wants to eat these monkeys. “Hey, the crocodile is coming. I can see it.” The giraffe shouts to the monkeys. The crocodile is chasing the monkeys. And the monkeys are swimming to the bank. Now you can see the monkeys climb up the trees. But the crocodile cant climb the trees, so it is very sad.1.What is the giraffe doing ?It is _ the water.2.How is the crocodile?It is very _. It has no breakfast.3.What does the crocodile want to do?It wants to _ the monkeys.4.Who shouts to the monkey?The _ does.5.Why cant the crocodile get the monkey for his breakfast?Because he cant _ the trees.四、英汉混合英汉互译。14 . 三只熊_15 . 在森林里_16 . 多漂亮的房子啊!_17 . 在房子里_18 . 在西方国家_19 . just right_20 . 明天早上_21 . 在厨房_五、句型转换22 . 句型转换。1. The Spring Festival is in February. (改为否定句)The Spring Festival _ February.2. People eat moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival. (对划线部分提问)_ people _ at Mid-Autumn Festival?3. It is a festival for old people. (改为一般疑问句)_ a festival for old people?4. People eat rice dumplings at this festival. (改为一般疑问句)_ people _ rice dumplings at this festival?5. I eat rice cakes at the Double Ninth Festival. (用he替换句中的主语)He _ rice cakes _ the Double Ninth Festival.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、填空题1、2、三、排序题1、四、英汉混合1、五、句型转换1、

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