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人教版(PEP)五年级下册期末测试英语试卷1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . -_you bring any food there?( )-Yes, I brought_.ADid , a lotBDid, manyCDid, a lot of2 . Do snakesmusic? ( )AlikesBlikeCliking3 . _ is in January or February. ( )AThe Spring FestivalBThe Dragon Boat FestivalCThe Double Ninth Festival4 . She _ taller than me. ( )AlookBlooksClooks at5 . Look! John _ his homework. ( )Ais going to doBdoesCis doing6 . It is _ the 25th of December. ( )AinBonCat7 . Su Hai and Su Yang always_ there on foot. ( )AgoesBgoCgoing8 . I want to go _. I need some _.( )Ashop, crayonsBshopping, crayonCshopping, crayons9 . This TV_5, 600 yuan. ( )AcostedBcostsCcosting10 . This is the _ one. ( )AfirstB/Cfour二、完形填空完型填空。“Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambri-dge(剑桥)ask. But no one can give them a _ answer, for there is no wall to be found _ the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, _, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and_ of the thirty-one colleges(学院).Cambridge was already a_ town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once _ the Cam. A _ was built over the river as early as 875, so the town got its name Cambridge.In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much _ in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845.Cambridge became a _in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000. Many young students in other countries_to study at Cambridge. 11 . AtrueBclearCrightDwrong12 . AaroundBinCnearDabout13 . AcinemasBlibrariesCzoosDparks14 . AparentsBfarmersCteachersDdoctors15 . AinterestingBoldCnewDusual16 . AsaidBcalledCspokenDtalked17 . AbridgeBbuildingCstationDhouse18 . AsmallerBslowerCslowlyDfaster19 . AcityBcollegeCcountryDvillage20 . AstopBhateChopeDdislike三、填空题按要求将下列单词和短语分类。Chinese book, red, English book, blue, black, white, maths book, pink, purple, storybook21 . 书:_22 . 颜色:_23 . Fill in the blanks with proper words (用所给单词的适当形式填空) 1.Here _ (be) some dog food._ (not run) in the classroom.3.- Are the lions _ (tooth) sharp? - Yes.4.My brother is six. He _ (have) many toys.5.-_ (there be) any students in the Century Park? - Yes.6.The crow is very _(full), he wants to eat much food.7.Heres a photo of _ (I ) birthday party.8.In Shanghai, summer is _ (sun), hot and wet.四、排序题24 . 将下列句子重新排序,组成一段完整的话_ Then put in the cucumber and eggs._ How do you make stir-fried rice?_ Next, put some oil in the wok, fry the eggs and put them into a bowl._ Then cut the sausage and crack two eggs into a bowl._ Finally, add salt and serve in small bowls._ Then put more oil in the wok, add the sausage and cooked rice and stir-fry for two minutes._ First, wash the cucumber and cut it.五、任务型阅读阅读材料Lucy and her mother are going to the shop. They walk on the road. They see a big dog and a small dog.Lucy, do you know whose dogs they are? says her mother.Sorry, I dont know. says Lucy.The big dog is the small dogs mum. says the mother.Oh, I know. The small dog is the big dogs daughter. Lucy answers.“Ha ha, youre right!”能力测试根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”25 . Lucy and her mum walk in a park. (_)26 . They see two dogs there. (_)27 . The big dog is the small dogs dad. (_)28 . The small dog is the big dogs son. (_)29 . Lucy can answer her mum at first(起先). (_)任务型阅读。Sarah: I have 80 yuan. What would you like?Sam: Great! Id like some beef, chicken, noodles and rice. What would you like?Sarah: Id like some fish, vegetables and milk.Sam: Can I have some juice?Sarah: Um_ (A. OK. B. Sorry. )30 . 理解对话,选择A或者B填在横线上。_31 . Sarah would like some beef and noodles.(_)32 . Sam would like some chicken and rice.(_)33 . Id like some bread and milk. They are 8 yuan.(_)34 . 参考画线句子,根据菜单内容写一写。Now you have 20 yuan. What would you like for dinner?_六、汉译英35 . 汉译英,每空一词。1. 他们正在站台等公交车。They are _ the bus at the bus _ .2. 服些药,好好休息。_ some _ and have a _.3. 我在超市里看见一些土豆和西红柿。I see some _and _in the supermarket.4. 夏天在六月、七月、八月。Summer is in June, _and _.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、2、四、排序题1、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、汉译英1、

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