人教版(PEP)五年级英语下册Unit 3 Asking the way专项训练:课外拓展阅读

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人教版(PEP)五年级英语下册Unit 3 Asking the way专项训练:课外拓展阅读_第1页
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人教版(PEP)五年级英语下册Unit 3 Asking the way专项训练:课外拓展阅读_第2页
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人教版(PEP)五年级英语下册Unit 3 Asking the way专项训练:课外拓展阅读_第3页
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人教版(PEP)五年级下册Unit 3 Asking the way专项训练:课外拓展阅读姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择阅读理解。Thisismyschool.Itisinfrontofapark.Itisverybigandbeautiful.Therearetwenty-one classes inourschool.Thereareaboutsixhundredstudentsinit.Ithasthreesmallgardens.Therearethreeteachingbuildings,too.BuildingAisforGrade7.BuildingBisforGrade8andBuildingCisforGrade9.Thereisanother buildingbehind theteachingbuildings.Therearetwolibrariesandsomereadingroomsinit.Wecanborrowallkindsofbooksfromourschoollibraries.Ilikemyschool.1 . Whereisthisschool?( )AInfrontofapark.BInfrontofazoo.CInfrontofasupermarket.DInfrontofabusstation.2 . Howmanygardensarethereinthisschool?( )ATwobiggardens.BTwosmallgardens.CThreebiggardens.DThreesmallgardens.3 . Howmanyclassesarethereinthisschool?( )A10.B20.C21.D224 . WhichGradeisBuildingBfor?( )AItisforGrade6.BItisforGrade7.CItisforGrade8.DItisforGrade9.5 . Howmanylibrariesarethereinthisschool?( )A1.B2.C3.D46 . 阅读理解There are four seasons in a year. Spring begins first. Summer is the second. Then its fall. Winter is the last season in a year. In China, the weather is not the same in winter. In Beijing, its very cold. It often snows. People can play with snow and they must put on the coat. But in Hainan its not cold. Its very warm. People there can go to swim in the sea.【小题1】Whats the weather like in winter in Hainan? ( )AIts very cold.BIts not cold.【小题2】How many seasons are there in a year? ( )Afour.Bfive.【小题3】Whats the third season in a year? ( )ASpring.BFall.【小题4】Can people see the snow in winter in Beijing? ( )AYes,they can.BNo, they cant.【小题5】Can people make a snowman in winter in Hainan? ( )AYes,they can.BNo, they cant.二、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)One day, Mr and Mrs Smith go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy many things. And they want to put the things in the car. But Mr.Smith cant open the door of the car. They ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to them. Just then a man comes up and shouts, “What are you doing with my car?”Mr and Mrs Smith look at the cars number and they are frozen there. It is not their car.7 . Mr and Mrs Smith go shopping by car.(_)8 . Mr and Mrs Smith buy many things.(_)9 . Mr Smith opens the door of the car.(_)10 . Policeman helps Mr Smith open the door. (_)11 . This isnt Mr Smiths.car. (_)阅读理解。The climate (气候) in our country is very pleasant. It is always warm in spring, hot in summer, cool in autumn and cold in winter.My favourite season is spring, because it is beautiful. In spring, there are many flowers. We can go out to have a picnic, take some photos, and so on (等等).Certainly, I also like winter, because there will be snow. When everything becomes white, it is so interesting. Do you think so?根据短文内容,判断对()错()。12 . There are four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. (_)13 . I like spring and autumn. (_)14 . Spring is interesting, winter is beautiful. (_)15 . It is hot in summer and cold in winter. (_)16 . I dont like winter. (_)17 . 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Doctor:Whats wrong with you?Kate:My neck is sore and I have a fever.Doctor:Let me see. Lower your head.(A few minutes later)Doctor:Your neck hurts. You have to take some medicine.Kate:Can I go on a field trip?Doctor:No. You must stay in bed.Kates neck hurts.Kate has to take some medicine.Kate can go on a field trip.Kate must stay in bed.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、阅读选择1、2、二、任务型阅读1、2、3、


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