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人教版(PEP)五年级下学期期中考试英语试卷2姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . _ friend goes swimming at the weekend. ( )AIBMy2 . We can help _. ( )AheBsheChim3 . (题文)Whats your aunt? - .AYes, she isBShe is a teacherCShe is my aunt4 . I see some restaurants _ I am on the bus. ( )Awhat timeBwhenCwhatDwhere5 . -Whats the weather like today? ( )-It will be .ArainBsnowCsunny6 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AwhenBwhoCkey7 . The room is very darkPlease _the light( )Acome inBget onCturn on8 . Do you want to go swimming with me? ( )_.AYes, IdBYes, I wouldCYes, Id love to9 . Look the clock on the wall. ( )AforBtoCat10 . Im visiting Daming _ the summer. ( )A、 inB、onC、to二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。I get up at 6: 50 every morning. Then I put on my clothes and shoes. And I eat my breakfast at 7: 20. I have milk, apple and bread for my breakfast. I go to school by bus. I arrive at school at 8: 00. Then I have my lesson at 8: 20. I go home at 5: 30 after school.11 . I _ at 6: 50 every morning.A. get work B. get up C. wake up12 . My breakfast is at _.A. 7: 20 B. 7: 30 C. 7: 0013 . I go to school _.A. by bike B. by train C. by bus14 . I _ school at 8: 00.A. arrive at B. arrive in C. arrive15 . I _ at 5: 30.A. go home B. play C. sleep三、完形填空完形填空。Mrs Smith is my neighbour. She _ at a post office and she meets lots of people _. She is _ to everyone and likes helping others. She is over fifty years old, _ she looks very young. She is _ and thin. She has long, curly, brown _. She likes to wear a red T-shirt and jeans. She _ like a movie star. She really likes _ shopping at weekends and she always buys many beautiful clothes. She always _, “Old people still want _ beautiful!”16 . AworkBworkingCworkedDworks17 . AeverythingBevery dayCevery nightDeveryone18 . AbadBfriendlyCbadDfriend19 . AbutBalsoCorDand20 . AfatBsmallCstrongDtall21 . AbeardBhairCcoatDhand22 . AlookBlooksClookedDlooking23 . AgoBgoesCwentDgoing24 . AsaysBtellsCspeakDspeaks25 . AbeBbeingCto doDto be四、填空题26 . 补全下列句子1. January is the_ month.(第一)2. November is the_ month.(第十一)3. August is the_ month.(第八)4. April is the_ month.(第四)5. May is the_ month.(第五)27 . Think, read and choose.hill touch train go past hospital up on see at名词:_动词:_介词:_五、单词拼写28 . 把下列字母重新组合成单词,并写出含意思1. b, r, t, o, o_(_)2. i, v, o, n, l, I_(_)3. w, w, o, d, n, I_(_)4. w, s, e, a, r, e, t_(_)5. m, c, p, o, u, r, t, e _(_)六、任务型阅读29 . 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Amy Brown is an American visitor. She wants to visit the History Museum. She asks a policeman for help.Amy: Excuse me, I want to visit the History Museum. How do I get there?Policeman: Its not far from here. You can go along Zhongshan Road and turn left at the traffic lights. Then, go along Xueqian Street and the museum is on your left. You cant miss it.Amy: Thank you. After that, I want to go to the Xinhua Bookshop. How do I get there?Policeman: You can take the metro. You can get on the metro at Museum Station and get off at Henglong Station. Then, walk to Jiankang Road. You can see the bookshop on your right. Its next to the Bank of China. Amy: Thanks a lot.Policeman: Youre welcome.( )1.Amy Brown is an Australian visitor. ( )2. The History Museum is not far from here.( )3.The museum is on Zhongshan Road. ( )4.Amy can take the metro to the Xinhua Bookshop.( )5.The bookshop is next to the Bank of China.七、句型转换30 . There are some books on the desk.(改为否定句)_八、匹配题31 . 根据问句选出适当的答句,将序号填在题前括号内。( )1.What colour is it?( )2.Whats in your bag?( )3. I have a new schoolbag( )4.Lets clean the window.( )5.May I see it?AIts yellow.BOK!CThree pencils and many books.DReally?ESure. Here you are.32 . 给下列单词分类,将单词序号填在横线上。1Fruit(水果):_ 2Numbers(数字):_3Clothes(衣服):_4Weather(天气):_5Class(课程):_九、连词成句33 . 连词成句。1.How you like do this skirt ( ? )_2. pretty It is very ( . )_3. much is this How skirt ( ? )_4.Can help I you ( ? )_5.expensive Its too ( ! )_十、书面表达34 . 用英语介绍下图,至少6句话。_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、五、单词拼写1、六、任务型阅读1、七、句型转换1、八、匹配题1、2、九、连词成句1、十、书面表达1、

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