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人教版(PEP)2019版六年级下册名校小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(三)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . you have science class this term?( )No, we have it next term.AWill; willBDo ; willCDo ; /2 . Is this Aunt Bookys computer?No. _ computer is new.AAunt BookyBSheCHer3 . _ you _ free next Sunday? ( )AWill; areBWill; beCDo; beDAre; be4 . The fastest people can run 100 _ in 9.78 seconds. ( )AcentimetresBmetresCkilometres二、阅读选择阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。Mrs. Brown is very fat. “Dont eat meat and cakes any more.” Her doctor says to her. Im going to stop her eating them, doctor.” Her husband says. The next morning, Mrs. Brown cuts a very small piece of the cake and eats it. Its very good. She cuts a bigger piece of it and eat it. In a few minutes she finishes the cake. “My husband is going to be very angry.” She says, “What am I going to do?” “She makes another very quickly, and eats half of that. Then she leaves the other half on the table. Her husband comes back later. He sees the half of the cake on the table and he is very glad.5 . Because Mrs. Brown is very fat, her doctor tells to stop eating _.( )Ameat and cakesBcakes and chocolateCmilk and meatDmeat and fish6 . The next morning _ makes a very beautiful cake. ( )AMr. BrownBMrs. BrownCneither of themDtheir mother7 . _ eats more cakes in the day. ( )AMr. BrownBMrs. BrownCneither of themDtheir mother8 . When Mr. Brown comes back, the cake on the table is _ half in fact. ( )Athe sameBthe secondCthe thirdDthe fourth9 . Mr. Brown is very happy because _.( )Ahe thinks his wife begins to stop eating cakeBhis wife is at homeChis wife is not fat againDhis cake is not the same half10 . 阅读短文,选择正确答案。Hello! Im Sarah. I have three new teachers, a science teacher, an art teacher and an English teacher. I like my maths teacher very much, because she is very kind. Today is Friday. We have art, English and maths. I like weekends. I often play football and watch TV on weekends.1. Sarah has_new teachers. ( )A. four B. three C. five2. Today is_. ( )A. Monday B. Sunday C. Friday 3. What does Sarah have on Friday? ( ) She has_.A. music, maths and art.B. Chinese, English and music.C. art, English and maths.4. Whats Sarahs maths teacher like? ( )A. She is very kind.B. She is very young.C. She is very tall.5. What does Sarah do on weekends? ( )A. She often reads books.B. She often plays football and watches TV.C. She often does homework.三、情景交际11 . 你向你的朋友介绍你的弟弟汤姆,可以说:( )AHello, Im Tom.BThis is Tom. Hes my brother.CHes my friend Tom.四、填空题根据中文或首字母提示填空。12 . Dinner is ready. They are eating the _(肉).13 . My father is w_ the vegetables in the kitchen.14 . They come home from a basketball g_.15 . I want to c_ some tomato soup.16 . He is looking for some juice in the _(冰箱).17 . My dad is cooking meat with _(土豆).18 . My uncle is a c_. He likes c_.五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断对错,对的打T, 错误的打F。My name is Li Shan. I am ten. I am a student(学生) in Grade 4. We have many subjects at school. Today is Monday. We have Chinese, Math and English this morning. We have PE and Music in the afternoon. I like English very much. Do you like English?19 . I am in Grade 5. (_)20 . Today is Monday. (_)21 . Li Shan has 3 subjects this morning. (_)22 . Li Shan doesnt have PE in the afternoon. (_)23 . Li Shan likes English very much. (_)六、填内容补全对话24 . 补全对话A:_?B: He is Sun Yatsen.25 . 看图回答问题:What is this? _七、选内容补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话。A. Whats he going to bring to the party?B. Where are you going to have the party?C. Whats Lily going to do for the party?D. Whens the party going to begin?E. Whos going to buy snacks and drinks for the party?A: Hi, Mike. What are you going to do? B: Were going to have a party.A: That sounds great! 26 . B: Were going to have the party at my home.A: 27 . Whens it going to end?B: The party is going to begin at 3 oclock in the afternoon and end at 5 oclock.A: 28 . B: Shes going to think of some games for the party.A: What about Andy? 29 . B: Hes going to bring some balloons to the party.A: 30 . B: Eric is going to buy some snacks and drinks for the party.A: Wow! I think you will have a great time at the party.八、匹配题31 . 给下列句子选出正确的图片ABCDE(_)1. She reads books on Sundays.(_)2. My father watches TV on Sundays. (_)3. My brother plays the drum at the weekend. (_)4. He plays football at the weekend. (_)5. R is for rabbit.32 . 在B栏中找出与A栏相应的答语,并将其序号填入括号内。A B(_) 1. Nice to see you.AAll right. (_) 2. Can you draw them?BAt twelve.(_) 3. What day is it today?CThey are Tom, Jack and Nancy.(_) 4. What do you usually do after school?DIts difficult. But I can try.(_) 5. When do you have lunch?EWe can see a tree and some flowers.(_) 6. Who are they?FNice to see you, too.(_) 7. What about Sunday?GI usually fly a kite.(_) 8. What can you see over there? H. It is Sunday.九、看图题看图读句子,写出句子所缺的单词(每空一词,数字用阿拉伯数字表示)。1. 2. 3.4. 5.33 . Its a _ and _ day.34 . The boys usually go to the _ on Sunday.35 . The boy usually _ at 6: 30 in the morning.36 . The boy sometimes _after school.37 . The coke and the _ are ¥6 each. So that will be ¥_ together.十、仿写句子38 . Write sentences according to the example.例:The old woman cooks food.The old woman cooked food.1. I get up at six oclock._.2. I am doing my homework now._.3. I play football after school._.4. I have my lunch at school._.十一、连词成句39 . 连词成句1. does, do, she, what(?)_2. animal, like, do, what, you(?)_3. like, you, why, monkeys, do(?)_4. color, would, what, like, you(?)_5. go, and ,Lets, see (!)_6.friend, I, your, help, can (.)_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、二、阅读选择1、2、三、情景交际1、四、填空题1、五、任务型阅读1、六、填内容补全对话1、2、七、选内容补全对话1、八、匹配题1、2、九、看图题1、十、仿写句子1、十一、连词成句1、


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