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人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年四年级上册期末测试英语试卷(四)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What is your brother doing? ( )_.AI am cleaning room.BHe is drinking water.CShe is making a card.2 . 找出与其他三个词不同的一项:( )AbagBumbrellaCbrokenDpocket3 . Nice to meet you, _.AtoBtooCtwo4 . Where is the _? ( )Its under the desk.ArabbitBtigerCsnake5 . -Is this bed soft? ( )-Yes, _.Aits hardBit isnt coldCits soft and comfortable6 . _ is the fruit? ( )Its ten dollars.AHow oldBHow muchCHow many7 . ( )AIts a crayon.BIts a pencil.8 . _ ( )Im eleven years old.AHow old are you?BHow much are they?9 . - _-It starts at three oclock.AWhat time does the zoo close?BWhat time does the zoo start?二、填空题10 . 选择合适的词填空How What Who Where When1. -_ are you going to study? -History.2. -_ did you go yesterday? -We went to the theatre.3. -_ will you go shopping? -What about tomorrow?4. -_ do you usually go to school? -By bus.5. -_ spent about twenty-one hours in space? -Yang Liwei.11 . Count and write:- How many _ are there on the chair? - There are _.12 . 选择合适的疑问词填空。What What colour How much Who When Where Why1. _ are you doing?2. _ are you going to go?3._ is the bag?Twenty yuan.4._ will you come back?A quarter to ten.5._ is that woman?Miss Tang.6._ is the sofa?Its black and white.7._ are you wearing a dress?三、任务型阅读13 . 根据对话内容判断正误,对的用T,错的用F。Mrs Green :My dress is old. My shoes are old. I want a new dress and new shoes.God: Go home and you will find a new dress and new shoes. What do you want this time?Mrs Green: Give me more. I want a new house.God: What do you want?Mrs Green: I want to be the Queen! Oh, no! We have nothing now.( )1. Mrs Green wants a new dress.( )2. Mrs Green wants a new jacket.( )3.Mrs Green doesnt want a house.( )4. Mrs Green wants to be the Queen.( )5. At last Mrs Green has nothing.四、匹配题14 . 为图片选择合适的对话。1. 2.3. (_)(_)(_)4. 5.(_)(_)A Look, this is our library! It is great.B Look, this is my bedroom! Your bedroom is nice.C What are they doing? They are playing on the playground.D Is your home far from the school? No, its near. I always walk to school.E Where is your father? He is near the school.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、填空题1、2、3、三、任务型阅读1、四、匹配题1、


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