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人教PEP版四年级下册期末教学质量监测英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . September 10th is _ in China. ( )ATeachers DayBTeacherss DayCTeachers DayDthe Teachers Day2 . How much do I _?You weigh 35 kilograms.AweighBweightCheight看图,选择与图意、单词相符的选项。3 . ( )AYou shouldnt play chess in the street. BYou shouldnt play football in the street.4 . Whats your mothers job?( )Shes a nurse.ABC5 . ( )AMy mother plays the violin.BMy mother plays the piano.CMy mother plays the guitar.6 . ( )Aa toy bear Ba toy elephant Ca toy pig7 . ( )AWhat are you going to do next weekend? I plan to go for a picnic.BWhat are you going to do this winter holiday? I plan to visit my grandparents.8 . ( )AGood night! BGood morning! CGood afternoon!9 . letter( )AB10 . ( )AWhats missing? The nose.BWhats missing? The mouth.CWhats missing? The feet.11 . 当你想知道别人的姓名时,你应该问:AWhats your name?BHow old are you?12 . He likes _. He likes _, too. ( )Aswimming/singingBswimming/singCswim/ sing13 . Amy_ only one year old.AareBamCis二、阅读选择阅读信件内容,选择正确答案。Hi, Sarah!It is autumn in April here in Sydney. Autumn is my favourite season! It is warm in the day and cool at night. Many people visit us in autumn because they like the weather. When you come, you can visit the Sydney Royal Easter Show. It is the largest event in Australia.What is the weather like in April in your city? What do you often do?All the best,Stella14 . This letter is from. ( )AStellaBSarahCI dont know15 . The weather in April in Sydney is. ( )Awarm in the dayBcool at nightCBoth A and B16 . What season is in April in Sydney? ( )ASpringBAutumnCSummer17 . People like thein autumn in Australia. ( )AweatherBanimalsCfood18 . What is the largest event in Australia? ( )AThe Animals ShowBThe Fashion ShowCThe Sydney Royal Easter Show三、汉译英下列单词翻译成英语19 . 关于_20 . 非常_21 . 河流_22 . 伦敦_23 . 桥_24 . 参观_25 . 钟_26 . 安静的_四、判断题27 . 判断字母或字母组合的发音(相同的打“”,不同的打“”)。(_) 1. work walk(_) 2. music flute(_) 3. shop hospital(_) 4. worked played(_) 5. school foot五、匹配题28 . 你能给下列句子找出对应的译文吗?(_)1.Its a pen.A给我看看你的蜡笔。(_)2.Whats your name?B我有一个包。(_)3.Im John.C它是一只钢笔。(_)4.Show me your crayon.D你叫什么名字?(_)5.I have a bag.E我是约翰。六、连词成句连词成句。29 . are, books, so, there, many(.)_30 . pencils,the,in,box,there,eighty,are(.)_31 . are,the,in,classroom,thirty,there,desks. (.)_32 . many,pupils,are,in,your,classroom,how,there(?)_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、阅读选择1、三、汉译英1、四、判断题1、五、匹配题1、六、连词成句1、

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