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人教PEP版六年级下册小升初全真模拟测试英语试卷(十二)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题根据图片选择正确的描述。1 . ( )AMy little cat is on the sofa.BMy little cat is behind the sofa.2 . .( )AChildren like playing hide-and-seek.BChildren like playing table tennis.3 . ( )ADad is watching TV in the living room.BDad is reading a book in the living room.4 . ( )AAmy is in the toilet.BAmy is in the bedroom.5 . ( )AHe found his shoes.BHe found his schoolbag.6 . fire ( )A火,火灾B五C消防员7 . We celebrate Teachers Day _September 10th. ( )AinBonCat8 . 根据课文内容选出最佳答案.Amy likes Australia because she loves_.( )AAustralian foodBAustralian animalsCAustralian sports9 . 动动脑。(选出正确的汉语翻译,将序号填在括号里)( ) (1)make a cake ( ) (2)water the flowers( ) (3)watch TV ( ) (4)get up( ) (5)ride my bike ( ) (6)play the piano( ) (7)Please be quiet! ( ) (8)make a plane( ) (9)Here you are . ( ) (10)Good idea.10 . Is he_? ( )No, he isnt. Hes young.AoldBstrictCfunny11 . What did you do? ( )I stayed at home _ my grandma.AwithBandCto12 . What is your art teacher _? ( )He is old and kind.AlikesBlikeCwould like13 . Its six oclock in the afternoon. Its time for_.AdinnerBbreakfastClunch14 . Letstable tennis. ( )Ago and playBplay andCgoing and playing15 . 根据词意补全单词所缺的字母(_)1.bnk(银行)A.aB.uC.o(_)2.knd(亲切的)A.oB.iC.a(_)3.nte(笔记)A.aB.eC.o(_)4.rse(玫瑰花)A.uB.iC.o (_)5.fnd(找到)A.aB.eC.i16 . 指出不同类的选项。(_)1.A.getupB.breakfastC.gotoschool(_)2.A.lunchB.dinnerC.musicclass(_)3.A.runB.PEclassC.Englishclass(_)4.A.sixB.threeC.first(_)5.A.whereB.whatC.like17 . Whats _?( )Ive got a headache.Athe wrongByoursCthe matter18 . She didnt_ a radio. ( )AhadBhaveChas二、任务型阅读Today is a fine day. Shangguan Shangguang is happy. He plays with Sima Guang and other friends. There is a big vat(缸) near them. The vat is full of water. Suddenly, Shangguan falls into the vat. He is afraid. All of his friends are worried. They begins to cry. Sima Guang picks up a big stone. He breaks (打破) the vat with the stone. The water flows out(流出来). The boy gets out of the vat. Everyone is happy. What a clever boy! 19 . 请写出司马尚光情绪的变化:_20 . Whats the weather like today? _21 . Is there a big vat near the children? _22 . Whats Sima Guang like? _23 . 上官尚光被救后,他会对司马光说什么呢?司马光又会怎么回答呢?Shangguan:_ Sima:_阅读短文,判断句子正误。Rose: Bob! Come here! Whose shoes are these? They look like yours.Bob: Let me see. These shoes arent mine.Rose: Whose shoes are they then?Bob: Theyre Bills, I think.Rose: Come here, Bill. Are these shoes yours?Bill: Which shoes?Rose: Those under the tree.Bill: Let me see. Yes, theyre mine! Theyre my shoes.Rose: Put them on, Bill. You must look after your shoes!Bill: OK. Thank you, Rose.Rose: Youre welcome.24 . The shoes look like Bobs. (_)25 . The shoes arent Bobs. (_)26 . Bob thinks the shoes are Bills. (_)27 . Bill thinks the shoes are Bobs. (_)28 . The shoes are under the tree. (_)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Today is Childrens Day. Mike and Tom are excited. They go to the park. They fly kites. Mike has a beautiful butterfly kite. It flies very high. Tom has a fish kite. It flies very high too. But Toms kite runs away. Tom is sad. They go back home. They are tired.29 . Today is the Spring Festival.(_)30 . Mike is excited today.(_)31 . Their kites fly very high.(_)32 . The butterfly kite runs away.(_)33 . Tom is sad.(_)三、书面表达34 . 书面表达。小鸡利卡Chicken Licken在树下玩。一颗坚果掉落在它身上。“是太阳砸到我了吗?”小鸡利卡问母鸡Hen Len,母鸡Hen Len跟着利卡来到树下,看到了一个坚果。Hen Len告诉它,不是太阳掉下来了,是坚果掉下来了。根据词语提示写一个小故事。1. played under the tree2. fell on her head3. ran to the barn (谷仓)4. told the Hen Len开头已经给出。Once upon a time, there was a chicken. Its name was Chicken Lichen. One day, _第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、任务型阅读1、2、3、三、书面表达1、

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