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人教PEP版六年级上册期末测试英语试卷(三)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . One day, you will _ me and see the world.” a mother said to her boy. ( )AtakeBleaveClove2 . -_ is it? ( )-One yuan.AHow manyBHow muchCWhat3 . Linda always goes to school _ bus. ( )AforBofCby4 . 选出每组中不同类的一项:( )Akind.BseeChear5 . Im hungry. I need some _. ( )AchickenBmilkCbooks6 . We can learnfrom Internet. ( )AmanyBa lot ofCa lot7 . There is a mouth_ your face. ( )AonBinCunder8 . The giraffe _ a long neck(脖子). ( )AhaveBhas9 . Yesterday was Damings birthday.We said “_” to him. ( )AHappy Halloween!BHappy birthday!CHappy Spring Festival!10 . Whats wrongyou? ( )AwithBofCfor11 . His sister is a _. She works in a school. ( )AworkerBdoctorCteacher二、阅读选择根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Mothers Day is a holiday for mothers. People celebrate(庆祝)it in the USA, the UK and some other countries. Mothers Day comes on the second Sunday in May. On that day, many people send presents of love to their mothers. They often wear pink or red roses or carnations(康乃馨) if(如果)their mothers are still living(活着). If their mothers are not living, they wear a white one.The idea of a day for mothers was first from Miss Anna Jarvis of America. Because of her hard work, people celebrated the first Mothers Day on May 10, 1908. In China, many people do the same on the day for mothers now. Some people choose a song on the radio for Mother to show their love.12 . Mothers Day was first celebrated _.( )Ain the USABin the UKCin JapanDin France13 . People started to celebrate Mothers Day _.( )Aten years agoBin 1980Cin 1890Din 190814 . Mothers Day always comes on _.( )AMay DayBMay 15thCthe second Sunday in MayDMay 10th15 . Lilys mother died(去世) three years ago. Every Mothers Day, she wears_.( )Aa white carnationBa yellow carnationCa pink carnationDa red carnation16 . On Mothers Day, some people choose a song on the radio for Mum to _.( )Aspend some moneyBshow their loveCget some presentsDsing三、填空题17 . 读一读,给下列单词归类ASaturdayBplaneCEnglishDtrainEThursdayFmathGbedroom H.melon I.bathroom J.pear(_)1.交通工具类(_)2.星期类(_)3.科目类(_)4.房间类(_)5.水果类四、单词拼写18 . 看图,补全单词:i_19 . 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. party ( 复数形式 )_2. first ( 基数词 )_3. are ( 单数 ) _4. mum ( 对应词 ) _5. wolf ( 复数形式 ) _五、排序题20 . 根据句子顺序给图片标号。Lets have a picnic in the park today!You are going to play basketball.Im going to play chess.Today is a sunny day.It is raining.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )六、判断题判断每组画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。21 . job nose (_)22 . face cake(_)23 . use but (_)24 . like milk(_)25 . men vegetable (_)七、改错26 . 圈出有拼写错误的单词或短语,并改正。1. biek bus2、by train by foot3、grene绿 red红4、stop wiat八、连词成句27 . 连词成句:my , brother , is , this (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、四、单词拼写1、2、五、排序题1、六、判断题1、七、改错1、八、连词成句1、

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