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人教PEP版六年级上册期末检测英语试卷(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . My brother very funny. ( )AlooksBareClook2 . Sandy is _ baseball.AplayBplayingCplays3 . Who do you want to send the postcard to? ( )AMy friend.BThe zoo.CAn email.选出不合群的一个。4 . AholidayBSundayCSaturday5 . AfarmerBfarmCdriver6 . AflowerBgrassCfamily7 . AmirrorBbehindCunder8 . AthirdBthreeCseven9 . AparkBzooCphoto10 . AtreeBreadCflower11 . AsingBhillCmountain12 . AanimalBduckCrabbit13 . AhouseBbuildingCpeople14 . _ do you have art lessons? ( )AWhenBWhatsCShall15 . Which city is in the UK?AEngland.BNew York.CLondon.二、阅读选择阅读下列短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。Its autumn. Its cool and windy. Charlie is flying a kite in the park. His father is watching(观看).The kite is flying high(高) in the sky. They are happy. Look! The kite is not in the sky now. Where is it? Oh, its in a tree. Charlie is sad. Charlie jumps and jumps. The tree is tall but he is short. He cannot get(拿到) the kite. Charlies father is not very tall but he is clever(聪明的). Look, he is on a car. He can get the kite for Charlie. Charlie is happy.16 . Its autumn. Its . ( )Ahot and sunnyBcold and cloudyCcool and windy17 . Charlies kite is flying high in the sky. He is. ( )AhappyBsadCtired18 . Charlies kite isa tree in picture 3. ( )AunderBbehindCin19 . gets the kite for Charlie. ( )ACharlies motherBCharlies fatherCCharlies uncle三、填空题用所给单词的适当形式填空。20 . Su Yang _ (catch) a bird with her father in the park last week.21 . Would you like _ (eat) some mushrooms?22 . He sometimes feels _ (sleep) in the morning. He _ (sleep) now.23 . How _ (quick) Betty answered the teachers questions!24 . Do you think if its a _ (use) book?25 . This book will be _ (help) in your study26 . What about _(go) _ (fish)with me?27 . Su Hai, _ (put) your hands on the desk.28 . Wang Bing is good at _ (fly) kites.29 . There was _ snow last year. It snowed _ (heavy).30 . Sit _. We must keep_ in the library. (quiet)31 . Ben and Mike _ (draw) pictures tomorrow.32 . Bobby is shouting_(excited).33 . Lets do some _ (shop).34 . _ (not watch) TV. Its time for us _ (go) to bed.四、匹配题请为图片选择有关联的句子A.B.C.D.E.35 . Whose umbrella is this?(_)36 . Is that her sun visor? (_)37 . Is this your zoo? (_)38 . My sister is a waitress. (_)39 . Im going to take a picture in front of the house. (_)五、看图题40 . 根据图片提示,完成句子。1. Mum, where is my ?2. Look! I have a new ?3. The ruler is the bag. 4. The cat is the box. 5. The monkey isthe box.六、书面表达41 . 根据提示,用至少35个词叙述一下你的爱好。提示:My name is., My hobby is., I like.best. I usually., I can., When I grow up., I want to be a._第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、四、匹配题1、五、看图题1、六、书面表达1、

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