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2020版外研版(三起)四年级上册期末测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . I can play _basketball. He can play _drums. ( )A/ ; theB/; /Cthe ; the2 . Chinese people invented _for us. ( )AprintsBprintingCprint3 . Yesterday she had _ English breakfast. ( )AaBanC/4 . Jodieandhersister_now.( )AissingBaresingCissingingDaresinging5 . I always have meals _time. ( )AforBonCat6 . A cow lives _ a farm. ( )AinBonCat7 . -_ is the hospital? ( )-Its next to the parkAWhereBWhatCWhen8 . They are my _.( )AparentsBmotherCfather9 . Wherethe Wangs?( ) In the restaurant.AisBseeCare10 . are you going to ? ( )AWhere; toBWhen; doCWhat; do11 . Are you going to visit your grandparents _?( )Anext weekBlast weekCevery day二、阅读选择阅读理解Im Kitty. This is my home. Look! There are four people in my family. My mother is a teacher. She is in the kitchen now. My father is a doctor. He is strong and tall. He is in the living room now. My sister is a student. She has blue glasses. She is in the study. I am a student, too. Lunch is ready. Id like some beef, soup and rice.12 . There are_people in Kittys family. ( )A3B4C513 . Kittys mother is in the_.( )Aliving roomBStudyCkitchen14 . Kittys father is_. ( )Astrong and shortBtall and strongCstrong and fat15 . Kitty would like some_for lunch. ( )Abeef, soup and juiceBsoup, beef and riceCbeef, juice and rice16 . Kittys sister has_. ( )Awhite shoesBshort hairCblue glasses三、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。17 . She has big _(eye)and a small mouth.18 . The dog has four _(leg).19 . My little sister is six _(month)old.20 . Mike _(not go)to school yesterday.21 . Did you _(have)dinner at home?22 . In China , people like _(eat)dumplings.23 . She _(fly)a kite last Sunday.24 . My brother _(visit)the Great Wall last year.25 . Would you like _(sing)songs?26 . She likes _(dance)and singing.四、判断题判断下列单词与图片是(T)否(F)相符。27 . Canada (_)28 . grandma (_)29 . sister (_)30 . pupil (_)31 . thin (_)五、匹配题32 . 从栏中选出I栏的正确应答将其序号填在括号内。I II(_) 1. Where will Mr. Green go?AI want to be a singer.(_) 2. What did you do last Sunday?BWe mustnt run or play on the road.(_) 3. What is your dream?COK. Mum.(_) 4. Whats your aunt going to do?DMy friend is.(_) 5. What must you not do on the road?EHe will go to Hong Kong.(_) 6. Will you go swimming this Saturday?FYes, it did.(_) 7. Dont go to bed too late.GI will go to the zoo.(_) 8. Did the mouse help the lion? H. I made a fruit salad at home.(_) 9. Who is going to be the clown? I. Shes going to buy some clothes.(_) 10. What is your plan? J. Yes, I will.六、连词成句33 . 连词成句。(1)bike / have / new / I / a (.)_(2)a/bird / bottle / the / see / can (.)_(3)very / bird / thirsty / the / is (?) _第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、四、判断题1、五、匹配题1、六、连词成句1、

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