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.Discuss advantage and disadvantage of Format contract1 Introduction1.1So-called format contract is put forward by the parties to the contract all the contract stipulations, the other party only briefly all accept or not to accept, no bargaining leeway contract. Format contract appear, ultimately have various objective reasons. Taiwan civil law scholars think, Mr. Huang Yue Qin adhesion contracts are increasingly common, there are three main motivation: 1, the legal behavior or contracting behavior of compulsory tendency. 2, the contracting, failure behavior has become a, to repeat. 3, with a great number of production consumption for content of modern life relations, make enterprises and customers shall hope can simplify the contracting procedures.1.2Base on the PRC contract law , article 39“ format clauses is at that time men for repeated use and worked in advance, format contract and in when a contract not negotiated with the other party terms.” Adopt format clauses contract called format contract, or format contract. 2 The advantage of Format contract2.1 Reduce the contracting cost, improve trading activities benefit, save trade time. Format contract content formatting and specificity in the contracting procedures, simplify the adapted to modern commercial development requirements2.2 Format contract value of safety. Can advance differentiation risks and maintaining the safety of transactions, forecasting potential legal responsibilities risk transfer to third party. Format contract itself has the safety value, adapted to the needs of market trade, ensure the safety of the transaction. 2.3 For no particular party has fair value. Not because of partys contract status, its ability to perform and social status of different and modify terms, it for different conditions of the people provides free trade fair chance, reflect the laws of fair value.2.4 Format contract beneficial to the country macroscopical adjusting control. Strengthen meddling in the economy, ensure that our national economic security. Due to adhesion clauses in advance, the state has drafted sex special government formulated uniformly is one of a kind of way, another nation can also be used for administrative advantages strengthen audit control power, and therefore realize policy to control the economy. 3 The disadvantage of Format contract 3.1 Format contract violate the freedom of contract principle. Format contract ruled out the possibility of choice and negotiation counterpart, in fact formed to relative persons forced contracting status, this makes the equality of concealing the fact of inequality, make the parties in a more disadvantage, also violation and shook the basic principles of the civil law.3.2 Format contract has drafted in advance sexual and unilateral decisive In order to pursue the interests, they almost little or no considering relative persons interests, it is often become their monopoly and compulsory consumer tools. 4 The actuality of Format contractIn our country, the format contract is widely used in all sectors of society, and meanwhile has very strong political characteristics, especially after Chinas accession to the world trade organization, the development of the socialist market economy prosperity and improvement to format contract for wider use, vigorously promotes the economic development and the market trade of prosperity, there are also infringement of the rights and interests of consumers problems 5 Consummated our country Format contractFormat contract with the freedom of contract as the theoretical basis, the result but became abuse freedom and rights paradigm to contract the opposite of freedom, caused the legislative, judicial and administrative wide concern, even to the common social standard contracts in todays hostility and adhesion contracts the function and its the consequences have to let us to it corresponding regulation. We can adopt self-discipline regulation, comprehensive administrative, judicial and legislative, social supervision, and the ways in which combined the national actual, extensive reference world advanced theory, use a combination of means, complement each other with the legislation regulating basis, self-discipline and consumer protection groups, supervision as auxiliary, strengthen the legal consciousness, establish and perfect the legal system, only then can maximize the remedy the defects of standard contracts, make its for the development of Chinas socialist market economy and the socialist modernization services. 讨论格式合同的优缺点一、所谓格式合同就是由合同当事人提出合同的全部条款,对方只能概括地全部接受或不接受,没有任何讨价还价余地的合同。格式合同的出现,归根结底有各种各样的客观原因。台湾民法学者黄越钦先生认为,格式合同之所以日渐普遍,主要有三种动机:1、法律行为或订约行为之强制倾向。2、缔约、履约行为大量发生,不断重复。3、以大量生产消费为内容的现代生活关系,使得企业界与顾客均希望能简化订约程序。中华人民共和国合同法第三十九条规定:“格式条款是当时事人为了重复使用而预先拟定,格式合同并在订立合同时未与对方协商的条款。”采用格式条款的合同称为格式合同,或制式合同。二、格式合同的优点:1、降低缔约成本,提高交易活动的效益,节省交易时间。格式合同内容上的格式化、特定性精简了缔约的程序,适应了现代商业发展的要求。2、格式合同的安全价值。可以预先分化风险,维护交易安全,预测潜在的法律责任,将风险转移给第三人。格式合同本身具有的安全价值,适应了市场交易的需要,保障了交易的安全性。3、对于不特定当事人具有公平的价值。不会因当事人的合同地位、履行能力以及社会地位的不同而修改条款,它为不同条件的人提供了自由交易的公平机会,体现了法律的公平价值。4、格式合同的采用有利于国家进行宏观调控。加强对经济的干预,确保国家经济安全。由于格式条款具有预先拟订性,国家专门政府机关统一制定是其中一种方式,另外国家也可利用行政优势加强审核调控力度,以此实现对经济进行政策控制。三、格式合同的缺点1、格式合同违背了契约自由原则。格式合同排除了相对人选择与协商的可能性,在事实上形成了对相对人的强制,这就使得缔约地位的平等掩盖了事实的不平等,使当事人处于更加不利的地位,也违背和动摇了民法合同法的基本原则.2、格式合同具有预先拟订性和单方决定性。为了追求利益的最大化,他们几乎很少或完全不考虑相对人的利益,而这往往成为他们垄断和强制消费者的工具。四、现状在我国,格式合同广泛运用于社会各行各业的同时,又具有十分浓厚的政治特色,特别是我国加入世界贸易组织,社会主义市场经济的发展繁荣与完善,使格式合同得到更加广泛的运用,大力促进了经济发展与市场贸易的繁荣,同时也存在着侵害消费者权益的种种问题。五、完善格式合同以契约自由为理论基础,结果却成为了滥用自由权利的典范,走向了契约自由的反面,引起了立法、司法、行政的广泛关注,甚至是社会对格式合同的普遍的敌视,在今天格式合同的作用和它所带来的后果不得不让我们对它进行相应的规制。我们可以综合采用自律规制,行政、司法、立法、社会监督的方式,以及结合本国实际,广泛借鉴世界各国先进理论,综合运用各种手段,互相补充,以立法规范为基础,以行业自律与消费者保护团体、监督为辅助,强化法律意识,建立健全法制体系,才能够最大限度地弥补格式合同的缺陷,使其为我国社会主义市场经济发展与社会主义现代化建设服务。欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用致力于合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求ppt课件设计制作,word文档制作,图文设计制作、发布广告等,公司秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意!感谢您下载我们文档6.


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