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.Memorandum of UnderstandingThis Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)is made and entered into this 8th day of sep,2012 between:The Consortium whose principal place of business is in PRC and consisting,inter alia of i)China International Fund Limited;ii)China Railway Construction Corporation;(the Consortium)of the one part, and the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone(GOSL)The Consortium and GOSL are sometimes referred to in this MOU individually as a “Party” and,collectively, as the “Parties”WHEREASA. In furtherance of the mutual desires of the Parties to develop a strategic partnership and cooperation to ensure that the rich potential resources of Sierra Leone benefit the people of Sierra Leone through improved welfare of the People of Sierra Leone through the provision of services and infrastructure and the strengthening of Sierra Leones national development through experience sharing(South-South Cooperation) particularly in the sphere of construction of core infrastructure assets;B. To bring to the People of Sierra Leone, in the spirit of mutual respect and with a view of transferring relevant technical, organizational and management skills necessary to bring to the C. Republic of Sierra Leone to a higher level of development and prosperity;D. GOSL desires assistance in sourcing,implementing or prequalifying skilled and competent contractors and financiers for the purpose of its national development priorities award of contracts for projects specifically in the following priority areas;1. MINISTRY OF WORKS,HOUSING AND INFRASTRUCTURE- Remedial Roads Rehabilitation- Development of new city- Construction and Operation of) Affordable Social Housing Infrastructure ) National trunk and feeder roads) National railways) Bridges and drainage systems at national ,regional and local levels) Airports2. MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND WATER RESOURCES:- Construction and operation of:) Thermal electric generation systems ) Hydro power systems & infrastructure) Water supply systems & infrastructure) Other renewable power generation systems3. PETROLEUM DIRECTORATE- Construction and operation of:) Upstream oil and gas exploration and development ) Dowmstream refinery infrastructure and systems) Logistics and services infrastructure- Institution building4. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE,FORESTRY & FOOD SECURITY- Construction and Operation of) Large scale commercial production of up to three millon hectares of rice ) Large scale oil palm & rubber plantations) Large scale plantation of other cash crops) Timber production ,processing & export) National,regional and local irrigation systems5. MINISTRY OF FISHERIES & MARINE RESOURCES- Construction and Operation of) Artisanal & industrial fisheries infrastructure systems ) Boat building,fish harbour & cold storage systems ) Processing and preservation plants and facilities) International sanitary compliance facilities, systems and procedures- Monitoring control and surveillance capacity6. MINISTRY OF MINES & MINERAL RESOURCES- Comprehensive geological survey of natural & mineral resources- Construction and Operation of) Diamond exchange centre ) Diamond cutting & polishing factory ) Diamond export company ) Gold mining and refineries- Iron ore,limestone and other mineral development 7. MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY- Importation and trading of essentialConsumer and other products such as:) Rice ) Cooking oil and other essential condiments ) Cement and other essential building material products - Construction and Operation of) Light industrial zones ) Building and construction materials production ) Other labour-intensive industries E. The consortium affirms that they are experienced international resource and infrastructure companies with vast contacts in the sphere of developmental construction and are able and willing to share with GOSL their experience and contacts,especially contractors and financiers within the Peoples Republic of China ,Hong Kong and the rest of Asia; In consideration of the consortiums assistance as set out herein,GOSL agrees to erter into this binding MOU that sets out the key terms and a process by which the parties will negotiate in good faith,establish and agree on the terms and conditions of a definitive agreement or series of definitive agreements.1. Effective date;Term.(a) This MOU shall become effective on 8th September,2010(the Effective date).(b) This MOU shall remain in effect unless terminated by the parties hereto by mutual written agreement.2. Responsibilities of the parties(a) During the term of this MOU ,the CONSORTIUM shall act as GOSLs network of contacts and experience to work with banks financiers, related professionals to select and introduce capable and reasonable contractors from(or whose parent companies are from) the Peoples Republic of Chins,Hong Kong and the of Asia to GOSL and subject to GOSLs approval work to towards securing the agreement of the contractor to undertake the project designated by GOSL. (b) The consortium will play the role of ensuring that the contractors it introduces and/or their associated companies have a good track record of completing projects on time and on budget and are of an international standard. The consortium will assist GOSL in assessing the reasonableness of these contractors and the technical competencies of their proposal prior to GOSL ertering into a formal contract with the selected contractor . The consortium will also use its expertise,as far as possible,in negotiating for banking or funding arrangements as well as provide financial and legal support services for the transaction with the ultimate goal of assisting GOSL secure a just and fair contract for its aforementioned project.(c) The consortium shall assist GOSLs working teams to conclude a definitive agreement as to the terms of services to be provided by the successful contractor.(d) The Parties undertake to appoint relevant personnel to form a working group within 10 days of this MOU and for a definitive Agreement to be fully prepared for execution within 3 months of this MOU.In witness whereof ,each of the parties has caused its duly authorized officer or representative to execute this Memorandum of Understanding as of the date first above written.By: DR.ERNEST BAI KOROMA President of the Republic of Sierra LeoneBy: MR.SAM PaPresident of the China International Fund LimitedBy: MR.ZHAO GuangfaPresident of the China Railway Construction Corporation Limited协议书本协议用于2012年9月8日会议,会议组成有:主营地点在中国境内的联盟,特别是:1. 中国国际基金有限公司2. 中国铁道建筑总公司另一方是塞拉利昂共和国政府该联盟和塞拉利昂政府有时也被称为本协议单独称为“一方”,或统称为“双方”鉴于:A.在促进共同发展的愿望下,缔约双方制定了合作和战略伙伴关系,以确保塞拉利昂丰富的潜在资源,通过提供服务、基础设施建设和改进塞拉利昂人民的福利,通过互相交流(南南合作)使塞拉利昂人民受益和加强塞拉利昂国家发展,特别是建筑领域的核心基础设施建设。B.本着对塞拉利昂人民相互尊重的精神,转让相关技术的同时应提供必要的组织和管理技能。C.促使塞拉利昂共和国得到更高的繁荣和发展。D.塞拉利昂政府将会对资格预审合格的熟练承包商和以融资为目的的国家发展重点项目的合同在采购,实施方面予以特别协助,尤其在以下优先领域:1、工程部,住房和基础设施建设- 道路修补工作- 新城的发展- 以下方面的建设和运营:1)合理的社会住房基础设施2)国道主干线和支线道路3)国有铁路4)国家、区域和地方各级桥梁及排水系统5)机场2、能源和水利部- 建设及经营:1)火力发电系统2)水利发电系统及基础设施3)供水系统及基础设施4)其他可再生能源发电系统3、石油局- 建设及经营:1)上游石油和天然气的勘探和开发2)下游炼油厂的基础设施和系统3)物流和服务基础设施- 建立制度4、农业、林业及食品安全部- 建设及经营:1)三百万公顷水稻的大规模生产2)大型油棕和橡胶种植园3)其他经济作物的大规模生产4)木材生产,加工和出口5)国家、区域和地方灌溉系统5、渔业及海洋资源部- 建设及经营:1)手工和工业化渔业基础设施系统2)造船,渔港及冷藏系统建设3)加工、保存作物及设施4)符合国际卫生要求的设施,系统和程序-监测控制和监视能力 6、矿业和矿产资源部- 自然和矿产资源的综合地质调查- 建设及经营:1)钻石交易中心2)钻石切割和抛光工厂3)钻石进出口公司4)黄金开采和精炼厂 - 铁矿石,石灰石等矿产开发 7、贸易及工业部- 必要的进口和交易- 消费品及其他产品,如:1)大米2)食用油和其他重要调味品3)水泥和其他重要的建材产品- 建设及经营:1)光能工业区2)建筑和建筑材料生产3)其他劳动密集型产业E.该联盟声明,他们是经验丰富的具有国际资源和基础设施的公司,可对广大领域进行开发和建设,并愿意与塞拉利昂政府分享和交流自己的经验,特别是中国、香港以及亚洲其他国家的承包商和金融家。考虑本条文所载援助项目,双方以诚信为本对其中关键条款和进程进行协商,塞拉利昂政府同意通过进一步商定本协议的条款和条件,建立一个最终协议或一系列最终协议。1、 生效日期;有效期限(1) 该协议生效日期为2012年9月8日(生效日期)。(2) 双方签署书面终止协议,本协议方按有关规定终止。2、各方责任(1)在本协议期间,该联合体应协会应充当塞政府的联系人和经验的交流网点, 联系银行金融家,选择相关的专业人士,引进有能力的来自(或其母公司来自)中国、香港或亚洲其他国家的承包商,协助塞政府完成审批工作,以确保该承包商可以承担由塞政府指定的项目。 (2)该联合体应确保引入的承包商和/或其关联公司有良好的业绩记录,能按国际标准的期限和预算下完成项目。该联合体将协助塞拉利昂政府评估这些承包商的技术能力,他们应在塞拉利昂政府与选定承包人签订正式合同之前提出合理性建议。该联合体将利用其专业知识,尽可能在银行或资金安排谈判中,提供金融服务和法律支持,其最终目标是协助塞拉利昂政府在上述项目中确保合同的公正和公平。(3)联合体应当协助塞拉利昂政府的工作小组达成最终协议,以保证中标承办商按条款提供服务。(4)缔约双方承诺委托有关人员于10天之内为本协议的执行组成工作组,在3个月内为本协议和最终协议做好充分的准备。以昭信守,各订约方及其正式授权的人员或代表在上述日期签订和执行该协议。塞拉利昂政府负责人签字中国国际基金有限公司负责人签字中铁建负责人签字。6.


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