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.Housing for the purchase of second-hand attention three practical problemspurchase second-hand housing both home and investment will encounter some real problems to be solved, attention must be paid to the purchase of the former three. unit buildings. Many people believe that only the old cottage will be taken, do not buy the cottage can avoid this problem. In fact, many of the old city there are multi-storey buildings as well. Therefore, consumers in the purchase of second-hand housing for the former must be taken to the Housing Advisory and whether questioning. normal circumstances, 1912, the house will be relocated to the district in the center of real estate transactions, J, K found that only include housing demolition notice, real estate transaction management transfer will not be complete. In addition, property buyers can also host district property to remove Section Advisory Board related. Secondly, some localities five years, or even 10 years ago were included in the planning, but because of various reasons, have not taken. It is understood that real estate transactions are allowed for the sale of this house. To avoid buy such houses, property buyers may wish to ask about the local police station here has frozen accounts to know that sooner or later, it is necessary to freeze the accounts of housing buildings. In addition, there are plans to relocate the house in the real estate Bureau no record of local accounts are not frozen, it will be property buyers concerned about the overall urban planning. If busy consumers can help to intermediary companies such enquiries. unit for industrial and commercial registration. 1 consists of three buildings : pure living, and commercial and residential composite buildings, commercial buildings. According to the Commerce and Industry Bureau, if desired technology, development or advisory services, residential rooms can buy general; If you want to engage in catering, such as business sales on the need to buy commercial and residential composite floor inside purely commercial building or renting housing; But if the scope of the other business in more than words on the need to purchase original. Therefore, if property buyers want to buy a company, we must first define their business and then decide what kind of house to buy. Different types of housing, price differences will be obvious. accounts into effect. Many consumers buy second-hand houses in the neighboring house is about the elite schools to address their children to school, but property buyers should pay attention only to the original accounts from the seller, can move into a new account procedures. If the original owner does not cooperate, things will go very troublesome. Therefore, the purchase of the best provisions in the annex to the contract in order to avoid later trouble. In addition, different police stations or requirements, according to the specific circumstances of the specific address and the original property buyers now buy housing to the specific location. 购买二手房需注意三个现实问题购买二手房无论是自住、投资,都会遇到一些现实问题需要解决?购买前一定要注意以下三个问题。拆迁。许多人认为,只有老式平房才会拆迁,不买平房就能避免这一问题了。其实不然,我市有不少年代久远多层也存在拆迁的可能。所以,消费者在购买二手房前一定要对房屋是否拆迁进行咨询和查问。通常情况下,一两年内将被拆迁的房子,能够在各区的房地产交易所?J中心?K查到,而已列入拆迁公告的房屋,房地产交易管理部门将不予办理过户。另外,购房者还可以向所在区县房地产局的拆迁科咨询相关情况。其次,有些地方年、甚至年前就被列入规划,但是因为种种原因,至今未拆迁。据悉,房地产交易中心是允许这种情况的房子进行买卖的。而为了避免买到这样的房子,购房者不妨到当地派出所询问一下这里的户口是否已被冻结,要知道,冻结户口的房屋早晚是要被拆的。另外,还有一些规划中要拆迁的房子在房地产局没有记录,当地的户口也没被冻结,那么就需购房者关注一下的城市整体规划了。如果消费者工作繁忙,也可委托中介公司帮助查询这类问题。办理工商登记。楼房一共分三种:纯居住楼、商住两用楼、商用楼。根据工商局的要求,如果想做科技、开发或者咨询服务,买一般的住宅房就可以了;如果想从事餐饮、销售之类的业务就需要买商住两用楼里面的商用房或者纯粹的商用楼里的房屋;但如果要从事超过上述范围的其他业务的话就必须购买商用房。因此,购房者如果是想买房开公司的话,首先要明确自己公司的业务,再决定买什么样的房子。房屋种类不同,价格上也会有明显差异。户口迁入。购买二手房中的许多消费者是看好房子周边的名校以解决子女入学问题,但购房者需注意,只有把原卖方户口迁出之后,才可办理新户口迁入手续。如果原房主不配合,事情办理会很麻烦。所以,购房时最好将该条款写入合同附件中,以免事后出现麻烦。另外,不同派出所要求也不一样,具体情况要根据购房者原来的具体住址和现在所买房屋的具体位置来定。欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用致力于合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求ppt课件设计制作,word文档制作,图文设计制作、发布广告等,公司秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意!感谢您下载我们文档7.

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