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2020版人教PEP版四年级下册期中质量检测英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、阅读回答问题根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Mr. Jobs is at the window of a train at a station. He is going to New York and he is very angry. The train began moving and an old porter (搬运工) came to the window.Mr. Jobs called out angrily to the porter, “I gave you my luggage (行李) an hour ago. But you didnt put it in the train. Why isnt it here? And where did you put it?”The porter looked at Mr. Jobs and said, “I looked for you everywhere, but I didnt find you. Your luggage isnt so foolish (愚蠢的) as you are. You are in the wrong train. This one is going to Washington.”1 . Wheres Mr. Jobs?_2 . Why is Mr. Jobs angry?_3 . Is he going to New York or Washington?_4 . Where is Mr. Jobs luggage?_5 . Is Mr. Jobs in the wrong train?_二、判断题6 . 判断下面句子中单词画线部分的读音是否相同。1.sunny run(_)2. whosewhere(_)3.sit his(_)4. Maths have(_)5. crosscrycraft(_)三、选内容补全对话根据短文内容补全下列对话。A: Excuse me.7 . .B: Go straight along this road. Then turn left and you will see the zoo.A: 8 . ?B: No, it isnt. Its close by.A: Thank you.B: 9 . .A: Good bye!B:10 . .11 . 选择合适的句子,完成对话。A. Go along this street.B. Thank you.C. How far is it from here?D. Where do you want to go?E. You can see it on you right.Daniel: Excuse me, I lost my way(迷路了)?Lucy: 【小题1】Daniel: I want to go to the cinema.Lucy: OK, 【小题2】【小题3】Daniel: 【小题4】Lucy: Its about two kilometres away.Daniel: 【小题5】Lucy: Not at all.四、看图题12 . Read and judge. 观察约翰的作息表,照样子在横线上写出正确的时间,并用to和for完成Time引导的句子。例:It is 8 oclock. Time for breakfast.1. Its _. Time _ English class. 2. Its _. Time _ have lunch.3. Its _. Time _ music class.4. Its _. Time _ PE class.5. Its _. Time _ dinner.13 . 根据图片,选出合适的单词,将句子补充完整。1. It has_ eyes. ( big/small) 2. The_ is my new friend. (girl/boy) 3. -Wheres the ball?-Its_ the chair. (on/under)4.Lets buy some_ (oranges/grapes) 五、仿写对话14 . Look and write. 看图,照样子写一写,注意句子的书写规则。提示词:cold hot rainy snowy cloudy例:Is it sunny? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、阅读回答问题1、二、判断题1、三、选内容补全对话1、2、四、看图题1、2、五、仿写对话1、

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