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2020年(春秋版)人教PEP版六年级上册期末测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Can you swimcan you play table tennis?AbutBorCof2 . -_ ( )-No, she hasnt.AHave she got a new pen?BHas she got a new pen?CHave you got a new pen?3 . 你来参加我的生日聚会吗?( )AYou will come to my birthday party.BWill you come to my birthday party?CYou come to my birthday party.4 . My uncle works _ sea. ( )AinBatCon5 . I live _ Nanjing Street. ( )AinBonCat6 . I want _ a dictionary. ( )AbuyBto buyCbuying7 . Im going to _ a comic book.AbuysBreadingCbuy8 . Weuse too many plastic bags. ( )AcanBshouldntCwould like to9 . How _your aunt go to work? ( )AdoBdoesCDo10 . -Whos that_?( )-She is my grandmother.AmanBwoman11 . Let _ take the No. 506 bus to school. ( )AusBweCour二、阅读选择阅读理解,选择正确的答案。This is a picture. Its about some animals. What are they doing? Oh! Two kangaroos are jumping. A bear is playing with people. There are three lions sleeping. A baby tiger is walking. Its mother is looking at her baby. The baby panda is climbing a tree. Its so cute.12 . There are_ kangaroos in the picture. ( )AoneBtwoCthree13 . A bear is_. ( )AjumpingBsleepingCplaying with people14 . Three lions_. ( )Aare sleepingBsleepingCis sleeping15 . _is walking. ( )AThe mother tigerBA baby tigerCThe baby panda三、汉译英16 . 一只兔子每天睡11个小时。A rabbit_ 11 hours a day.四、判断题Read and judge.(读一读,判断下列单词是“T”否“F”是同类)17 . wherethere _18 . ourtheir _19 . Maywill _20 . autumnApril _21 . tripalways _五、句型转换句型转换22 . The elephant is drinking water. (对划线部分提问)_23 . Is there a cinema near here? (做肯定回答)_24 . We visited the Great Wall last summer. (对划线部分提问)_25 . It is important to all people. (变为否定句)_26 . He often helps his mother do housework. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ help his mother _ housework?六、书面表达27 . 作文。同学们,你的爸爸妈妈做什么工作?他们每天怎么去上班?你自己的理想职业是什么呢?写一篇短文向我们介绍一下吧。要求:1、条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范。 2、不少于6句。_ 第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、汉译英1、四、判断题1、五、句型转换1、六、书面表达1、

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