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2020年牛津上海版(三起)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(六)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Katie always _ early every day. ( )Agets upBget upCgetting to2 . 选出不同类的一项。( )1.A.museum B.shop C.postcard( )2.A.right B.turn C.left( )3.A.behind B.near C.buy( )4.A.go B.by C.get( )5.A.LondonEye B.Tiananmen C.theThames3 . -What_ you like? ( )-Id like_ soup.Ado; someBwould; aCwould; some4 . -Do you have_grapes?( )-Yes, I have _grapes.Aany, someBsome, anyCsome, some5 . - How many_ are there?( )-Two.AgiraffeBgiraffes6 . Can you help me _ some housework? ( )Ato doingBdoCdoing7 . 让我们去打乒乓球。( )ALets play ping-pong.BLets play football.8 . Who_thepolicemen_?( )Ais,listeningtoBare,listeningCis,listenDare,listeningto9 . dog is big. ( )AABAnCThe10 . Is there a shop around here? ( )Yes, _ .Ait isBthere isntCthere is11 . 找出不同类的单词。(_)1. A. schoolB. planeC. ship(_)2. A. takeB. pickC. train(_)3. A. skateB. bookC. jump(_)4. A. nearB. whyC. who(_)5. A. clothesB. princeC. fairy12 . _ is the street? ( )Its about 5 kilometres long.AHow oldBHow longCHow big13 . Li Ming gets up _ seven oclock _ the morning. ( )Aat; inBin; atCat; on14 . You _ very big then, Mr Wu! ( )AareBwerentCarent15 . The bags are full books. ( )AinBforCof16 . I would like _ pop. ( )Aa pair ofBa bottle ofCa bottle17 . Ill write_ad.? (?)AaBanC二、阅读选择读短文。根据内容选择正确的答案Shenzhou IX flew into space with two men and one woman on June 16th, 2012. On June 29th, Shenzhou IX returned to the earth and all three taikonauts were good.The woman taikonaut is Liu Yang. She was born in 1978 in Henan Province(省). In 1997, she joined the army and became a pilot(飞行员). In 2010, She became one of the taikonauts. And she was the first woman taikonaut in China.Two men taikonauts are Jing Haipeng and Liu Wang. Jing Haipeng was born in 1966 in Shanxi Province. He joined the army in 1985. Liu Wang was born in 1969 in Shanxi Province. He joined the army in 1988.They are all great taikonauts. And we are proud of them.18 . Shenzhou IX spent about_ days in space. ( )A30B13C1619 . Shenzhou IX flew into space with _ men and one woman. ( )AtwoBfourCthree20 . Liu Yang was the _ woman taikonaut in China. ( )AlastBthirdCfirst21 . Jing Haipeng was born in_.( )A1966B1978C196822 . Liu Wang_ in 1988. ( )Abecame a pilotBbecame a taikonautCjoined the army三、填空题23 . 根据图示补全句子:Heres a_ for you.24 . 选用方框中的词语,并用其适当形式填入短文。Interesting,both,a visit,they,when,sport,thing,take,stay,no longerSkin-diving is a newtoday.This sport takes you into a wonderful new world.It is liketo the moon!When you are under water,it is easy for you to climb big rocks,because you areheavy.Here,under water,everything is blue and green.During the day,there is enough light.When fish swim nearby,you can catchwith your hands.When you have tanks of air on your back,you canin deep water for a long time.But you must be carefulyou dive in deep water.To catch fish is one of theparts of this sport.Besides,there are most uses for skin-diving.You can clean ships withoutthem out of the water.You can get manyfrom the deep sea.Now you see that skin-diving isuseful and interesting.四、任务型阅读25 . 读信件,判断正(T)误(F)。Dear John,My name is Feng Yang. Im a boy. Im a student in Grade 5. I often help my father and mother do housework on weekends. I can sweep the floor, set the table, do the dishes and make the bed at home. But I cant cook the meals. My mother says it is very dangerous(危险). But I would like to have a try. Please tell me something about yourself(你自己).Your pen pal,Feng Yang( )1. Feng Yang is Johns pen pal.( )2. He can help his parents do housework at home.( )3. He can cook the meals and sweep the floor.( )4. He doesnt want to cook the meals.( )5. He is helpful at home.五、句型转换26 . 按要求完成下列各题。【小题1】I have a bad cough.(对划线部分提问)_ with you?【小题2】I have a fever.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ a fever?【小题3】The Brown Hospital is over there.(对划线部分提问)_ the Brown Hospital?【小题4】-_ I go to _ tomorrow?(看答句写问句)-No. You should take a good rest.【小题5】worry, dont, your, lessons, about (.) (连词成句)_六、匹配题给下列句子选择恰当的汉语意思。A. 小心!B. 外面很冷。C. 喝些牛奶吧。D. 我能喝些汤吗?E. 今天天气非常热。27 . Have some milk. (_)28 . Its very hot today. (_)29 . Can I have some soup? (_)30 . Be careful! (_)31 . Its cold outside. (_)七、连词成句连词成句。32 . you, are, what, do, to, going (?)_33 . vacation, in, your, you, are, going, where (?)_34 . going, am, I, for, match, a, football, train, to (.)_35 . I, going, do, homework, am, to, my (.)_36 . is, coming, vacation, winter, the (.)_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、2、四、任务型阅读1、五、句型转换1、六、匹配题1、七、连词成句1、

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