2019年外研版(三起)英语四年级下册Unit 1 She's a nice teacher. 练习卷A卷

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2019年外研版(三起)英语四年级下册Unit 1 She's a nice teacher. 练习卷A卷_第1页
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2019年外研版(三起)英语四年级下册Unit 1 She's a nice teacher. 练习卷A卷_第2页
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2019年外研版(三起)英语四年级下册Unit 1 She's a nice teacher. 练习卷A卷_第3页
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2019年外研版(三起)英语四年级下册Unit 1 Shes a nice teacher. 练习卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Your shoes are size 40. I wear size 38 shoes. Your feet are _ than mine. ( )AbiggerBsmallerCthinner2 . Lin Tao always _his friends. ( )AhelpsBhelpChelping3 . Is that a ruler?-_, Its a pen.AYes ,that is.BNo,it is.CNo ,that isnt.DNo,it isnt.4 . I wanta science teacher one day. ( )AtoBto beCto do5 . Whatdoyouoftendo _? ( )Ioftenmakeasnowman.AinsummerBinwinterCinautumn6 . 你是一个害羞的医生。( )AYoure a shy teacher.BYoure a shy doctor.7 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AbadBshyClittle8 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AnaughtyBshyCanswer9 . ( )AorangeBgreen10 . 但是他有点儿害羞。( )ABut hes a bit shy.BAnd hes a bit shy.11 . But shes _ shy. ( )AbitBa bitCa12 . Let _ go to the park now. ( )AusBisCwe13 . They _ my friends. ( )AamBisCare14 . Point to the desk! ( )A指向椅子!B指向书桌!15 . I want to eat some rice. Im _. ( )AfunnyBwarmChungry二、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Hello, everyone. Im a pupil. They are my friends. This is Wang Dan. Shes a bit shy. This is Li Ling. She is very clever. This is Liu Qiang. He is a naughty boy, but not bad. They are very nice.16 . Im a pupil. (_)17 . Wang Dan is a shy girl. (_)18 . Li Ling is very naughty. (_)19 . Liu Qiang is clever. (_)20 . Liu Qiang is very bad. (_)三、选内容补全对话21 . 根据汉语提示选词填空。AshyBnaughtyCpupilDcleverEniceMs Smart is a _ (亲切的)teacher. Alice is a bit _(害羞的). John is a _(聪明的)boy. Xiaoyong is a bit _(淘气的). Mike is a good _(学生).四、匹配题22 . 为下列句子选择正确的答语。ANo, there isnt.BYou can take a bus at the bus stop and get off at Green Street.CGo along the street and you can see the hospital on the right.DIts behind the bank.EYou are welcome.( ) (1) How can I get to the Childrens Park?( ) (2) Is there a shop near the park?( ) (3) Where is the bookstore?( ) (4) Thank you.( ) (5) Can you tell me the way to the hospital?第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、任务型阅读1、三、选内容补全对话1、四、匹配题1、

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