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2019年人教PEP版六年级上册期末测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . These are Bettys books. _, please. ( )AGive it to herBGive them for herCGive them to her2 . -What does she _? ( )-She _ some meat.Aneeds, needsBneeds, needCneed, needs3 . Im Lucy. ( )AIm from the UK.BIm from Australia.4 . What_? ( )I hurt my foot last Sunday.AhappenedBhappenChappensDhappening5 . Tellabout your holiday, please. ( )AweBusCours6 . 读一读,选出每组中不同类的一项。(_)1. A. danceB. drawC. cartoon(_)2. A. photoB. bottleC. sing(_)3. A. plantB. besideC. behind(_)4. A. MondayB. bikeC. boat (_)5. A. thereB. riverC. lake7 . There will be strong . ( )AwindBwindyCwindly8 . do you do at home, Lingling? ( ) I often iron the clothes.AWhereBHowCWhat9 . 选出不同类的单词,在下面画横线。1.A.mother B.brother C.teacher2.A.duck B.desk C.chair3.A.plane B.pear C.peach4.A.small B.giraffe C.short5.A.fifteen B.twelve C.friend10 . 选出下列每组单词中与其他不属于同一类的选项。(_)1. A. desk B. bird C. chair(_)2. A. talk B. class C. drink(_)3. A. here B. this C. that(_)4. A. ruler B. robot C. rubber(_)5. A. beautiful B. lovely C. five11 . 选出不是同一类的单词。【小题1】AMarchBMonthCMay【小题2】AspringBsummerCseason【小题3】AMid-autumn DayBThanksgiving DayCChristmas Day【小题4】AfirstBthirdCthree12 . Readandchoosetheworddoesntbelong(选出不同类的单词):(_) 1.A.yellowB.windowC.brownD.purple(_) 2.A.flowerB.stalk茎C.talkD.roots(_) 3.A.JuneB.JulyC.MarchD.mother(_) 4.A.sunnyB.rainyC.AprilD.windy(_) 5.A.ChinaB.weatherC.AustraliaD.America二、阅读选择13 . This is a photo of my family. There are five people in my family. Look, the boy is me. My sister is next to(在旁边)me. The old man is my grandpa , the old woman is my grandma. My father is a doctor. My mother is an English teacher, she loves her students.阅读理解并选择合适的选项( ) 1.Who is next to me?A. My mother . B. My sister.( ) 2. My father is a _.A. teacher. B. doctor( ) 3. My mother is a _ .A. teacher. B. Doctor( ) 4. How many people are there in the family?A. four B. five( ) 5. Does my mother love her students?A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt.三、填空题14 . 把下面的单词分类(只写序号)。AdogBgreenCpandaDyellowEcatFblueGbird H. black1.动物类:_2.颜色类:_四、任务型阅读阅读短文,完成文段后的练习。根据短文内容判断正误。Lily had a short holiday. She went to Xian and visited her uncle. She went there by car. She played with her cousin on the first day. The next day, she visited Huaqingchi with her parents. She took many beautiful pictures. On the third day, she climbed a mountain with her uncle, aunt and her cousin. She stayed in Xian for three days. On the fourth day, she came back home and did her homework.15 . Lily went to Xian with her uncle. (_)16 . Lily visited Huaqingchi on the first day. (_)17 . Lily went to Xian by car. (_)18 . Lily climbed a mountain on the third day. (_)19 . Lily stayed in Xian for four days. (_)五、填内容补全对话首字母短文填空。Kate is an American high school student. One day in September, her English teacher, Mr. Smith, said to the students in his class, “I think you must do lots of i20 . things during the summer holidays. Write about one of them in about 110 words and remember to b21 . it to me next week.” Kate thought about the homework for a l22 . time, but she couldnt think of a23 . good. Thenshe c24 . her friend Mary on the telephone and asked her about the homework. Mary said that she was writing about s25 . in the lake. She learned how to swim this summer holiday.Soon after that, Kate decided (决定)to w26 . about bird watching. During the summer, her father took her to the lake to watch birds in August. It was not so e27 . to write about it in about 110 words, but she tried her best.In English class, Mr. Smith said that Kates s28 . was the most interesting and told her to read it to e29 . . Kate was very happy.六、连词成句30 . 连词成句1. our, talk, lets, food, about (.)_2. any, problem, A, Menu, there, is, with (?)_3. it, why, you, do, like (?)_4. is, because, sweet, ice cream (.)_5. delicious, are, hamburgers (.)_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、填内容补全对话1、六、连词成句1、

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