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2019-2020年度人教PEP版六年级下册小升初全真模拟测试英语试卷(三)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ subject do you like best? ( )AWhatsBwhatCWhat2 . - Can you help _ with _ Chinese?- OK.Ame, meBhe,hisCme, my3 . _ eggs do you need?Nine.AHow muchBHow manyCHow often4 . International Childrens Day is on theof June. ( )AfirstBfourthCfifth5 . Itsoutside. I can wear a dress!( )Awarm enoughBenough warmCcold enoughDenough cold6 . It _ a long body. ( )AhasBhave7 . You are _ young _ go. ( )Ato; toBtoo; toCtoo; for8 . -_are the noodles? ( )-Its twenty yuan.AHow manyBHow oldCHow much9 . 根据所给的单词选择正确的中文意思(_) 1. China A. 中国 B. 中国人(_) 2. Easter A. 复活节 B. 感恩节(_) 3. sky A. 风筝 B. 天空(_) 4. map A. 帽子 B. 地图(_) 5. camera A. 手机 B. 照相机10 . _ season do you like best? ( )Summer.AWhichBWhatsCWhichs二、任务型阅读读短文,完成题目。At weekends, many families go on an outing. Some go to the parks. Some go to the shopping centers.Mr Liu likes taking his family to the beach for a swim and a picnic. They enjoy the day there. They like to swim in the sea and relax on the sandy beach. His daughter likes to play games on the beach. Mrs Liu brings sandwiches, cakes and drinks for the family. They are happy to have time together. They have lots of fun and they love each other.11 . Many families go shopping at weekends. ( )12 . Mr. Lius family has a picnic at the park. ( )13 . Mr. Lius daughter doesnt like to play on the beach. ( )14 . Mrs. Liu brings food and drinks. ( )15 . They love each other. ( )16 . When do many families go on an outing?_17 . Who likes to play games on the beach?_18 . What does Mrs Liu bring for the family?_阅读短文,判断正误。The air is everywhere around us. Air has no colour. We cant see it. When it moves, we can feel the air. Air is very important to our lives. People and plants cant live without it. If there was no air, there would be no life.Aeroplanes cant fly without air. The air holds up the planes. We cant make fire (生火) without air. If you cover (盖住) a burning (燃烧的) candle with a glass. It will quickly go out (熄灭).Sound spread (传播) through the air. Without air, we cant hear.19 . There is no air around us.(_)20 . We cant see or feel the air.(_)21 . All the living things need air to live.(_)22 . We cant make fire with air.(_)23 . We cant hear the sound through air.(_)三、选内容补全对话补全对话:选择合适的句子放在横线上,注意有两项是多余的。A. Who is your Chinese teacher?B. When do you have Chinese?C. Why do you like Chinese?D. How many subjects do you have?E. What subject do you like?F. Do you like her?G. What about you?A: Do you like math, John?B: No, I dont.A: 24 . B: Chinese. A: 25 . B: Because(因为)it is very interesting. A: 26 . B: My Chinese teacher is Ms. Green. A: 27 . B: Yes. I like her very much. I like her classes, too. A: 28 . B: I have Chinese on Mondays and Fridays.四、匹配题看图选单词。AeggBflowerCdumplingsDpotatoEtomatoFmilkGfish H. rice I. juice29 . (_)30 . (_)31 . (_)32 . (_)33 . (_)34 . (_)35 . (_)36 . (_)37 . (_)38 . 为下列句子选择正确的译文。1、Look at my clock.( )2、Its time for math class. ( )3、Its 9:45. ( )4、Breakfast is ready! ( )5、What time is it? ( )A早餐准备好了。B现在9点45了。C看我的表。D现在几点了?E、 上数学课的时间到了。五、仿写句子39 . 仿照下列短文写一段话,不少于5句话。范文:This is Lily. She is a beautiful girl. She is wearing a red sweater and a black skirt. Look at her shoes. They are new and nice. I like them very much._第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、任务型阅读1、2、三、选内容补全对话1、四、匹配题1、2、五、仿写句子1、

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