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2019-2020年度人教PEP版五年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷(一)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Its sunny today. Im going to _. ( )Agoing shoppingBwent shoppingCgo shopping2 . -What _this? ( )-Its a duck.AareBisCam3 . does your uncle live? ( )He lives Sunshine Town.AWhere; onBWhere; inCWhat; in4 . She comes to school _ taxi. ( )AonBinCby5 . _ it rainy? ( )AisBIsCAre二、阅读选择6 . 根据表格内容,选择正确的答案。TimeSaturdaySundayMorningAfternoonMorningAfternoonDadfishingplaying chessswimmingMumhouseworkmaking cakesswimmingKenChinese lessonpiano lessonEnglish lessonswimming【小题1】_ is the busiest (最忙碌的) at weekends. ( )ADadBMumCKen【小题2】Its 10:00 on Saturday morning. Dad is_. ( )AfishingBplaying chessCmaking cakes【小题3】When does Mum do housework? ( )AOn Saturday. BOn Sunday. CIn the afternoon.【小题4】How many lessons does Ken have on Saturday? ( )AOne.BTwo.CThree.【小题5】What are their favourite sport? ( )AFishing.BSwimming.CPlaying the piano.三、情景交际根据实际情况回答问题。7 . Which colour do you like best?_8 . Whats seven and five?_9 . What are you doing now?_10 . Who is your best friend?_11 . Whose English is better, you or your friend?_12 . 询问别人某物有多少时,你可以这样问:( )AHow many?BWhats this?CHow are you ?13 . 很久没见好朋友李明了,见到他时你会怎样问候他呢?( )AHow are you?BHow old are you?14 . “很高兴见到你”用英语怎么说?( )ANice to meet you.BHow are you?15 . 当向同学询问教室在哪儿时,你应该说:_ ( )AWhere is the classroom?BWhere is the music room?CWhere is the art room?四、英汉混合英汉互译。16 . 我的耳朵_17 . two eyes_18 . 一条腿_19 . Thank you._20 . 一张嘴_21 . Youre welcome._五、判断题判断画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。22 . birdgirldirty (_)23 . overriverweather(_)24 . talkballsmall (_)25 . hurtnursehamburg (_)26 . warmcarfar(_)六、选内容补全对话从方框中选出合适的词或短语补全短文。well, dancer, As, or, her, Tai Lihua is a Chinese 27 . . She is very beautiful. 28 . a child, she became deaf and dumb(哑的). She couldnt hear 29 . say. She was very sad. Later, she had a teacher. The teacher taught 30 . to dance. She was very hardworking. She danced very 31 . . Now she is very famous.七、看图题32 . 根据图片和首字母写出正确的单词:We are going to study Ch_ next year. 八、连词成句连词成句。33 . the, some, pictures, people, are, taking, on, square, (.) _34 . fly, kite, lets, a, (.)_35 . fly, Jenny, high, can, her, kite, very, (.)_36 . there, two, are, picture, men, in, the, (.)_37 . games, the, playing, boys, are, (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、阅读选择1、三、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、四、英汉混合1、五、判断题1、六、选内容补全对话1、七、看图题1、八、连词成句1、

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