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精选资料银行保函合作融资協議書BANK GARANTEEN OF CREDIT (BG) AGREEMENT協議號碼: Agreement No.: 交易密碼:Transaction Code: 本協議書於2014年01月 日在中国訂立,簽約雙方爲:This AGREEMENT is made in CHINA on the xx,xx, 2011 between:甲方: 集團有限公司, 先生,代表公司簽約(簡稱爲“甲方”)XXXXX LIMITED, Herein represented by its Directors, MR. XXXXX (hereinafter referred to as “the First Party”) of the one part.And, 及乙方:中国 有限公司, 先生,代表公司簽約(簡稱爲(簡稱爲乙方)。XXXXX LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as “the Second Party”) of the other part.鑑於甲方以公司和法律全責及作僞受罰的原則保證:甲方具有開出银行保函的能力及經驗。WHEREAS the First Party warrants with full corporate and legal responsibility under penalty of perjury that the First Party has the financial capacity, capability and experience to cause the issuance of BG.鑑於乙方以公司和法律全責及作僞受罰的原則保證: 乙方具有融資資格、財力、能力和經驗,提供必要的貸款款項。WHEREAS the Second Party warrants with full corporate and legal responsibility under penalty of perjury that Second Party has the financial capacity, capability and experience to provide the necessary loans.因此,甲方願意開出銀行BG,乙方願意提供貸款給甲方作項目投資。現在根據雙方的承諾,主張和方便條件下,決定確認同意以下限期,條件和結算程式:AND WHEREAS the First Party is desirous to cause the issuance of the BG and the Second Party is desirous to provide the loans for the First Partys Investment Projects. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises, assertions and covenants herein and for other valuable consideration the parties hereby acknowledge and agree under the following terms and conditions and closing procedure:-票據: 銀行坐標: 期限: 開證銀行: 地址: BIC/SWIFT號碼: 貨幣種類: 合同总額: 第一批执行 第二批执行 第三批执行 第四批执行 操作模式: 按以下操作程式操作程式:CLOSING PROCEDURE1. 雙方簽署該合作融資協議書,同時由雙方提供各自的公司資料. 董事會決議和授權簽署代表的證件掃描件以及各自的銀行座標Upon signing this agreement, both parties provided scanned passport copy of signatory, Company Resolution and Certificate of Corporation.2. 乙方首先向甲方出示授信額度證明書,受益人為收證方。Second Party provided the bank credit line facility letter and let First Party knew Public Bank 3. 同時甲方提供公司及開證銀行坐標給乙方,由乙方到銀行備案。First Party will provide her full banking detail to Second Party for reference. 4. 甲乙雙方于各自銀行備案后,甲方立即通知開證銀行向乙方的收證銀行以:MT199/799發出預開證通知書,乙方銀行收到甲方銀行的預開證通知書後即用MT799回覆于開證銀行。同時甲方派員在乙方銀行帳戶加簽聯名。甲方得到上述保證後在三天内,即通知開證銀行向乙方收證銀行發送:MT760電開本至乙方收證銀行,乙方銀行查證無誤後,在三天内, 乙方將百分之 的BG面值現金轉到甲方受益人的賬户。First Party will instruct her Bank to issue MT199/799 pre-advice to Second Partys Bank , after the replied by Second Partys Bank through MT 799, First Party will go to the Second Partys Bank for adding a joint account signature in the receiving account of MT760 , First Partys Bank will issue MT760 to Second Partys joint account within three days. After authentication, Second Party will release % value of BG face amount to First Partys designated account within three days.5 甲方收到貸款後,在七個銀行工作天内通過國際銀行信差將BG正本快遞送到乙方的銀行賬户收。Within Seven (7) Banking Days after the receipt of the loan proceeds, the First Party should courier the original hard copy of the BG to the Second Partys Receiving Bank via International Bank bonded courier.6. 在BG到期日,乙方自行向BG開證行100% 保兌該BG。Second Party is responsible to draw against the 100% BG face value with the BG Issuing Bank upon expiry date of the BG.其他條款:OTHER CONDITIONS1. 允許簽字權 SIGNING AUTHORITY雙方以公司和法律全責及作僞受罰的原則保證下:各方均有完全的權力和合法的資格,得到合式的授權,來實行並完成這份協定。Both parties warrant and undertake with full corporate and legal responsibility under the penalty of perjury that each party is fully empowered legally qualified and duly authorized to execute and implement this Agreement.2. 不允許的聯繫 UNAUTHORIZED COMMUNICATION:與本協議書無關的人和公司,各方銀行和銀行官員之間彼此絕對不允許進行聯繫,這種聯絡一經發現,受害方有權令其停止。Any person and company not related to this Agreement shall be RESTRICTED from communication made to either partys respective banks and/or bank officers. Such unauthorized communication shall be subject to a cease and desist order by the aggrieved party.3. 不逾越和不泄露 NON-CIRCUMVENTION AND NON-DISCLOSURE本協定要求簽約各方,同意國際商會制訂的不逾越和不泄露的規則,並嚴格遵守。這規定自簽約日起五年內仍有效,這一規定對各方職員,合夥人,受認人及被指定人均有約束力。All parties agree that non-circumvention and non-disclosure under the regulations of the International Chamber of Commerce shall apply to this Agreement and are strictly adhered to. This shall remain in effect for a period of Five (5) Years from the date of this Agreement and binds all parties inclusive of their employees, associates, transfers and assigns.4. 修改 MODIFICATION對本協定的任何修改均要採取書面形式作爲先決條件,修改後的條款各方都必須要遵守和實行。Any and all modifications of this Agreement shall be made in writing and must be executed by all parties as a condition precedent to implementation of such a modification.5. 通知 NOTICES任何一方給另一方的通知將採用書面形式,遞交的方式:(一)信差專遞(二)掛號信件(三)傳真 (四) 電子郵件、而傳真號碼及通訊處及電郵各方分別提供。Any notice to be given hereunder by either party to the other shall be in writing and delivered by (1) Courier (2) Certified Mail (3) Facsimile Transmissions or (4) E-mail, to the address or facsimile number or E-mail of the respective party as provided.6. 稅收和手續費 TAXES AND INSTITUTIONAL COSTS各方面分別自己負責交納稅款,徵收,募捐及任何進行過程中所開銷的手續費。All parties individually and separately accept liability for taxes, imposts, levies, duties, charges and any institutional costs that may be applicable in the execution of their respective roles.7. 不可抗力 FORCE MAJEURE根據ICC條款說明的不可抗力條款,各方遇到不可抗力因素將不會承擔毀僞責任。The parties hereto shall not be liable for any failure to perform under the “Force Majeure” clause as stated in the regulations of the ICC which clause is deemed to be incorporated herein.8. 協議生效 FORCES AND EFFECT本協議直至乙方兌付全部BG爲止,一直有效。這一規定對各方的繼承人、接班人、受認人、受託人、家長及代理人均具有約束力。This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the full payment of the BG by the Second Party, and it shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors, assigns, attorneys, principals and/or agents.9. 資金使用 USE OF FUNDS雙方同意:資金嚴格禁止用於購買武器,軍事裝備或用於政治和非人道主義的活動裏。Both parties have agreed the Cash Funds are strictly prohibited from using to purchase any weapons, military equipment and/or for political or inhuman activities.10. 不實行協議的罰處 NON-PERFORMANCE萬一本協議不被實行,違約方在收到違約通知後,在七天內要支付合同訂立的BG票面金額的1%(兌換成港幣)作爲賠償。同時,違約方承擔所有法律和違約責任和賠償所有損失。In the event non-performance, the default party upon receiving a Notice of Default, shall pay the other party within 7 days a 1% (converting into Hong Kong Dollars) of the BGs face value as compensation. Simultaneously, the defaulting party should bear all legal consequences and should compensate the other party for all kind of losses. 11. 仲裁 ARBITRATION對協定某一方面發生爭執,而雙方經過協商又不能解決,雙方同意按ICC請求仲裁,而法庭的判決爲最終的仲裁結果。In the event of any aspect of this Agreement is disputed by any party and cannot be resolved amicably between each other, the parties hereby agreed to have the dispute arbitrated as per arbitration laws of the ICC. 12. 完全理解 FULL UNDERSTANDING這是一份完全合格的商業契約,雙方是在完全理解並且是用口頭和書面形式來表示繼續理解時才實行本合約。任何說明和表示將不取消既成事實,都將依法人和個人的法律責任和作僞受罰的原則來執行本合約。This is a full recourse commercial contract, when executed, is the full understanding between the parties and supersedes all other understandings, whether verbal or written. All statements and representations are made without any omission of material fact and with full corporate and personal with legal responsibility under penalty of perjury.13. 語言 LANGUAGE本協議書以中文英文一式六份、雙方各執三份,具同等法律效力。This Agreement shall be executed in 6 copies both in Chinese and English which shall be legally binding. Each party shall have 3 copies with the same legal effect.雙方證人在場,有權簽字人於上述日期親手簽字及蓋章:IN WITNESSES HEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seal the day and year first above written:_ _代表甲方: 代表乙方:中国 有限公司For and on behalf of For and on behalf of The FIRST PARTY The SECOND PARTY姓名: 姓名: Name: Name: CHENG DONG 職稱:董事 / 董事 謢照/身分證號碼: G36680 Title: DIRECTOR/ DIRECTOR Passport/ID No.: G36680香港身分證號碼: HKID No.: 見證人:_ 見證人:_ Witness By: Witness By:附件一 Annex 1银行保函(由乙方提供,国际458板本) Format of BG (To be provided by Second Party) THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考可修改编辑

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