乔丹名人堂演讲稿 .docx

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乔丹名人堂演讲稿 1.乔丹名人堂演讲稿2.乔丹名人堂演讲说了什么欢迎乔丹,篮球运动的典范,欢迎天行者David Thompson, 1996年名人堂成员。女士们,先生们,再次欢迎乔丹。谢谢.谢谢我告诉过我的朋友,我会出现在领奖台上说完谢谢就转身离开。但是,我不能。我需要感谢很多人。我还要感谢今天的直播,你们不会只看到我,还会有许多熟悉的面孔。在过去的四周里,我收到了很多的问题。他们问:“你为什么会选择David Thompson?”我知道其中的原因David也知道,可能你们都不知道。我从小在北卡罗来纳州长大,当我11岁的时候,大概是1974年,David夺得了NBA总冠军。我是不支持北卡的,但是我被David Thompson所折服,不仅仅是因为篮球本身,而是因为他在其中表现出的(态度与意志),我们都经历了许多的考验与磨难,他做到了,这深深地激励了我。当我邀请他做我的主持人的时候,我知道我紧张透了,但是他非常高兴地答应了。我内心深处一直是北卡的成员,他们都知道我是一名真正属于北卡蓝的人。Smith 教练,Larry Brown,Sam Perkins,James Worthy,他们都知道。这一切都源自于我的父母。我的生涯集锦随处可见,还有什么关于我的事是你们不知道的?当我今天看到其他人发言的时候,当他们讲述他们的时候,我发现关于Jerry Sloan的很多事是我所不知道的。我们总是打电话,但是我从来不知道他小学一年级到八年级的故事。即便是David Robinson,我认识他已经很久了,但是从他的演讲中我也知道了很多事,好的坏的都有。我也知道了关于Chipson的事,我父母以前也经常谈论到他,但是有什么关于我的事是你们都不知道的?我有两个兄弟,James and Larry,身高五尺四寸和五尺五寸半,他们给予了我所能要的一切。作为兄弟,我们从小就互相竞争。我的哥哥Larry总是和我争小东西,而我每次都争不过他。我母亲这时候就会叫我们进屋,因为我们争斗的太激烈了。我大哥总是不在家,因为他当兵,一当就是31年。我体内的竞争意识的源泉还远远不止这些。我的妹妹,她比我小一岁,不喜欢一个人在家。她参加了许多额外的课程,最终和我同一年毕业。之后我们都去了北卡罗来纳大学,却比我早一年毕业。你们问我体内的竞争意识,竞争的本能源自何处,这就是答案。(它还来自)我的姐姐,她今天没有出席,我的父亲,虽然他已经不在了,但是他的精神一直陪伴着我。我的竞争意识从我第一天从事体育运动就开始萌发,任何运动,棒球,橄榄球,篮球,你们所能列举过得运动我都参加过。他们点燃了我心中的火焰,从我的父母开始,随着我的职业生涯的发展,这股火焰更加旺盛。比如史密斯教练我该对他说些什么呢?他是一个有着传奇色彩的教练。LeroldSmiths,你们可能都不了解他,他就是当年我被踢掉的时候进校队的人。他今天也在现场,他还是六尺七寸那么高,一点也没长高,水平也和以前差不多。但就是他点起了我心中的火焰为什么他可以进校队而我不能,我要证明不仅仅是针对我自己或者他,我要向教练证明你做出了一个错误的选择现在我想谈谈Robert Peterson,我的室友,当时我只知道他是北卡年度的最佳球员。但是他从来没和我比赛过。期的曝光度。我们就像两个互不关联的频道ABC和NBC,从小到大我都没在那两个台看过NBA比赛,在北卡没有CBS接收装置。于是Peterson成为了我的目标,当我有机会在球场上见到Peterson,好胜的天性使我渴望打败他。当然他本人还是不错的,但是我不认为他可以打败我。后来,他成为了我的室友。从那一刻起,他就是我竞争的目标,当然这一切他都不知道,当然后来他知道了。史密斯教练,在选拔人员的那一天,他挑了4名先发,但是却没有我的名字,这使我火冒三丈。我认为我有资格成为先发。当然他有他的理由,他认为我是一个新人,没有什么经验,这一切我完全理解。但是从一名篮球运动员的角度看,我有资格成为先发。伴随着我的职业生涯,这种竞争的意识始终陪伴着我。我很荣幸成为公牛队的一员。那时球队老板还不是杰瑞 劳恩斯多夫,而是另一群管理层:拉夫在选秀时选了我,凯文拉齐是我的第一个教练。凯文在训练时把我放在先发球员里,他为了让训练更有竞争性,会罚训练赛输掉的一队去跑步。刚开始我们这队领先,但是半场的时候,凯文把我换到了落后的那一边。我想,凯文你想试试我对吗?所以我很感谢凯文给我机会去竞争。他让我的求胜欲望更加强烈。我把这个当做激励我的动力,我知道这是为了历练我,而往往10次里面有9次second team会取得胜利。杰瑞 劳恩斯多夫我能说他什么好呢?第二年我打了七场就伤了脚,康复之后我很想打球,然后杰瑞和一帮队医就头头是道的说我每半场只能打七分钟之类的理论虽然我每天都要训练两小时我可不管这些算数上的问题。当时的选秀规则是战绩最烂的球队得到最好的选秀权,我说:你们想破罐子破摔弄个好签,这我不管,我只是想比赛和赢球,想进入季后赛,使公牛队保持那股干劲,所以我去。3.求乔丹名人堂演讲稿“Jerrys not here. I dont know whod invite him. I didnt. I hope he understands it goes a long way. Hes a very competitive person. I was a very competitive person. He said organizations win championships. I said, I didnt see organizations playing with the flu in Utah. I didnt see it playing with a bad ankle.”“Granted, I think organizations put together teams, but at the end of the day, the teams got to go out and play. I think the players win the championship, and the organization has something to do with it, dont get me wrong. But dont try to put the organization above the players.”“I was in Chicago in 1994 and at this time I had no thoughts of coming back and playing the game of basketball. Bryon Russell came over to me and said, Whyd you quit? You know I could guard you. If I ever see you in a pair of shorts “When I did come back in 1995 and we played Utah in 96, Im at the center circle and Bryon Russell is standing ne*t to me. I said, You remember the comments you made in 1994 about, I think I can guard you, I can shut you down, I would love to play against you? Well, youre about to get your chance. “Jordan then commented on former NBA greats Isiah Thomas, George Gervin and Magic Johnson freezing him out at his first All-Star Game.“You guys gave me the motivation to say, You know what? Evidently I havent proved enough to these guys. Ive got to prove to these guys that I deserve what I got at this level.He also thanked Bulls fans.“They took me in and I had to earn my keep. They believed in me. I believed in them. That marriage lasted up until now. I will always, always have the deepest warmth for the city of Chicago and the support Ive received from them.”“Other than what Ive done, I cant give back any more. And I wouldnt ask for any more. I just want them to be able to remember the things I contributed to the city. And hopefully at some point down the road, they can have another championship just so they can compare the two. I wouldnt be standing here without their support without a doubt.”谢谢.谢谢我告诉过我的朋友,我会出现在领奖台上说完谢谢就转身离开。但是,我不能。我需要感谢很多人。我还要感谢今天的直播,你们不会只看到我,还会有许多熟悉的面孔。在过去的四周里,我收到了很多的问题。他们问:“你为什么会选择David Thompson?”我知道其中的原因,David也知道,可能你们都不知道。我从小在北卡罗来纳州长大,当我11岁的时候,大概是1974年,David夺得了NBA总冠军。我是不支持北卡的,但是我被David Thompson所折服,不仅仅是因为篮球本身,而是因为他在其中表现出的(态度与意志),我们都经历了许多的考验与磨难,他做到了,这深深地激励了我。当我邀请他做我的主持人的时候,我知道我紧张透了,但是他非常高兴地答应了。我内心深处一直是北卡的成员,他们都知道我是一名真正属于北卡蓝的人。Smith 教练,Larry Brown,Sam Perkins,James Worthy,他们都知道。这一切都源自于我的父母。我的生涯集锦随处可见,还有什么关于我的事是你们不知道的?当我今天看到其他人发言的时候,当他们讲述他们的时候,我发现关于Jerry Sloan的很多事是我所不知道的。我们总是打电话,但是我从来不知道他小学一年级到八年级的故事。即便是David Robinson,我认识他已经很久了,但是从他的演讲中我也知道了很多事,好的坏的都有。我也知道了关于Chipson的事,我父母以前也经常谈论到他,但是有什么关于我的事是你们都不知道的?我有两个兄弟,James and Larry,身高五尺四寸和五尺五寸半,他们给予了我所能要的一切。作为兄弟,我们从小就互相竞争。我的哥哥Larry总是和我争小东西,而我每次都争不过他。我母亲这时候就会叫我们进屋,因为我们争斗的太激烈了。我大哥总是不在家,因为他当兵,一当就是31年。我体内的竞争意识的源泉还远远不止这些。我的妹妹,她比我小一岁,不喜欢一个人在家。她参加了许多额外的课程,最终和我同一年毕业。之后我们都去了北卡罗来纳大学,结果毕业的时候她还比我早一年。你们问我体内的竞争意识,竞争的本能源自何处,这就是答案。(还来自)我的姐姐,她今天没有出席,我的父亲,虽然他已经不在了,但是他的精神一直陪伴着我。我的竞争意识从我第一天从事体育运动就开始萌发,任何运动,棒球,橄榄球,篮球,你们所能列举过得运动我都参加过。他们点燃了我心中的火焰,从我的父母开始,随着我的职业生涯的发展,这股火焰更加旺盛。比如史密斯教练我该对他说些什么呢?他是一个有着传奇色彩的教练。Lerold Smiths,你们可能都不了解他,他就是当年我被踢掉的时候进校队的人。他今天也在现场,他还是六尺七寸那么高,一点也没长高,水平也和以前差不多。但就是他点起了我心中的火焰为什么他可。4.乔丹入选名人堂时的演讲稿和中文翻译谢谢.谢谢我告诉过我的朋友,我会出现在领奖台上说完谢谢就转身离开。但是,我不能。我需要感谢很多人。我还要感谢今天的直播,你们不会只看到我,还会有许多熟悉的面孔。在过去的四周里,我收到了很多的问题。他们问:%26ldquo;你为什么会选择David Thompson?%26rdquo;我知道其中的原因,David也知道,可能你们都不知道。我从小在北卡罗来纳州长大,当我11岁的时候,大概是1974年,David夺得了NBA总冠军。我是不支持北卡的,但是我被David Thompson所折服,不仅仅是因为篮球本身,而是因为他在其中表现出的(态度与意志),我们都经历了许多的考验与磨难,他做到了,这深深地激励了我。当我邀请他做我的主持人的时候,我知道我紧张透了,但是他非常高兴地答应了。我内心深处一直是北卡的成员,他们都知道我是一名真正属于北卡蓝的人。Smith 教练,Larry Brown,Sam Perkins,James Worthy,他们都知道。这一切都源自于我的父母。我的生涯集锦随处可见,还有什么关于我的事是你们不知道的?当我今天看到其他人发言的时候,当他们讲述他们的时候,我发现关于Jerry Sloan的很多事是我所不知道的。我们总是打电话,但是我从来不知道他小学一年级到八年级的故事。即便是David Robinson,我认识他已经很久了,但是从他的演讲中我也知道了很多事,好的坏的都有。我也知道了关于Chipson的事,我父母以前也经常谈论到他,但是有什么关于我的事是你们都不知道的?我有两个兄弟,James and Larry,身高五尺四寸和五尺五寸半,他们给予了我所能要的一切。作为兄弟,我们从小就互相竞争。我的哥哥Larry总是和我争小东西,而我每次都争不过他。我母亲这时候就会叫我们进屋,因为我们争斗的太激烈了。我大哥总是不在家,因为他当兵,一当就是31年。我体内的竞争意识的源泉还远远不止这些。我的妹妹,她比我小一岁,不喜欢一个人在家。她参加了许多额外的课程,最终和我同一年毕业。之后我们都去了北卡罗来纳大学,结果毕业的时候她还比我早一年。你们问我体内的竞争意识,竞争的本能源自何处,这就是答案。(还来自)我的姐姐,她今天没有出席,我的父亲,虽然他已经不在了,但是他的精神一直陪伴着我。我的竞争意识从我第一天从事体育运动就开始萌发,任何运动,棒球,橄榄球,篮球,你们所能列举过得运动我都参加过。他们点燃了我心中的火焰,从我的父母开始,随着我的职业生涯的发展,这股火焰更加旺盛。比如史密斯教练%26mdash;我该对他说些什么呢?他是一个有着传奇色彩的教练。Lerold Smiths,你们可能都不了解他,他就是当年我被踢掉的时候进校队的人。他今天也在现场,他还是六尺七寸那么高,一点也没长高,水平也和以前差不多。但就是他点起了我心中的火焰%26mdash;为什么他可以进校队而我不能,我要证明%26mdash;不仅仅是针对我自己或者他,我要向教练证明你做出了一个错误的选择 现在我想谈谈Robert Peterson,我的室友,当时我只知道他是北卡年度的最佳球员。但是他从来没和我比赛过。我们就像两个互不关联的频道%26mdash;ABC和NBC,从小到大我都没在那两个台看过NBA比赛,在北卡没有CBS接收装置。于是Peterson成为了我的目标,当我有机会在球场上见到Peterson,好胜的天性使我渴望打败他。当然他本人还是不错的,但是我不认为他可以打败我。后来,他成为了我的室友。从那一刻起,他就是我竞争的目标,当然这一切他都不知道,当然后来他知道了。史密斯教练,在选拔人员的那一天,他挑了4名先发,但是却没有我的名字,这使我火冒三丈。我认为我有资格成为先发。当然他有他的理由,他认为我是一个新人,没有什么经验,这一切我完全理解。但是从一名篮球运动员的角度看,我有资格成为先发。伴随着我的职业生涯,这种竞争的意识始终陪伴着我。我成为了公牛队的一员,这使我很自豪。Kerry是我的第一个教练,他尝试将我排进了先发名单中,每次当我们战况一片大好的时候,他就会把我换下来。我把这个当做激励我的动力,我知道这是为了历练我,而往往10次里面有9次second team会取得胜利。我很感激Kevin给与我的挑战,他点燃了我心中的火焰,并使这股火焰更加旺盛。第二年,我的腿骨折了,当我从伤病中恢复后,我渴望参加比赛。医生只允许我每天锻炼7分钟,而我每天打2个小时。无论如何,我只是想胜利,想进入季后赛。我想使公牛队保持那股干劲,所以我去了他的办公室,对他说:%26ldJerry,我不同意每场比赛只打14分钟,每天我可是练习2个小时。5.求乔丹入名人堂的演讲内容,谢谢我并不觉得高兴。”乔丹说:“我不希望自己站在这里,被介绍入选名人堂。你应该能明白这意味着什么你的篮球生涯彻底结束了。我一直都这么看待这件事。所以,我真的希望20多年以后这一天才会到来,或者等到我死后,等一切结束以后。”“你本来可以一直这样认为,只要换上短裤,你就能随时回到场上打球。可是,现在你进入了名人堂,你还能这么做吗?”乔丹继续说:“这是一项伟大的荣誉。这是对每一位球员最崇高的敬意。但是,对我来说,心里却总是希望你们能一直认为我还能回来,回到球场,继续打球。我真的希望你们能一直这么想,然后总是得不到一个确切的答案,我希望你们总也不会知道我到底还能不能做到(复出)。” “我还能做到吗?”乔丹有些哽咽。“不。”他随即斩钉截铁地回答道:“但是,我真的希望你们能一直那么认为。”6.乔丹入选名人堂的演讲欢迎乔丹,篮球运动的典范,欢迎天行者David Thompson, 1996年名人堂成员。女士们 ,先生们,再次欢迎乔丹。谢谢.谢谢我告诉过我的朋友,我会出现在领奖台上说完谢谢就转身离开。但是 ,我不能。我需要感谢很多人。我还要感谢今天的直播,你们不会只看到我,还会有许 多熟悉的面孔。在过去的四周里,我收到了很多的问题。他们问:“你为什么会选择Da vid Thompson?”我知道其中的原因David也知道,可能你们都不知道。我从小在北卡罗 来纳州长大,当我11岁的时候,大概是1974年,David夺得了NBA总冠军。我是不支持北 卡的,但是我被David Thompson所折服,不仅仅是因为篮球本身,而是因为他在其中表 现出的(态度与意志),我们都经历了许多的考验与磨难,他做到了,这深深地激励了 我。当我邀请他做我的主持人的时候,我知道我紧张透了,但是他非常高兴地答应了。我内心深处一直是北卡的成员,他们都知道我是一名真正属于北卡蓝的人。Smith 教练 ,Larry Brown,Sam Perkins,James Worthy,他们都知道。这一切都源自于我的父母 。我的生涯集锦随处可见,还有什么关于我的事是你们不知道的?当我今天看到其他人 发言的时候,当他们讲述他们的时候,我发现关于Jerry Sloan的很多事是我所不知道的 。我们总是打电话,但是我从来不知道他小学一年级到八年级的故事。即便是David Ro binson,我认识他已经很久了,但是从他的演讲中我也知道了很多事,好的坏的都有。我也知道了关于Chipson的事,我父母以前也经常谈论到他,但是有什么关于我的事是你 们都不知道的? 我有两个兄弟,James and Larry,身高五尺四寸和五尺五寸半,他们给予了我所能要的 一切。作为兄弟,我们从小就互相竞争。我的哥哥Larry总是和我争小东西,而我每次都 争不过他。我母亲这时候就会叫我们进屋,因为我们争斗的太激烈了。我大哥总是不在 家,因为他当兵,一当就是31年。我体内的竞争意识的源泉还远远不止这些。我的妹妹 ,她比我小一岁,不喜欢一个人在家。她参加了许多额外的课程,最终和我同一年毕业 。之后我们都去了北卡罗来纳大学,却比我早一年毕业。你们问我体内的竞争意识,竞 争的本能源自何处,这就是答案。(它还来自)我的姐姐,她今天没有出席,我的父亲 ,虽然他已经不在了,但是他的精神一直陪伴着我。我的竞争意识从我第一天从事体育 运动就开始萌发,任何运动,棒球,橄榄球,篮球,你们所能列举过得运动我都参加过 。他们点燃了我心中的火焰,从我的父母开始,随着我的职业生涯的发展,这股火焰更加 旺盛。比如史密斯教练我该对他说些什么呢?他是一个有着传奇色彩的教练。Lerold Smiths,你们可能都不了解他,他就是当年我被踢掉的时候进校队的人。他今天也在现 场,他还是六尺七寸那么高,一点也没长高,水平也和以前差不多。但就是他点起了我 心中的火焰为什么他可以进校队而我不能,我要证明不仅仅是针对我自己或者他, 我要向教练证明你做出了一个错误的选择 现在我想谈谈Robert Peterson,我的室友,当时我只知道他是北卡年度的最佳球员。但 是他从来没和我比赛过。我们就像两个互不关联的频道ABC和NBC,从小到大我都没在那两个台看 过NBA比赛,在北卡没有CBS接收装置。于是Peterson成为了我的目标,当我有机会在球 场上见到Peterson,好胜的天性使我渴望打败他。当然他本人还是不错的,但是我不认 为他可以打败我。后来,他成为了我的室友。从那一刻起,他就是我竞争的目标,当然 这一切他都不知道,当然后来他知道了。史密斯教练,在选拔人员的那一天,他挑了4名 先发,但是却没有我的名字,这使我火冒三丈。我认为我有资格成为先发。当然他有他 的理由,他认为我是一个新人,没有什么经验,这一切我完全理解。但是从一名篮球运 动员的角度看,我有资格成为先发。伴随着我的职业生涯,这种竞争的意识始终陪伴着我。我很荣幸成为公牛队的一员。那 时球队老板还不是杰瑞 劳恩斯多夫,而是另一群管理层:拉夫在选秀时选了我,凯文拉 齐是我的第一个教练。凯文在训练时把我放在先发球员里,他为了让训练更有竞争性, 会罚训练赛输掉的一队去跑步。刚开始我们这队领先,但是半场的时候,凯文把我换到 了落后的那一边。我想,凯文你想试试我对吗?所以我很感谢凯文给我机会去竞争。他 让我的求胜欲望更加强烈。我把这个当做激励我的动力,我知道这是为了历练我,而往 往10次里面有9次second team会取得胜利。杰瑞 劳恩斯多夫我能说他什么好呢?第二年我打了七场就伤了脚,康复之后我很想 打球,然后杰瑞和一帮队医就头头是道的说我每半场只能打七分钟之类的理论虽然 我每天都要训练两小时我可不管这些算数上的问题。当时的选秀规则是战绩最烂的 球队得到最好的选秀权,我说:你们想破罐子破摔弄个好签,这我不管,我只是想比赛 和赢球,想进入季后赛,使公牛队保持那股干劲,所以我去了他的办公室,对他说:“ Jerry,我说我。7.乔丹入选名人堂时的演讲原文这是我在网上看到的,对比啦一下视频差不多。.希望对你有用 Thank you! Thank you! I told my friends I would come here to say “thank you” then walked off. I cant, its no way. I get so many people I can thank. In all the videos, you never just saw me, also Scottie Pippen and the championship we won. Ive got a lot of questions over the last four weeks. Anybody says “well, why do you pick David Thompson?” I know why, David knows why and maybe you guys dont know. But as I grow up in North Carolina, I was eleven years old, 1974, I think, when David won the championship. I hated North Carolina, but I ended up in North Carolina. But I was in love with David Thompson, not just for the game basketball, but in terms of what he represented. You know, we all, as David says or said we go through trails and tribulations. And he did, and I was inspired by him. And when I called him and asked him to stand up for me, I know I shock the shit out of him. I know I did. But he is very kind to say, ”Yeath, Ill do it.” That is not disrespect to the North Carolina guy; we all know I am true blue North Carolina guy to the heart. Coach Smith, Larry Brown, Sam Perkins, James Worthy, you know all of those guys. Id like to start to my parents. You guys see all the I-likes. What is about me that you guys dont know? As I set up here and watch all the other guys give their history. So many things I didnt know about Jerry Sloan. And we lived on the phone, but I didnt know he was in a small class from the first grade to the eighth grade. Even David Robinson, I have known David for some time. You know, but I found some things, good things or bad things about him that I didnt know. And Chipson, Ive known Chipson for years. My father and my mother spent a lot time with Mike and found out good things about her, but what about me that you guys dont know? I got two brothers, James and Larry, five four and five five in height. They give me all I could ever ask for. As brothers, in terms of competition. My brother Larry is an ideal situation with small things coming with small packages. This do fall me every single day. To the e*tend that my mother used to come out and make us come in because we were fighting way too much. My older brother was always gone. He is served in the army for 31 years. And the competition didnt stop there. My sister who is one year younger than me, never want to be alone by herself. She took classes, e*tra classes, graduated from high school with me, to go to university North Carolina with me, and to graduate fairer than me. And you guys wanna know where my competition nature comes from, it came from them, it came from my older sister and she is not here today. My father who is not here today, obviously he is with us, all of us. My competitive nature has gone a long way from the first time I picked up any sports, baseball, football, run-track, basketball, anything in this class I played. They started to fire me; you know that fire started from my parents. As I moved on my career, people add wood to that fire. Coach Smith, what can I say about him? He is a legendary coach. Lerold Smith, now you guys think thats a mistake. Lerold Smith was the guy when I got kicks he got picked in the team. He is here tonight. He is still the same si* seven guy. He is not even bigger. His level is even about the same. But he started the whole process for me, because when he made the team and I didnt, I wanted to prove, not just to Lerold Smith, not just to myself, but to the coach who actually picked Lerold over me. I want to make sure he understood you made a mistake, dude. Buss Peterson, My roommate. When I first met Buss, all I heard about was that this kid from Ashville North Carolina was clearly unplayed against but he has never played against me then, so how do you come to be the player of the year? Is that some type of media, e*posure, you know I came from Wilmington, you know, where two channel, channel ABC and channel NBC that I never saw NBA at all when I grow up. They didnt have CBS receiver in North Carolina or Wilmington also. Buss Peterson became a dead on my board. When I get a chance to meet Peterson on turt. But he is a great person. It isnt the fault of his. It was just my competitive natures. I didnt think he can beat me or is better than me as a basketball player. And he became my roommate. From that point on, he became my focal point not knowingly. He didnt know it, but he did. And Coach Smith, the day when he was on the Sports Illustrated, he named four starters and he didnt name me. That burned me up, because I 。8.求乔丹名人堂演讲的英文讲稿9.乔丹在名人堂发言中说了什么.你们到底看过没有。乔丹讲的是自己过去的生活上的事情。哪有提到什么詹姆斯之类的。楼主英语不是很好把? 那些球迷是白痴,以前对抗不激烈?以前的常规赛打的跟现在的季后赛一样。你也不看看80年代末、90年代初活塞的打法,对抗N激烈。以前的对抗绝对强与现在。难道你当奥拉朱旺,马龙,尤因,罗宾逊,巴克利,N多名人堂成员当白饭吃?90年代被称为NBA整体实力最强的年代,现在能比?以前的速度后卫慢,真可笑,乔丹,佩顿,德雷克斯勒,哈达威,等等,速度不快?看看现在联盟,后卫速度快的也没几个。吉诺比利靠的是突破,要是把他放在以前,没有完美拉杆和滞空早就被搞跨了。那些球迷绝对球盲,看过90年代比赛的都知道。10.100分悬赏乔丹今年名人堂颁奖时的英文讲稿Thank you! Thank you!I told my friends I would come here to say “thank you” then walked off. I cant, its no way. I get so many people I can thank. In all the videos, you never just saw me, also Scottie Pippen and the championship we won. Ive got a lot of questions over the last four weeks. Anybody says “well, why do you pick David Thompson?” I know why, David knows why and maybe you guys dont know. But as I grow up in North Carolina, I was eleven years old, 1974, I think, when David won the championship. I hated North Carolina, but I ended up in North Carolina. But I was in love with David Thompson, not just for the game basketball, but。Thank you! Thank you!I told my friends I would come here to say “thank you” then walked off. I cant, its no way. I get so many people I can thank. In all the videos, you never just saw me, also Scottie Pippen and the championship we won. Ive got a lot of questions over the last four weeks. Anybody says “well, why do you pick David Thompson?” I know why, David knows why and maybe you guys dont know. But as I grow up in North Carolina, I was eleven years old, 1974, I think, when David won the championship. I hated North Carolina, but I ended up in North Carolina. But I was in love with David Thompson, not just for the game basketball, but in terms of what he represented. You know, we all, as David says or said we go through trails and tribulations. And he did, and I was inspired by him. And when I called him and asked him to stand up for me, I know I shocked a shoot out of him. I know I did. But he is very kind to say, ”Yeath, Ill do it.” That is not disrespect to the North Carolina guy; we all know I am true blue North Carolina guy to the heart. Coach Smith, Larry Brown, Sam Perkins, James Worthy, you know all of those guys.Id like to start to my parents. You guys see all the I-likes. What is about me that you guys dont know? As I set up here and watch all the other guys give their history. So many things I didnt know about Jerry Sloan. And we lived on the phone, but I didnt know he was in a small class from the first grade to the eighth grade. Even David Robinson, I have known David for some time. You know, but I found some things, good things or bad things about him that I didnt know. And Chipson, Ive known Chipson for years. My father and my mother spent a lot time with Mike and found out good things about her, but what about me that you guys dont know?I got two brothers, James and Larry, five four and five five in height. They give me all I could ever ask for. As brothers, in terms of competition. My brother Larry is an ideal situation with small things coming with small packages. This do fall me every single day. To the e*tend that my mother used to come out and make us come in because we were fighting way too much. My older brother was always gone. He is served in the army for 31 years. And the competition didnt stop there. My sister who is one year younger than me, never want to be alone by herself. She took classes, e*tra classes, graduated from high school with me, to go to university North Carolina with me, and to graduate fairer than me. And you guys wanna know where my competition nature comes from, it came from them, it came from my older sister and she is not here today. My father who is not here today, obviously he is with us, all of us. My competitive nature has gone a long way from the first time I picked up any sports, baseball, football, run-track, basketball, anything in this class I played.They started to fire me; you know that fire started from my parents. As I moved on my career, people add wood to that fire. Coach Smith, what can I say about him? He is a legendary coach. Lerold Smith, now you guys think thats a mistake. Lerold Smith was the guy when I got kicks he got picked in the team. He is here tonight. He is still the same si* seven guy. He is not even bigger. His level is even about the same. But he started the whole process for me, because when he made the team and I didnt, I wanted to prove, not just to Lerold Smith, not just to myself, but to the coach who actually picked Lerold over me. I want to make sure he understood you made a mistake, dude.Buss Peterson, My roommate. When I first met Buss, all I heard about was that this kid from Ashville North Carolina was clearly unplayed against but he has never played against me then, so how do you come to be the player of the year? Is that some type of media, e*posure, you know I came from Wilmington, you know, where two channel, channel ABC

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