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- 000while all terms and conditions shall be based on the chinese version of tenancy agreement, this english version shall be for reference only.shanghai municipality tenancy agreement(contract no. _) parties to contract lesser (party a) : lessee (party b) :/in accordance with the laws of contract of the people?s republic of china and the tenancy regulations of the shanghai municipality (hereinafter referred to as the provisions), party a and party b, having reached an agreement based on the principles of equality, willingness and mutual benefit, hereby enter into this contract on matters in relation to the of the1-1/ /19 /501 145 party a shall to party b the property situated at nafter referred to as the property). the total gross area of the lease property shall bemeters, the purpose of the land shall be the type of property shall be plan of the property see appendix 1 of this contract. party a has already presented to party b:1/ leasecertificate of ownership of the property (certificate no.).1-2 (/) (/)party a being the lessor/lessee relationship. before the signing of this contract, party a has already informed party b that the propertysubject to a mortgage.1-3()()2-1party b warrants to party a that the property shall be used and follows the regulations of the state and this municipality in relation to the use and management of property.2-2party b guarantee that during the lease term, it shall not alter the purpose of the property without party a?s prior written consent as well as the approval from the relevant governmental department.3-1201003 15 201011142010 12 15 2011 3 14 ,thth to is fixed lease term, from to term,party a and party b has the right to terminate the contract one month inadvance with written notice . party b could take back all the deposit if the tenant who uses the premises is appointed to other city or country.3-2 upon expiry of the lease term, party a shall have the right to repossess the property in its entirety and party b shall deliver it up accordingly. if party b wishes to renew the lease, it shall submit such intent in writing to party a the expiry of the lease and sign a new lease contract with the consent of party a.4-1/ 4-20.5%party b shall pay the rent by thethshall be subject to a penalty of of the monthly rent per day.4-3the rent shall be paid by party b as follows: bank: account name: account:5-1 rmb party a and party b have agreed that at the time of the hand over of the property by party a, party b shall pay to party a a rental deposit of the property, the deposit shall be months of rent, that isparty a shall issue a receipt to party b after receiving payment of the termination of the lesser/lessee relationship, the remaining deposit of the lease of the property obtained by party a shall be refunded to party b after setting off the fees and expenses borne by party b under the contract without interest./amortization, method and time of payment:6-1 during the lease term, if party b discovers any damages or defects of the property and facilities attached, it shall notify party a immediately for repair. party a shall carry out the repair withinin repair may be repaired by party b on party a?s behalf and the expenses incurred shall be borne by party a.6-2during the lease term, party b shall reasonably use and take good care of the property and the facilities attached. party b shall be responsible to repair _1_2_30_3430123121031_2_3_ _ _ _ _() ( )_ ()_ _ _ _ _ _ _()_ _ 12;34. _1 _3_123123 THANKS !

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