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精选资料 可修改编辑 Ref 合同编号 A B C level unit 001 Lease Contract 租赁协议 FIFTH SQUARE 第五广场 精选资料 可修改编辑 CONTENTS 目录 章 Chapter 标题 Header 页码 Page CHAPTER 1 DEFINITIONS AND THE LEASED PREMISES 3 第一章 定义和出租物业 3 CHAPTER 2 LEASE TERM AND DELIVERY OF THE PREMISES 8 第二章 租赁期限和房屋交付 8 CHAPTER 3 RENT 10 第三章 租金 10 CHAPTER 4 MANAGEMENT FEE AND OTHER FEES 11 第四章 物业管理费和其他费用 11 CHAPTER 5 DEPOSIT 14 第五章 保证金 14 CHAPTER 6 USE OF THE LEASED PREMISES 16 第六章 出租物业的使用 16 CHAPTER 7 RENOVATION OR DECORATION 17 第七章 装修或装潢 17 CHAPTER 8 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 23 第八章 维护和修理 23 CHAPTER 9 DAMAGE TO THE LEASED PREMISES 26 第九章 对出租物业的损害 26 CHAPTER 10 RENEW ASSIGNMENT AND SUB LETTING 27 第十章 续租 转让和转租 27 CHAPTER 11 COSTS 29 第十一章 费用 29 CHAPTER 12 INDEMNITY 30 第十二章 赔偿 30 精选资料 可修改编辑 CHAPTER 13 PARTY A S REPRESENTATION AND WARRANTIES 30 第十三章 甲方的陈述和保证 30 CHAPTER 14 PARTY B S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 32 第十四章 乙方的陈述和保证 32 CHAPTER 15 RETURN OF LEASED PREMISES 40 第十五章 出租物业的返还 40 CHAPTER 16 WAIVER OF LIABILITIES 42 第十六章 责任的免除 42 CHAPTER 17 BREACH OF AGREEMENT 44 第十七章 违约 44 CHAPTER 18 TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 44 第十八章 协议终止 44 CHAPTER 19 NOTICE 45 第十九章 通知 45 CHAPTER 20 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 46 第二十章 争议解决 46 CHAPTER 21 MISCELLANEOUS 46 第二十一章 其它事项 46 ANNEX 1 PARTICULARS OF RENTAL 50 附件一 租赁明细 50 ANNEX 2 FLOOR PLAN OF THE LEASED PREMISES 57 附件二 出租物业的平面图 57 ANNEX 3 HANDOVER CONDITION 58 附件三 出租物业交付状况 58 附件 59 精选资料 可修改编辑 Lease Contract 租赁协议 This Lease Agreement hereinafter referred to as this Agreement is made by and between the following parties 本租赁协议 以下简称 本 协议 由以下双方达成 1 The Fifth Square Beijing Co Ltd hereinafter referred to as Party A a company incorporated under the laws of the PRC and having its registered address at 13th Floor Tower A of Fuhua Plaza No 8 Chaoyangmen Bei Da Jie Dongcheng district Beijing 100027 the P R C 北京第五广场置业有限公司 以下简称 甲方 一家根据中国法律设立的公司 地址 北京市东城区朝阳门北大街 8 号富华大厦 A 座 13 层 邮政编码 100027 2 CO LTD hereinafter referred to as Party B a company incorporated under the laws of and having its registered address at 承租人 以下简称 乙方 详见附件一的第 1 条 一家根据 法律设立的公司 其注册地位于 WHEREAS 鉴于 Party A and Party B hereinafter referred to as the Parties have engaged in friendly negotiations in respect of Party B s rental of the Leased Premises as defined below in The Fifth Square hereinafter referred to as Office Building from Party A and the Parties hereby agree to enter into this Agreement to evidence the aforesaid 甲方和乙方 以下简称 双方 就 乙方向甲方租赁位于 第五广场 The Fifth Square 以下简 称 办公大楼 的出租物业 如后文定义 之事宜进行了友好协商 兹达成本协议 以资证明 NOW IT IS agreed as follows 现双方一致同意如下 CHAPTER 1 DEFINITIONS AND THE LEASED PREMISES 一一一 定义和出租物业 1 1 Unless the context otherwise requires the following terms as used in this Agreement shall have the meanings set forth below 除非上下文另有规定 本协议中的下列词条应具有如下含义 精选资料 可修改编辑 The Fifth Square Tenant Fit Out Guide The Fifth Square 租户装修指 南 means The Fifth Square Tenant Fit Out Guide including its appendices formulated and subject to modification by Party A and or Management Office from time to time 指由甲方和 或物业管理公司制订并不时修改 的 The Fifth Square 租户 装修指南 包括其附 件 The Fifth Square Tenant Handbook The Fifth Square 租户手册 means the The Fifth Square Tenant Handbook as formulated and subject to modification by Party A and or Management Office from time to time 指由甲方和 或物业管理公司制订并不时修改 的 The Fifth Square 租户手册 Claims 索赔 means any and all claims liabilities legal proceedings obligations damage losses fines penalties charges judgments awards amounts paid in settlement costs fees and expenses of whatever kind or nature whether known or unknown foreseen or unforeseen contingent or otherwise including without limitation legal and other professional costs and expenses on a full indemnity basis whether incurred within or outside the judicial or arbitration process 指无论何种性质的 已知或未知的 可预见或 不可预见的 偶发的或其它的 包括但不限于足 额偿付的法律及其他专业成本和费用 无论该 等成本和费用是在司法或仲裁程序过程中或过 程外发生的 任何及所有的索赔 责任 法律程 序 义务 损害 损失 罚金 罚款 收费 判决 裁决 和解中支付的金额 成本 费用和花费 Common Areas 公共区域 means the main entrance lobby lift landings staircases aisles walkways driveways green areas staircase platforms the workplace of Management Office meter room back up generator engine room pump house sprinkler system pump house firefighting pump house light wells water tanks lift engine room and other facilities of in connection with or with respect to the Office Building including but not limited to other areas and facilities allocated for the use of the owner s tenants occupiers of the Office Building and their clients employees invitees authorised persons and all other persons with right of use similar to that of the owner s but excluding areas to which any owner tenant or occupier holds an exclusive right of use 精选资料 可修改编辑 指主要入口 大厅 电梯平台 楼梯 走廊 走 道 车道 绿化区域 楼梯平台 物业管理公司 的工作场所 仪表间 备用发电机 发动机房 泵房 自动喷水灭火系统水泵房 灭火水泵房 采光井 储水池 升力发动机房与办公大楼有 关的和办公大楼的其他设施 包括但不限于分 配给办公大楼的业主 承租人 居住者及其客 户 雇员 被邀请者 被授 权者和一切其他拥有 类似业主的使用权的人员使用的其他区域和设 施 但不包括任何业主 承租人或其他居住者 拥有专属使用权的区域 Common Facilities 公共设施 means the machinery equipment instruments fixtures pipes engine room cables wires installed and the trees planted for the benefit of the Office Building excluding any facilities for the exclusive use of the individual owner tenant or occupier 指为办公大楼而安装的机器 设备 仪器 固定 设备 管道 机房 电缆 电线和种植的树木 不包括任何由个别业主 承租人或居住者专属 使用的设施 Deposit 保证金 means deposit in the amount as indicated in Clause 6 of Annex 1 attached hereto which shall be paid by Party B to Party A upon execution of this Agreement as security for Party B s observance of all provisions and performance of all its obligations under this Agreement The Fifth Square Tenant Fit Out Guide The Fifth Square Tenant Handbook as well as other rules relating to the use and management of the Common Areas and the Common Facilities formulated and or amended from time to time by Party A and or the Management Office 指乙方应于本协议签署之时 向甲方支付的数 额如附件一第 6 条所示的保证金 该保证金应 作为乙方遵守并履行本协议 The Fifth Square 租户装修指南 The Fifth Square 租户手册和其 他由甲方和 或物业管理公司不时制订的有关 公共区域和公共设施使用及管理的规定项下的 所有条款和义务的担保 Fit Out Period 装修期 means the time period granted by Party A to Party B for Party B s fitting out work in the Leased Premises see Clause 7 of Appendix I hereafter 指甲方为乙方在出租物业内进行装修工程而给 精选资料 可修改编辑 予乙方的一段时间 详见本协议附件一的第 7 条 Lease Commencement Date 租赁起始日 means the date of commencement of the lease term of the Leased Premises under this Agreement i e after the Fit out Rent Free Period described in Clause 7 of Annex I attached hereto 指本协议下租赁期限的起始日 即本协议附件 一的第 7 条免租装修期后的第一天 Leased Premises 出租物业 means the premises to be leased from Party A by Party B on the terms and conditions of this Agreement and is more particularly described in Clause 2 of Annex 1 attached hereto 指甲方根据本协议的条款和条件向乙方出租的 物业 详见本协议附件一的第 2 条 Lease Term 租赁期限 means the period of lease under this Agreement which commences from the Lease Commencement Date and is more specifically provided in Clause 3 of Annex 1 attached hereto 指本协议项下的自租赁起始日起的租赁期间 详见本协议附件一的第 3 条 Management Fee 物业管理费 means the management fees payable by Party B to the Management Office in accordance with relevant provisions of this Agreement and the amount of Management Fee per month per square meter payable under this Agreement is specified in Clause 5 of Annex 1 attached hereto 指乙方根据本协议有关条款应向物业管理公司 支付的物业管理费用 本协议项下每平方米每 月的物业管理费见附件一第 5 条的规定 Management Office 物业管理公司 means the property management company designated by Party A from time to time to manage the Office Building including Common Areas and Common Facilities 指甲方不时指定的对办公大楼 包括公共区域 和公共设施 提供物业管理服务的物业管理公 司 PRC 中国 means the People s Republic of China 指中华人民共和国 Rent 租金 means the rent payable by Party B to Party A in accordance with this Agreement and the amount of 精选资料 可修改编辑 Rent per month payable under this Agreement is specified in Clause 4 of Annex 1 attached hereto 指乙方根据本协议应向甲方支付的租金 本协 议项下每月的租金见附件一第 4 条的规定 Rent Free Period 免租期 means where applicable to this lease certain time period s during the Lease Term specified in more details in Annex 1 attached hereto as granted by Party A to Party B in accordance with relevant provisions of this Agreement during which Party B shall be exempted from paying the Rent to Party A but not property management fees public utilities fees and other fees payable herein by Party B 如适用于本租赁 指甲方根据本协议有关条款 在租赁期限内给予乙方的一段时间 详见本协 议附件一 在此期间乙方无须向甲方支付租金 但乙方仍须要支付物业管理费 公用事业费及 本协议规定的应由乙方支付的其它费用 Users 使用人 means the staff and employees agents invitees guests contractors and visitors of Party B and other occupiers or users of the Leased Premises 指乙方的职工 雇员 代理人 受邀 请者 客人 承包商和访客以及出租物业的其他居住者或使 用者 Working Day 工作日 means any day which is not Saturday Sunday or a public holiday in the PRC 指除星期六 星期日和其他中国公共假日外的 任意一天 References to Clauses and Annexes shall mean the Clauses and Annexes of this Agreement Title and sub title headings are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of the provisions 被援引的条款和附件是指本协议的条款和附件 标题和副标题的使用仅是为了 援引的方便 不应对条款的解释产生任何影响 1 2 Party A hereby lets and Party B hereby takes the Leased Premises on the terms and conditions of this Agreement Party B shall comply with the Fifth Square Tenant Fit Out Guide and The Fifth Square Tenant Handbook as well as other rules relating to the use of the Common Areas and the Common Facilities formulated and or amended from time to time by Party A and or the Management Office which together with their updates or amendments as made by Party A and or the Management Office and as informed upon written notice to Party B from time to time shall be deemed to be incorporated into this Agreement 根据本协议的条款和条件 甲方兹出租 乙方兹承租出租物业 乙方应遵守 The Fifth Square 租户装修指南和 The Fifth Square 租户手册以及其他由物业管理公 司和 或甲方不时制订和 或修改的关于公共区域和公共设施使用的规定 上述指 南 手册和规定以及不时由物业管理公司和 或甲方 就其作出并书面通知乙方的 更新和修改应被视为并入本协议 精选资料 可修改编辑 1 3 Party B shall have the right to use the Common Areas and Common Facilities together with Party A and the other tenants and occupiers of the Office Building as the case may be during the Lease Term provided that Party B shall comply with this Agreement for the avoidance of doubt including The Fifth Square Tenant Fit Out Guide and The Fifth Square Tenant Handbook and other rules relating to the use and management of the Common Areas and the Common Facilities formulated and or amended from time to time by Party A and or the Management Office 乙方有权在租赁期限内与甲方以及其他租户和居住者一起使用办公大楼内的公 共区域和公共设施 视具体情况而定 前提是乙方遵守本协议 为避免疑问 应包 括 The Fifth Square 租户装修指南和 The Fifth Square 租户手册 以及其他由物 业管理公司和 或甲方不时制订和 或修改的关于公共区域和公共设施使用及管理 的规定 1 4 Party A and Party B mutually agree that the gross floor area of the Leased Premises specified in Clause 2 of Annex 1 to this Agreement is definitive gross floor area for calculation of the Rent and that neither party shall during the entire Lease Term or the term of any lease renewal claim for any variation or change to the specified floor area or request for any re measurement of such floor area 甲 乙双方同意 附件一第 2 条所规定的出租物业的建筑面积是为计算租金而使 用的确定的建筑面积 在整个租赁或续租期限内 任何一方都不应要求更改此建 筑面积或对面积进行重新测量 CHAPTER 2 LEASE TERM AND DELIVERY OF THE PREMISES 第二章 租赁期限和房屋交付 2 1 Party B will possess the use right of the Leased Premises during the Lease Term and shall use the Leased Premises in accordance with this Agreement 乙方应在租赁期限持续地拥有出租物业的使用权 并应按照本协议的约定使用 出租物业 2 2 Party B shall enjoy a Rent Free Period if applicable see Annex I during which Party B shall be exempted from paying Rent to Party A for the lease of the Leased Premises by Party B However Party B shall make other payments in full as stipulated in this Agreement including but not limited to the Management Fee and fees for various utilities including water electricity and telephone charges and other charges of The Fifth Square as specified in The Fifth Square Tenant Handbook in accordance with this Agreement Save for the exemption from paying Rent Party B shall during the Rent Free Period perform all its obligations under and observe all provisions of this Agreement for the avoidance of doubt including The Fifth Square Tenant Fit Out Guide and The Fifth Square Tenant Handbook and other rules relating to the use of the Common Areas and the Common Facilities formulated and or amended from time to time by Party A and or the Management Office including those concerning Party B s obligations during the Lease Term 乙方应享有免租期 如有 详见附件一 在此期间 乙方无须就租赁出租物业向甲 方支付租金 但应全额支付本协议中规定的其他费用 包括但不限于物业管理费 各项公用事业费 包括水 电和电话费 和 The Fifth Square 的其他收费 包括 The Fifth Square 租户手册所示 除免付租金外 乙方应在免租期内履行其在本协议 Comment 1 其他由甲方和 或 物业管理公司不时制订和 或修改 的与公共区域 公共设施使用及 管理有关的规定 包括针对租赁 期限内乙方的义务和规定 未 经乙方书面同意 对乙方不具有约束力 因此 此处可将 以及其他由甲方 和 或物业管理公司不时制订和 或修改的与公共区域 公共设施 使用及管理有关的规定 包括针 对租赁期限内乙方的义务和规定 删去 或修改为 以及其他经乙 方书面认可的由甲方和 或物业管 理公司不时制订和 或修改的与公 共区域 公共设施使用及管理有 关的规定 包括针对租赁期限内 乙方的义务和规定 Comment 2 对于 预计交付日 和 实际交付日 应在合同条文中明确 日期 防止因甲方在乙方未作充分入场 准备之前即交付房屋造成乙方被动 而 且根据合同 2 6条规定 自 实际交付 日 起即计算装修期或租赁期 因此 此 预计交付日 和 实际交付日 不 能仅有甲方掌握 必须在合同中明确约 定或双方协商确定 精选资料 可修改编辑 为避免疑 问 应包括 The Fifth Square租户装修指南和 The Fifth Square租户 手册 下的一切义务和遵守本协议的一切规定以及其他由甲方和 或物业管理公司 不时制订和 或修改的与公共区域 公共设施使用及管理有关的 规定 包括针对租 赁期限内乙方的义务和规定 2 3 Unless Otherwise informed in written by Party A it shall intend to deliver the Leased Premises to Party B on 200 Prospective Delivery Day 除非甲方另行书面通知 甲方预计将于 200 年 月 日 下称 预计交付日 向乙方交付出租物业 2 4 Party A may send delivery notice Delivery Notice to Party B prior to the date of delivery no later than three 3 days before the Prospective Delivery Day on which the exact date of delivery of the Leased Premises Delivery Day shall be stated by Party A 甲方可在预计的交付日之前 但不得晚于预计交付日前三 3 日 向乙方发出书面 交付通知 下称 交付通知 交付通知上应载明甲方向乙方实际交付出租物业的 日期 下称 实际 交付日 2 5 The Delivery of Leased Premises to Party B shall be conducted and the formalities of delivery shall be gone through at the Property Management Office of the Office Building Management Office Party B shall go through the formalities of property lease on Prospective Delivery Day such date shall become Delivery Day in the event that Party A didn t send Delivery Notice or the Delivery Day set forth in the Delivery Notice in the event that Party A sent Delivery Notice at the Management Office Before going through such formalities Party B shall make all the payments payable by Party B by or prior to the Delivery Day in accordance of the provisions herein otherwise Party A shall not be obliged to deliver the Leased Premises to Party B Party A shall deliver Leased Premises to Party B upon the receipt of such payment in full amount and both Parties shall issue vouchers of delivery of such Leased Premises which shall be deemed that Party A has performed its obligation of delivery of Leased Premises to Party B in accordance with the provisions herein 向乙方交付出租物业及办理交付手续的地点为办公大楼物业管理处 下称 管理 处 乙方应于预计交付日 如甲方没有发出交付通知 在此情况下 该日期成为 实际交付日 或交付通知载明的实际交付日 如甲方发出交付通知 前往管理处办 理出租物业的交接手续 在办理出租物业的交接手续之前 乙方应付清根据本协 议规定乙方于出租物业实际交付日或此前应支付的所有款项 否则甲方无义务 将出租物业交付给乙方 甲方在全额收到该等支付后应向乙方交付出租物业 双 方签署出租物业交付凭证 即视为甲方已按照本协议规定条件履行了将出租物 业交付给乙方的义务 2 6 If Party B fails to go through the formalities of delivery of Leased Premises on Delivery Day or Party A fails to deliver the Leased Premises to Party B due to the fact that Party B fails to make all the payable payments by or prior to the Delivery Day in accordance of the provisions herein it is also deemed that the Leased Premises has been delivered to Party B as of the Delivery Day in accordance with provisions herein and the number of days from Delivery Day set forth herein to the day when Party B actually goes through the formalities of delivery shall also be included in the Fit Out Period or Lease Term as the case may be Party A gives Party B If Party B fails to go through such formalities of delivery within thirty 30 days after the Delivery Day Party A shall be entitled but not obliged to terminate this agreement by sending a written notice to Party B In this case Party A shall be entitled to forfeit the deposit for the purpose of reimbursement to the possible loss to be suffered by Comment 3 扣除 装修 精选资料 可修改编辑 Party A Such forfeiture shall not exclude Party A from taking any other measures of relief in accordance with provisions herein or applicable laws 如果乙方未能在实际交付日办理出租物业的交接手续 或因乙方未付清根据本 协议规定乙方于出租物业实际交付日或此前应支付的所有款项导致甲方未将出 租物业交付给乙方 则出租物业仍视为已由甲方于实际交付日按照本协议规定 的条件交付给了乙方 自本协议约定的实际交付日起至乙方实际办理交接手续 之日之天数依然计算在甲方给予乙方的装修期或租赁期限 视情况 内 如果乙 方在实际交付日起 三十 30 天内仍未办理出租物业的交接手续 则甲方有权 但无义务 经向乙方发出书面通知而终止本协议 在这种情况下 甲方有权没收 保证金作为对甲方可能遭受的损失的补偿 甲方没收保证金并不排除甲方根据 本协议或者适用法律可行使的任何其它救济措施 CHAPTER 3 RENT 第三章 租金 3 1 During the Lease Term Party B shall pay the monthly Rent for the following month to Party A on or before the 30th day of the calendar month if the month is February it should be the last day of the month with no deduction whatsoever In addition Party B shall pay one 1 month s Rent in advance to Party A upon execution of this Agreement and such one 1 month s Rent paid by Party B shall be taken as the Rent which Party B is obligated to pay for the first month of the Lease Term 在租赁期限内 乙方应在每月 30 日 或者如果是二月 为当月的最后一天 前不 作任何扣减地向甲方预付下月租金 此外 乙方应在签署本协议时向甲方预付一 个月的租金 上述由乙方支付的租金应被用作乙方有义务支付的第一个月的租 金 3 2 The Rent shall not include other fees such as the Management Fee fees for various utilities including but not limited to water electricity and telephone charges and other charges of The Fifth Square which shall be payable by Party B in accordance with this Agreement Any and all other amounts payable by Party B to Party A or a third party in accordance with this Agreement for avoidance of doubt including the The Fifth Square Tenant Fit Out Guide and The Fifth Square Tenant Handbook shall be paid separately by Party B to Party A in accordance with relevant provisions of this Agreement for avoidance of doubt including such rules guide or handbook as the case may be 租金不应包括其他费用 例如乙方应根据本协议之规定支付的物业管理费和其 他各项公用事业费 包括但不限于水 电和电话费 和 The Fifth Square的其他收费 乙方应根据本协议 为避免疑问 应包括 The Fifth Square租户装修指南和 The Fifth Square租户手册 向甲方或第三方支付的任何及所有款项应由乙方根据本 协议 为 避免疑问 视具体情况而定应包括 The Fifth Square租户装修指南和 The Fifth Square租户手册 有关条款的规定另行支付 3 3 Party B shall pay the Rent in Renminbi in accordance with the laws and regulations of PRC and shall remit the Rent to a bank account stipulated by Party A or make such payment in such other manner as consented by Party A in writing 乙方应根据中国法律 法规以人民币支付租金 并应将租金汇往甲方规定的银行 账户或者以甲方书面同意的其他方式支付 Comment 4 乙方无承担此处所指成 本与费用的义务 此约定对乙方不公 建议删除 Comment 5 所有关于租金的争议都 应该通过协商或诉讼解决 在任何情况 下 甲方均不得采取切断公用事业供应 的方式影响乙方对房屋的使用 精选资料 可修改编辑 3 4 If Party B fails to pay the Rent to Party A in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement Party B shall pay Party A a default fine of zero point zero five percent 0 05 of the total arrears for each day of default until the date when Party B pays the Rent payable in full including such default fine In addition Party B shall compensate Party A in full for all the expenses and costs incurred by Party A in respect of legal proceedings suits or such other means undertaken by Party A to recover the Rent including the default fine provided in this Clause 3 4 from Party B including but not limited to legal proceeding expenses and attorney s fees Without prejudice to any other right and or remedy of Party A under this Agreement if Party B fails to pay the Rent payable to Party A within ten 10 Working Days after the corresponding due date as provided in this Agreement Party A shall be entitled to take measures as deemed reasonable by Party A including but not limited to disconnection of utility supply such as water and electricity supply air conditioning services to the Leased Premises as well as termination of management services with respect to or in connection with the Leased Premises Within the above period of disconnection Party B shall also bear the Rent Property Management Fees and other fees set forth herein 如果乙方未能按照本协议的规定向甲方支付租金 则每延迟一日 乙方应向甲方 支付相当于其欠款总额的百分之零点零五 0 05 的滞纳金 直至乙方全额支付 了一切应付租金 包括滞纳金 此外 乙方应赔偿甲方为从乙方处取得租金 包括 本第 3 4条中规定的滞纳金 而采取的法律程序 诉讼或其他手段所花费的全部 成本和费用 包括法律程序的费用以及律师费用 在不影响甲方在本协议项下的 其他权利和 或救济的前提下 如果 乙方不能在本协议规 定的相应到期应付日后 的十 10 个工作日 内向甲方支付租金 甲方有权采取其认为合理的措施 包括但 不限于切断对出租物业的公用事业供应 包括水 电和空调 和出租物业的或与出 租物业有关的物业管理服务 在上述切断期间 乙方仍应承担支付租金 物 业管 理费及本协议约定的其他费用 CHAPTER 4 MANAGEMENT FEE AND OTHER FEES 第四章 物业管理费和其他费用 4 1 Party A may manage of its own accord or authorise the Management Office to manage the Office Building including but not limited to the Common Areas and Common


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